#seventeen hansol imagine


하지만 내 다른 부분은 사람들을 여기 두고 갈 수 없어. But the other part of me can’t leave the people here.

Description: A meeting to con Rowan Moore, a powerful and corrupt city leader, accomplished by Gang Leader Jeonghan and his crew. Which includes you and your crush (per se), Vernon. [Italicized parts are flashbacks of sorts]
{Uh, honestly, not really sure how to describe this one. Only thing I can say is that it’s inspired by the complexity of “Six of Crows” and the aesthetic of Monsta X’s music video for “Gambler” hence the title.}
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of a bombing, some suggestive comments (both negative and proper suggestive)
Genre: idk what do genre this as… pure fiction (?), GangMember!Vernon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.7k



You step up to the dealer’s stool on one side of the poker table in a secluded corner of second floor of Jeonghan’s casino, Obsidian. Picking up a brand new deck of cards, you break the seal and let the cards fall out into your hands. Your skin ignites as the smooth cards slide against your hands and the edges of each make themselves known to you.

“I’m not playing if she’s dealing the cards.” Rowan Moore glowers at you and your jaw clenches against the slew of words you want to spit at him. But you know better than to risk blowing the whole plan so you set down the deck of cards and wait for further instructions from Jeonghan.

You look to your left and hold Moore’s gaze even as it goes from cold to ice cold. It is the gaze of one of the most corrupt men in the city. It’s the gaze that got him where he is. If it were anyone else standing where you are, they would’ve felt a winter storm rush up their spine. But you are used to this type of malice. It’s kind of a usual occurrence.

The others at the table, Jihoon, Soonyoung, Seungcheol, and Jeonghan, keep their expressions unreadable and their gazes on Moore. Except for Vernon who sits in between Soonyoung and Seungcheol. You could feel his eyes watching you but you don’t turn towards him.

“We are having a business meeting.” Jeonghan says, unwavering as Moore moves his gaze to him, “Business meetings in my casino are conducted at the tables and that means I decide who deals. And tonight, she deals.” He finishes with a nod towards you as a signal for you to pick up the cards.

As you pick up the deck again, Moore stays quiet but lets out a frustrated puff of air.

“Get me a glass of the good stuff, would you, darling?” Moore leans back in his chair and asks one of the other waitresses with a voice dripping with demeaning acid that makes your stomach twist.

You look over at Vernon, finally, and he gives his eyebrow a small quirk. Silently asking if everything is okay. A small head tilt and offering him the deck to split is enough of an answer for him.

“What are we playing with only $10 chips?” Moore questions Jeonghan, leaning forward to rest his forearms behind his wall of poker chips and staring at Jeonghan who sits on the opposite end of the table from him. Effectively to your immediate right.

Straightening out the deck, you know the answer before Jeonghan answers Moore’s question. All of this is part of the plan Jeonghan devised the minute he received word that Moore wanted to meet with him about a ‘common enemy.’

“Here’s the plan.” Jeonghan spreads out a floor plan of Obsidian on the table in front of Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Jihoon, Vernon, Seungkwan, Dino, and you. “Moore owes me a large sum of money that he has no intention of paying back. We’ll play him, listen to whatever he has to say, and steal his money as he walks out of Obsidian.”

Seungkwan lifts a finger, “Isn’t that the whole point of a gambling game?”

Jeonghan doesn’t answer the younger one, only gives a sizable smirk.

“Right, right, there’s more to this…” Seungkwan grumbles under his breath, “Be nice if you would clue us in on the masterplan.”

You throw Seungkwan a disapproving look but Jeonghan just ignores the comment completely.

“What are we playing?” Soonyoung questions, intrigued from the second the word 'money’ came out of Jeonghan’s mouth.

“Hold 'Em.” Jeonghan states, watching the others expressions for any negative changes.

“Where are we playing?” Jihoon probes further into the plan that Jeonghan has locked away in his mind.

Jeonghan shifts and points to one of the poker rooms in the back of the casino. “Allure.”

“Who plays and who guards?” Vernon speaks up from next to you.

“Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Jihoon, you and I will play.” Jeonghan lists off the characters, “Dino and Seungkwan will guard. Plus the regulars on the perimeters.”

