#seventeen jun imagine


Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if this is the first post of this series that you see.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death
Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader
Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent)
Word Count: Ending A - 5.1k / Ending B - 5k

W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist|Masterlists


“Hey Soon Bok.” I call out to her after spotting her walking the hallways.

She doesn’t respond but her groaning and mumbling echo off the walls.

I quickly catch up to her and get her attention. “Hey, what’s got you groaning?” I ask and she finally notices my presence.

“Oh, hey, (y/n). Uhm, the guest in room 385 left the room in a complete disarray so it’ll take a few days to get it back in shape.” Soon Bok says as we walk through the hall together.

“How badly did they screw it up?” I ask, trying to imagine what kind of damage would take a few days to fix, especially in this hotel.

“Well…” Soon Bok sighs, “Apparently their two of their past lives were complete opposites on the political spectrum and it got out of hand.” She waves her hands for emphasis, “I think they broke every single piece of furniture we had in that room.”

I run my hands through my hair in absolute annoyance, “How many days do you think it’ll take?” I ask.

Soon Bok tilts her head to the side in thought, “I really don’t know. 6, maybe 7 days.”

“Damn, and the Gods can’t do anything to help?” I probe, wondering if I’m going to have to send a message up myself.

Soon Bok shakes her head with disappointment. “No, I already asked.”

“Damn.” I exhale, “Did the guest leave?”

“I put them on the first departure out of here.” Soon Bok says smugly, “Deserved it when I saw their room yesterday.”

I nudge her shoulder with my own and smile satisfied, “Perfectly deserved.”

“And not to mention that they were so loud!” Soon Bok continues to vent, “So loud. I had guests complaining about them for days.”

I put a sort of comforting hand on her shoulder, “You handled them well.” I tell her.

“The Gods don’t pay me enough for this shit.” Soon Bok says with sarcasm as we walk out onto the second floor balcony.

“They don’t pay any of you enough.” I reassure her with a tiny smile as guests mill around us.

Soon Bok lets out a short laugh before going back into manager mode.

“(y/n)!” Jiwoo comes running into the lobby from the pool in a panic. “(y/n)!”

I share a look with Soon Bok for a split second before we start down the stairs.

“I’m right here.” I call out to Jiwoo who jogs up the stairs to meet me.

“There’s sort of an issue.” Jiwoo mutters lowly.

“What kind of issue?” I press further without lowering my voice.

He motions towards the indoor pool, “A couple guests are fighting at the pool. It’s getting out of hand.”

Soon Bok nervously chuckles, “How bad could it ge-”

A faint splash and a few screams interrupt Soon Book mid sentence. The sound freezes me in my tracks for a split second before I walk towards the indoor pool as annoyed anger grows with every step I take. Soon Bok and Jiwoo are right on my heels.

When we bust through the pool doors, a few guests are standing around the edges of the pool looking mortified at the two guests brawling in the water.

I stop a few feet into the room and cross my arms over my chest while staring at the two females fighting and splashing water everywhere.

“How did it start?” I ask, leaning towards Jiwoo so he can hear me.

Jiwoo shrugs, “I honestly don’t know how it started. All I know is that they were arguing over something and then they started shoving and pushing each other. And that’s when I came to get you.” Jiwoo explains, “I didn’t want to experience another incident.” He continues and I nod, remembering a few years ago when Jiwoo tried to get between two quarreling guests and took a substantial blow to the chest. From which he could’ve died had I not been ten steps away.

“Good idea.” Soon Bok comments her approval and I’m surprised that she could hear him through all the noise and the echoes.

I take a breath and send a loud whistle to cut through the noise. The noises settle down and all the attention turns to me.

“Why are you creating a racket in my hotel?” I direct the question at the two soaking wet women in the pool.

The two women stare blankly at me but neither says a word or moves a muscle.

I roll my eyes at the lack of response and heavily sigh. “Fine, if you don’t want to answer me, then I’ll give you a choice, either get out of the pool and forget whatever you were fighting about or stay in the pool and be on the very next departure out.” I give each of the women one last look before turning and walking out of the pool.

“Keep an eye on them,” I instruct Jiwoo, “If they don’t leave the pool in 15 minutes, call Shin and tell him to get them out of here.”

Jiwoo nods obediently and stays in the pool while Soon Bok continues to follow me.

With the situation resolved, I can finally return to the subject that I wanted to talk about.

“Did you get Jun situated in his room?” I ask her as we walk.

Soon Bok nods, “He’s in room 106 for 15 days.” She informs me.