“And me?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest, confused as to why he didn’t mention you yet you are part of the meeting.

When Jeonghan answers, an excited shiver runs through your body but you don’t miss how Vernon’s body freezes at his words.

“You deal.”

“Hold 'Em.” Jeonghan answers Moore and you slide the dealer button to Seungcheol.

“Isn’t that a little too simple for our minds?” Moore chuckles but it’s not a true laugh.

“For you and I, yes.” Jeonghan offers a smile, “But these other players aren’t as complex as we are.” He raises his eyebrows to see if Moore will challenge his choice and throws two of his poker chips in front of his pile.

You reach out and sweep the chips towards you as Moore tosses four at you for the big blind. The chips scatter across the table and out of the corner of your eye, you catch Vernon’s fist clenching tightly. But having to ignore the specific jab at you, you sweep up the chips before dealing each player two cards.

The first round finishes quickly with Soonyoung (somehow) winning the pot. Now that the game has been established as 'fair,’ it’s time to move to the next step: conning Moore.

“You want her to rig the game?” Dino questions with confusion, “Can she even do that?”

You and Vernon cover up your scoffs with throat clearing and coughing.

Jeonghan smiles a little too wickedly, “Little secret for you newer boys. (y/n) can count cards like nobody’s business and her sleight of hand is invisible even to me. It’s the reason she’s banned from playing in any of my casinos or clubs.”

“It’s also the reason I got hooked into his crew.” You offered some extra information.

“You didn’t have to stay after the first.” Jeonghan quickly reminds you before giving you instructions to follow as the table’s dealer, “Let the first game play out like any other dealer would let it. Following the first game, you will let us win a few, then Moore. Push and pull him. Entice him, (y/n).” He meets your gaze with eyes weighed down by the importance of his words, “Keep him at the table. Keep his focus on his luck.”

“For what?” You ask, confused with what Jeonghan had planned.

But instead of hearing an answer from Jeonghan, Dino speaks up.

“A chance to sneak a hand into his suit pocket.”

The second game starts and you watch the decided signs of each member on your side to tell you what cards they have. A system you each created together to make sure Moore wouldn’t catch on. It was tested through the first game too and Moore still hasn’t caught on, even though his eyes seem to wander around the table restlessly. After counting and switching the cards as you please, the second round has Seungcheol leaning forward to sweep up the pile of chips to his spot.

You eye Moore as you hand him his cards for the third round. This round you give to him.

The next game is also given to Moore.

“Now that we have a few games under our belt.” Jeonghan speaks up as he rearranges his chip stacks to stand at the same height. “Let’s discuss what you wanted to discuss.”

Moore sighs, arranging his newly gained chips onto his stacks. His cockiness is starting to show. You catch the glint in his eye that shows he’s confident he’s figured out how to bluff out the other players.

'Early celebrator.’ You think to yourself as you give Soonyoung the dealer button.

“Victor Huffman.” Moore says the name with so much disgust it makes you wonder if he has swallowed acid.

At the mention of another powerful man, and another enemy, Jeonghan lets the corner of his cards snap onto the table and his eyes snap up to meet Moore’s in the same second.

“What about him?” Jeonghan nearly growls out the question while Vernon and Seungcheol throw out the small and big blinds, respectively. You know that he and Huffman have a particularly nasty history but you don’t know the details. No one does. It’s one of the many things Jeonghan keeps under lock and key, in a bunker, 200 feet below his skin.

Your eyes flicker to Vernon and his eyes widen just the slightest, silently calling Moore a maniac for even speaking that name in Jeonghan’s casino and presence. To cover up the smile threatening to appear, you lower your head slightly and deal three cards into the community hold in the center of the table.

“I want you to damage him.” Moore says casually, ignoring the thick tension that he boiled up. “Take out a chunk of his men, give his finances a gut punch. Just something that will keep him quiet for a few months.”

“And what would I receive in return?” Jeonghan asks, peeking at his cards again and though he is leaning back in his chair, you can tell his body is rigid against the emotions raging inside of him.

“I will pay you.” Moore answers, “A sum a little more than the worth of the job.”