I nod and change direction towards the elevators. The elevator doors open and we step inside. Just as the doors begin to close, Jiwoo comes running and Soon Bok, with her fast reflexes, holds open the elevator doors.

“They left.” He skids to a halt before the elevator.

“Good. Good.” I nod in approval.

“I will make sure they don’t do anything else during their stay.” Jiwoo informs me and Soon Bok steps back to let the elevator door shut.

“And if they do, call Shin.” I tell him.

Just as the elevator doors completely shut closed, a man walks behind Jiwoo and glances my way. For a split second our eyes meet and I see a smile grow on his face.

Jun’s face.

~The Fifteenth Day~

“You’ve gotten sloppy, Jun!” Michelle, Jun’s sparring partner, laughs and it pulls a laugh from Jun.

“Maybe you’re the one who’s gotten sloppy.” He counters with a smile.

I shift on the bleachers to try and find a more comfortable way to sit but the benches are unyielding. The training center for national athletes is pumping the A.C. and I wrap my sweater closer around my shoulders, eyes still trained on Jun and Michelle.

The clock on the wall displays the time and I only have a few more minutes until Jun is released from training and mine for the rest of the night.

Jun defeats Michelle with ease and pulls away happily cheering.

I smile at his energy and he spins around in victory. When he stops, he spots me in the stands and waves extremely wildly.

Waving back, a giggle erupts in my throat. Jun jumps a couple more times before saying bye to Michelle and jogging into the locker room.

Not five minutes later, a sweaty Jun jogs over to me after changing out of his training clothes.

“Hiya.” He smiles happily, readjusting his bag on his shoulder.

“Heya.” I reply, mirroring the smile.

“What did you think of my training?” Jun asks, offering a hand to help me up.

I take his hand. “You were getting a little sloppy towards the end.” I smirk and we start toward the exit.

“So you’re siding with Michelle now?” Jun questions, playing the offended card.

“Us girls can see things.” I wiggle my fingers at him just as Michelle passes us.

“Like you slacking.” She comments to Jun and gives me a high five.

Jun’s shoulders sag in defeat, “I go through hours of training only to be judged by my girl and my training buddy.”

“Enjoy your night!” Michelle calls out to us and jogs to the person waiting at the curb for her. Presumably the fling she’s currently into.

“You too, Michelle!” Jun waves her away, almost relieved that we’re finally alone together.

Jun grabs my hand as we walk away from the center and towards the town where Jun’s apartment is.

The scene meshes into another. This time we’re sitting in his apartment, on his couch, with dinner plates sitting empty in front of us on the coffee table. The TV plays some random show we’re binging and Jun’s arm is wrapped securely around my shoulder.

I start to feel his warmth around me and he starts humming along to the theme song when a sinking feeling suddenly sets in my chest. I know what I’m going to find on my desk when I return to the hotel tonight, but my heart is determined to hold off as long as I can.

Snuggling in closer to Jun, I feel him chuckle.

“Cuddly much?” He asks.

I slowly nod, “Just don’t want this night to end just yet.” I mumble, breathing in his scent.

“You can stay here all night if you want.” Jun says into my hair but I sigh.

“I’m needed at home tonight.” I tell him with a pout.

“I know, but the offer is still there.” Jun says with a soft smile.

“Jun,” I get his attention, “Can I ask you a hypothetical?”

“Okay?” Jun agrees only a little confused.

I rest my ear against his chest and listen to his heart beat, “If I died,”

Jun sucks in a breath, stopping me.

“Hypothetical, remember.” I remind him and rest a hand on his stomach to stop him, “If I died young, would you find someone else?”

“Do you want me to?” Jun questions.

“I mean, I wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life grieving for me.” I explain, “I would want you to move on but still remember me.”

“Then I would do just that.” Jun affirms with a nod, “I would probably grieve for a while… A long while.” He corrects himself, “But I think I would. I would think that you would want me to live my life to the fullest and enjoy every aspect, including love.”

I nod, satisfied with his answer, “That’s exactly what I would want you to do.”

“What would you do?” He asks in return.

“The same.” I answer, knowing my answer holds no weight to him, “I would grieve and then slowly start to live life again but I would remember you throughout my life.”

Jun smiles, satisfied and kind of smug. “I’ll be hard to forget.” He squeezes my shoulder, playfully.

I smile and rub my hand in a circle over his stomach.

But the fabric doesn’t feel the same. It feels more… soft… more like… bedding.

I blink open my eyes and find my hand resting on the pillow I have held up against my body.

Rolling onto my back, I sigh heavily and close my eyes but the memory of Jun’s warmth around me still remains.

“Can’t a memory just be a memory?” I ask the air around me, not expecting an answer. “Why do I have to feel every lingering sense?”