“I fold.” Jihoon breathes out and slides his cards towards you.

Wordlessly, you sweep up the cards and add them to the discard pile, intently listening to the conversation around you.

“I’ll raise 6.” Soonyoung says with a confident pout and slides out 6 chips in a stack. That is Soonyoung, always playing the high risks.

“Call.” Vernon places his bet after a look at his cards.

Seungcheol, without taking his eyes off of Moore, simply slides his 6 chips into the center.

“You will excuse me if I don’t trust your estimation of what this job’ll cost me.” Jeonghan comments and places his bet forward.

Moore lets out an empty chuckle that bounces around in your head. “You’re smart not to.” He states and slides his bet forward. “But I anticipated your doubt. And as much as I hate to admit it, I need Huffman down more than I need my money.” He says while you discard a card before flipping a fourth into the community hold. “A contract for 800 million dollars.”

The room goes silent. Jihoon eyes Moore up and down trying to distinguish if he’s lying. Jeonghan is also trying to figure that out but he holds Moore’s gaze, searching for the answer in his eyes. Soonyoung stares at his chips with wide eyes, Seungcheol looks between Jeonghan and Moore, and Vernon just simply slides his cards to you.

You give Vernon a confused look and he just shakes his head. He’s folding.

“800 million.” Jeonghan repeats the amount and breaks the silence. “For that amount, you want us to do more than something. You want somethings.” He emphasizes the plural.

Moore smirks.

“Sir, your bet?” You refrain from using Soonyoung’s name to keep your relationship with the men at the table unknown.

“You have a lovely voice.” Moore comments, taking a tangent and a moment to look you up and down. “I wouldn’t mind you calling me that someday.” He sneers and your body tenses at what he’s implying. Again, not new stuff but your body still reacts to it.

“Watch how you talk to my staff.” Jeonghan spits out and throws his bet onto the table after Seungcheol.

Vernon has a look of murder in his eyes as he glares down Moore. You know he cares for you and though at times, some say it’s more than normal, you know you care for him on the same level. But neither of you have had the guts to say or do anything about it.

Moore inhales and continues like his comment didn’t happen. “I need you to take out half of his corn hold and a third of his cotton hold.” He reveals to Jeonghan as you continue with the game. Dealing and taking cards.

“What’s the time frame?” Jeonghan wonders, tapping his finger on his cards methodically.

“I need it done in a month.” Moore says and Vernon jumps to his feet.

“Are you insane?” He asks, increduously.

Vernon and Jeonghan meet gazes for a second but it’s only in confirmation that Jeonghan’s plan is progressing.

“How are we going to get close enough?” Seungkwan asks. “Like great. Dino found out where he hides this master key but what good is it if we don’t know how to get close to him. He only lets women and booze get close to that hairy chest of his.”

“No.” Vernon says in a low voice.

“No?” Jeonghan repeats his word with slight amusement in his tone.

“You are not letting (y/n) anywhere near Moore.” Vernon explains and a sad smile reaches your lips.

You don’t want to be the one to seduce Moore but you know if Jeonghan asked, you would be preparing for the role in a heartbeat.

Jeonghan rolls his eyes, “(y/n)’s not seducing him. She’s dealing. And no woman’s seducing him.” He comments, “One of you is going to get close.” He eyes the males around the table.

“How?” Seungcheol asks.

“We’ll instigate his rage.” Jeonghan says, “He’s got a sensitive temper when it comes to two things and two things only: terms of his deals and his gambling games. After the first few games, one of you will challenge him on everything he says, get him annoyed, pissed, irritated. That will fuel his agitation to losing hand after hand to the same person.” He gives a look between you and Vernon. “And that person, I’ve decided, will be Vernon.”

Vernon’s first outburst is a sign to you to give Vernon the winning hand for the majority of the games. Or force Moore to fold on the rounds that Vernon doesn’t win to keep the winning 'random.’

“You’re going to let your man talk to me like that?” Moore lazily blinks towards Jeonghan, trying to damp down the igniting ember.

Jeonghan makes a show of shoving a hand in his pocket for emphasis on his words, “He’s my demolition guy so if you want me to take this job, like I know you need us to, you will let him say whatever he pleases.” Then he looks at Vernon, “But for now, I want to see how this game plays out. I’ll raise 20.” He states and slides a large stack of chips into the center. Vernon silently sits back down but not without channeling all the anger within himself to send Moore a glare that could cut through diamond.

“Call.” Moore smirks, his love for gambling pushing forward.

For the rest of the game, Jeonghan stays mostly quiet as he ponders the details of what Moore is asking, only speaking to call out his bets.

Seungcheol wins the fifth round with a four of a kind.

The next game is won by Vernon and he also wins the next round. Along with Vernon’s occasional snide comments, you can tell Moore is getting frustrated at his terrible luck. It’s not a secret that Moore gets cocky when he plays because he claims he can read people and their ticks so he knows how to outplay any bluff. But tonight, his tricks won’t work.

As you deal the 8th round, Jeonghan leans forward and rests his forearms on the edge of the table.

“A month?” He clarifies with Moore.

“A month.” Moore nods as he takes his cards into his hands.

Jeonghan then turns to Vernon, “Is it possible?”

“If you want a spectacle, yes.” Vernon answers, his voice retaining an edge. “If you want it done quietly, no.”

Moore sighs, glancing at his cards and purses his lips, “I don’t care how it’s done. I just need it done and done within a month.”

“What happens after a month?” Soonyoung asks the question that’s been the elephant in the room since Moore first mentioned the timeline.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Moore smirks and throws in his bet.

“I’ll do it.” Jeonghan says and Moore’s smirk grows wider. “Send over the contract in the morning.”

“Glad to do business with you, J.” Moore says and Jeonghan’s eye gives the smallest of twitches at the nickname. So small that only you are able to catch it.

Turning back to the game at play, Moore’s voice is more cheerful to hide his frustration at losing his money as he says, “Now that business is settled, shall we play a few more rounds for fun?”

Jeonghan gives a very fake, yet very believable, smile, “We’ve got nowhere else to be.”

Jihoon wins that game and you watch carefully as Moore takes a deep breath to calm himself against the blow of another loss.

For the 9th game, you let Moore think he’s winning the pot without a doubt, but the real winner ends up being Jeonghan.

By now, Moore’s stack of chips are the lowest at the table and he doesn’t have many games left in him.

“You might as well give up now, Moore.” Vernon says, voice brute with amusement and pride as he rearranges his stacks of chips just for dramatic effect.

Through gritted teeth, Moore answers, “You never know how the tides can change.”

“Or they’ll swallow you whole.” Vernon banters back nonchalantly with a touch of boredom. Another effort to push Moore’s buttons. Dismiss him in front of others, especially other powerful people. In this case, Jeonghan.

Moore swallows hard and his hand curls into a tight fist. He’s going to explode soon and you know it. Everyone at the table knows it. You see Jihoon, Soonyoung, and Seungcheol all shift slightly in their seats in preparation of the moment Moore explodes.

“What are we doing when he eventually explodes?” Soonyoung asks.

“Create enough confusion for Vernon to slide his hand in, grab and replace the key, and back out.” Jeonghan says.

“That’s (y/n)’s area of expertise.” Seungkwan counters but you and Jeonghan answer him at the same time.

“I’m dealing.”

“She’s dealing.”

And for once, you are kind of happy to not be in the center of one of Jeonghan’s masterplans.

As everyone peeks at their cards, Vernon takes a couple glances at Moore’s tight expression before commenting, “Luck still out of your grasp, Moore?” He chuckles in amusement, eyes actually lighting up at the cards that you deliberately gave to him.

“Be careful of the words you speak, kid.” Moore spits and glowers at Vernon who ignores the gaze and just shrugs.

“What lie will you tell the wife this time when you come home without a large sum of money?” Vernon questions, tilting his head to the side and watching his chips as he tosses them onto the table. “Will you come clean about the gambling? Or will you lie and say it was spent on the pleasure houses down the street? Which will only break poor Verna’s heart even more.”

“You dickwad.” Moore grunts, slams his cards onto the table, and rises to his feet. “Keep my wife’s name out of your disgusting, immature mouth.” He quickly stalks over to Vernon and Vernon is quick to his feet to meet the large body of Rowan Moore.

But he’s not angry enough to require Jihoon, Soonyoung, and Seungcheol to step in and create the needed chaos. You look to Jeonghan with concern that the plan won’t work. But this is Jeonghan’s plan, he has back up plans upon back up plans upon back up plans.

Jeonghan closes his eyes and gives you a tiny nod, accompanied with a tinier smile just before Vernon gives the final blow needed.

“Why are you telling me this?” Vernon asks with curiosity, sitting in Jeonghan’s office alone.

“We need Moore angry enough to make Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and Jihoon’s intervention realistic.” Jeonghan explains leaning back in his chair.

“So I’ll use the information to pull that anger out of him.” Vernon concludes.

Jeonghan gives him a smile and a snapped finger gun. “Precisely.”

“What do you think Verna will do with the divorce papers when she finds out you broke your promise to her?” Vernon asks, staring hard at Moore’s face. “What will you do when she leaves you?”

In a split second, Moore slaps Vernon across the face and you inhale sharply as Vernon’s head snaps to the right. Seungcheol and Soonyoung push back Moore while Jihoon positions himself in front of Vernon in order to keep Vernon back.

A menacing chuckle comes from Vernon’s mouth as he rubs the cheek that was hit. “You hit like a girl. I’m guessing much like your daughter.”

You flinch at the unexpected mention of Moore’s daughter. Jeonghan tries to keep women and children out of his conversations but women, more often than not, are men’s trigger point. It’s rare, though, that he’d allow the mentioning of children.

In a second, Vernon pushes past Jihoon as Moore 'easily’ pushes past Soonyoung and Seungcheol (more like they let him pass by with feigned weakness but also believable enough strength). His eyes blinded by rage, he doesn’t stop to consider what he’s doing. Vernon and Moore tousle with each other, hands flying everywhere. Soonyoung, Jihoon, and Seungcheol’s hands join in, trying to 'restrain’ the two arguers.

Anybody would’ve have missed the moment Vernon slipped his hand into Moore’s blazer pocket then slipped back out and into his own pocket. But you were the one who taught Vernon the sleight of hand he would need and you are watching so you see the move with crystal clear clarity.

Once the real key is placed in Vernon’s pocket, you move onto your role: diffusing and ending the game play.

“Gentlemen!” You yell with the authority of cancelling out any money won or lost. The five men stop their frenzied hand fight and look to you. Jeonghan just lazily looks up from his crossed arms. “If you would untangle yourselves and collect your chips. My table is now closed since you decided to make such a scene.” You scold them with a scowl of disgust that’s mainly directed at Moore.

Moore immediately untangles himself from the others and faces you. “I apologize. If you will, just a few more games.” He bargains. “I will pay you the extra.”

You shake your head and step down from the stool, “I’ve already closed.” You tell him then add, “And if you’re thinking of looking for another dealer, the casino’s dealers have already been sent home. Tonight’s a special holiday for us, you see.”

“What kind of bullshit is that?” Soonyoung scrunches his face up in confusion, “We don’t have holidays.”

“Moore doesn’t know that.” You answer for Jeonghan before turning to the man himself, “What holiday are we observing?” You ask.

Jeonghan meets your eyes with a soft gaze, “The anniversary of Obsidian’s bombing.”

He doesn’t finish the sentence but your mind does.

“My first job with Jeonghan and the only one he failed.”

The reason you stayed with Jeonghan even though he shredded your debt to him in the aftermath of the bombing.

“What kind of boss sends his income home on a money making night?” Moore laughs as if the whole day is a joke to him. His laugh only makes you want to drive a knife into his chest.

“The kind that knows the damage your partner caused to my innocent patrons.” Jeonghan rises to his feet and stares down Moore hard.

Moore swallows under Jeonghan’s gaze. If Moore’s gaze was ice cold earlier, Jeonghan’s, right now, is burning so cold that you’re pretty sure he’s giving dry ice a run for its money.

“Is it already that night of the year?” Moore asks you through a tight voice.

You look down at your watch, “In 20 minutes, it will be the exact minute.” You inform him and Moore’s demeanor falls a little.

He reaches up to pat the left side of his chest and you hold your breath incase he finds anything amiss. But with a satisfied sigh, he feels the decoy and lowers his hands back to his sides.

“Another day, I will return to win back my money.” He vows to Jeonghan before he looks at Vernon. “And keep my wife’s name out of your god forsaken mouth.”  

“With pleasure.” Vernon responds with disgust, his cheek still red from the slap he received.

Moore scoops up his tray of chips and leaves the room. His guards undoubtedly joining him the second he steps outside the room.

Seungkwan and Dino enter the room as the waitress and waiter assigned to the room leave and for a moment there is a moment of anticipating silence. Then Vernon slowly slides the key out of his pocket and hands it to Jeonghan.

Soonyoung shouts in happiness and hugs Jihoon who tries his best to escape the tight embrace. “We got the key!” He says cheerfully and Seungkwan and Dino high five each other.

Jeonghan just looks down at the key in his hand and smiles. The electronic key that will give him access to every single one of Moore’s financial accounts.

“Tomorrow we’ll move the money around and you each will have your share.” Jeonghan announces to the room and pockets the key.

“What about the job for Moore?” Jihoon asks, successfully escaping Soonyoung’s arms.

Jeonghan’s lips quirk upward, “Oh, we’ll do it. But we won’t be doing it out of obligation to a contract. I’d also like to see Huffman on his knees for a change.” He says in a voice that resembles a snake, cunning and scary.

This reminder of how ruthless and scary Jeonghan can be is the only thing that sends a shiver up your spine.

Jeonghan walks towards the door with Seungcheol behind him. As Seungcheol opens the door for him, he pauses and turns back.

“Not a word of any of this.” He says and the threat is unspoken. It doesn’t need to be spoken. It’s understood on a bone chilling level what will happen if anyone talks about the jobs you do.

You all nod your heads gravely and Jeonghan exits the room, Seungcheol following him out the door.

Tugging at your stiff tie, you step away from the table and head towards the door. “I’ll see you weirdos later.” You tell the others and go in search for a few cans of beer and the solitude of the roof.

You raid the kitchen and pluck three beers from one of the many fridges before finding your way to the rooftop. Pushing open the heavy door, you welcome the dark of the night and the glow from the city around you. As you turn towards your normal spot, you’re surprised to see a silhouette of a man against the city lights.

Recognizing the person, you inch forward, confused, “Vernon?” You call out his name and he turns toward you.

“Hey.” Vernon answers you. In the dim light and shadow displayed on his face, you can see his cheek is still red but not as angry of a red as before.

“How’s your cheek?” You ask, grimacing at the memory of having to watch the assault and setting the beers on the ledge.

He lightly touches his cheek, “It’ll be sore and red for a while but I think the reward will be worth it.” He comments.

“Here.” You hand him one of the still cold beers. He stares at the beer in confusion and you roll your eyes before pressing the substitute ice pack to his cheek. “It’ll help it.”

“Right.” He breathes out and brings his hand up to replace yours in holding the beer in place.

Below you, the city is bustling with sane people leaving the clubs and casinos, taking their loses in stride. Each building shines with the lights of a many tiny spotlights, casting out the moonlight before it can even get close to the ground.

“Three beer night?” Vernon questions you, eyeing the two beers left on the ledge.

“You try standing the whole night with a stick stiff suit and a tie noosed around your neck.” You sass at him.

“You didn’t seem uncomfortable.” Vernon chuckles, as you open a beer and take a large chug of it.

You grimace as the alcohol slithers down your throat, “I’m good at faking it.” You tell him. “You did good, sleighting Moore.” You compliment his handiwork. “If you keep learning, you could get pretty good.”

Vernon lowers his beer can from his cheek in thought, “Nah, I think I’ll leave that to you. I didn’t like how I couldn’t see what I was doing.” He holds out his hand and flexes it before opening his can, “I can see the pieces being connected when I work up a demolition explosive. Sleight of hand takes that away.” Then he shivers, “Oh, no thank you.”

You laugh and Vernon looks over at you, loving the way your laugh makes yours eyes squint and your cheeks bunch up.

“Alright, you stick with demolition.” You tell him. “Besides, if you took over my role, I may have to leave and find a new boss to sleight for.” You joke but Vernon’s face falls at the mention of you leaving.

“When you get your share, will you leave?” He asks, facing back towards the street. He doesn’t want you to leave but he’s also heard you speak of the possibility over the last few days.

You sigh, both hands clasping the beer can, “I don’t know yet.” You say, facing the city lights like he is. “Part of me thinks it’s time to leave, that I’ve paid my debt. But the other part of me can’t leave the people here.”

Vernon chuckles softly, “Everyone would miss you.” He pauses for a second before continuing, “I would miss you.”

“I wouldn’t leave right away.” You say and lean you head against his shoulder, “I still have to stay for the Huffman job. But it might be my last.”

“Is there anything that would make you stay?” Vernon wonders, afraid to move and have your touch leave his skin.

You study the sky for a second before answering, “I don’t know.”

“Is there anything I could do that would make you stay?” He reiterates his previous question. In his voice, he tries to make you understand how much he doesn’t want you to leave. That he’d do almost anything for you to stay.

“I don’t know if anyone could do anything that would make me stay.” You tell him and sit up to take another sip.

“Jeonghan could.” Vernon grumbled under his breath.

Your ears perk up and you’re not sure you head him correctly, “What?”

“Uh, n-nothing.” He stutters and avoids meeting your eyes.

You gasp as you realize you had heard him correctly, “You’re jealous!” You accuse and point a finger at him.

“I am not.“ Vernon defends himself, stepping back.

"Yes, you are!” Your fluttering heart makes giggles bubble into your throat.

“Seriously, I’m not.” He repeats, holding up his hands but you read the jealousy on his face like the front page of the morning news paper.

“Demolition Vernon is jealous?” You say, unable to keep the giggles at bay. “Jealous of Jeonghan?”

At the name, Vernon steps forward and covers your mouth with his free hand.

“Don’t say his name and that word together.” He says lowly, “Do you want me to die?” He questions you with a quirked eyebrow.

You look between his eyes and reach up to lower his hand from your mouth, which comes away easily.

“He wouldn’t kill you. Maybe disfigure you in some way, but not kill.” You say, softly, realizing how serious this situation actually is, “As much as he hates to admit it, he needs every single one of us for any and all jobs he pulls. And he’s not about to waste time looking for and training another just because of a word.”

“Why did you stay with Jeonghan?” Vernon asks, not moving away, his face inches from yours.

You swallow and keep your gaze on his eyes, though you’re tempted to peek at his lips. “Jeonghan and I both blame ourselves for the bombing that happened here. We both missed things that we shouldn’t have missed. And because of our mistakes, people died.” You explain, flashes of the terror replaying in your mind. “Jeonghan shredded my debt that night but I couldn’t leave until I corrected the wrong I made.”

“Have you corrected it yet?” He asks in a near whisper and a hand loops around your waist.

“I don’t know yet.” You answer through the pounding of your heart.

He is this close to you. This close to being yours.

“When will you know?” He questions, inching closer, eyes still locked onto yours.

You blink, “Someday.” You are barely able to speak the word.

The corner of Vernon’s mouth twitches, “So that means you’d stay until that day.”

Unable to speak because of his closeness, you just nod once.

“Then that means I can give you a reason to stay once that day comes.” He states and before you can answer, his lips crash onto yours.

You both drop your beer cans, ignoring as they collide with the ground and spill around your feet. Kissing him back with the emotions that are finally being set free, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. He does the same with his arms around you waist.

When you pull away, you’re still pressed against each other and out of breath. But the sparkle in his eyes is all you can focus on.

The bright excitement that you’ve only seen when he finishes a complex explosive. A bubble of pride swells your heart that you’re the only person who’s able to pull that brightness out of him.

“Just one reason?” You question his earlier statement and tilting your head to the side.

Vernon lets out an amused puff of air, “I can give you several reasons to stay, if you want.” He says before kissing you again.

“These better be some very good reasons if I’m to give up a lifetime of lazy days and millions of dollars.” You tell him and play with his tie.

He presses you closer to his chest and lets his lips graze yours, “Oh, they will be very, very good reasons, (y/n). Don’t you doubt that.”