I pull up the covers and cocoon under them for comfort. And just as I’m getting comfortable and warm again, I hear the faint opening and closing of my office doors. I run my hands over my face before turning my head to read the time.

8:33 pm.

I shoot up in bed as Mun Hee calls out for me. My pajama shirt falling down my shoulder.

“(y/n)?” He calls out and I rub my eyes.

“In here!” I yell back, hoping he hears me, and fix my shirt.

I throw the covers off of me and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Then my bedroom door opens and Mun Hee walks in with his eyes squeezed shut,

I take one look at his face before asking, “Why are your eyes closed?”

“I don’t want to see anything I’m not supposed to when in your room.” Mun Hee states with a hand still on the door.

I chuckle at his consideration, “You’re all good. I’m clothed and nothing is laying out in the open.”

Mun Hee slowly opens one eye to check the area and when it passes his inspection, he fully opens both eyes.

“Uh, the hotel is in full swing.” Mun Hee comments while eyeing me still sitting on my bed.

I nod, “I know. I slept late.”

“Are you okay?” He asks with concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine.” I tell him, “Just been dreaming.”

“Dreaming about?” Mun Hee presses and I stand from my bed.

“None of your business, dear.” I smirk at him and head for my closet.

Mun Hee shrugs, “Okay well, Yong told me to come up here and wake you up and tell you that she’s bringing Jun down in like an hour and a half.”

I flip through my hanging clothes and a small bubble of panic bursts in my chest. “Fuck, okay.” I quickly pick out navy slacks and a white blouse and hang them on the closet door.

“I’ll leave you be then, now that you’re awake.” Mun Hee says and backs out of my room, closing the door behind him.

With Mun Hee gone, I head to my bathroom to shower for the day.

Once I’m showered, dried, clothed, and put make up on, I stand in front of the mirror for a final outfit check. Smoothing out my pants, I mentally give myself the pass and walk out of my room and down into my office.

“What are you still doing here?” I am shocked to find Mun Hee sitting on the sofa playing on his phone.

Mun Hee shrugs, not looking up from his phone, “Had nothing else to do.”

“You’re supposed to be at the front desk.” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I was…” Mun Hee trails off and taps his screen quickly, “But then Yong came and told me to come get you cause she was going to bring Jun down. I got here and you were still upstairs so I figured I’d wait for you.”

“How long ago was that?” I ask, walking up to him upset that he didn’t come get me sooner.

“Uh… 15 minutes ago?” Mun Hee says, looking up at the ceiling, calculating.

“Fif- Mun Hee!” I yell at him and head straight for the doors. I stop with my hands on the handles and turn back towards him. “And you,” I point a finger at him and he looks up at me, “Get your butt back down to the front desk before I send you out on the next departure.” I threaten before leaving my office and heading straight to my garden.

“So, you bloomed for the others and me?” Jun asks the chrysanthemum(s) as he crouches down.

I stop behind the bench and lean on my hands, just watching him. Jun tenses as he feels my presence in the room.

“You would’ve made a scary ninja with that silence.” Jun chuckles and turns on his heels to face me.

I smirk, “Think I would’ve looked good in the black clothing?” I ask and Jun tilts his head to the side. His eyes scan my body up and down.

“Maybe.” Jun shrugs and stands to his feet, walking towards me.

“Maybe?” I ask, holding my hands over my heart, feigning hurt.

“I’m kidding,” Jun giggles and leans in closer, “You would look fantastic in black. I would love to see you in that.”

“Keep dreaming.” I whisper and move to sit on the bench.

Jun dramatically plops down onto the couch then lays his body down with his head in my lap, looking up at me.

“My biggest dream just came true though.” He says with innocence.

“And what is that?” I ask.

Jun smiles, “To see you again.”

“Me.” I repeat his answer and look sadly at the tree. I feel Jun’s eyes study my face but I can’t bear to look at him.

“That hypothetical wasn’t a hypothetical.” Jun says with a sigh.

I open my mouth to explain but nothing comes out so I close it again.

“I mean I know you didn’t leave on your own. But did you have to leave right after you asked that?” Jun continues to question, “Did you know you were going to leave?” His stare burns into my face and I’m forced to look down at him. Only I kind of regret it.

The sadness that fills his eyes rips at my heart and the tiny sliver of hope that my answer will be the answer he wants to hear sits right in the middle of the sadness. But I have to be the one to destroy that hope he has.

I set my jaw firm and take a deep breath. “I had a feeling I was going to have to leave soon after that.”

“How did you know?” He asks. I can see he’s trying not to let his sadness take over.

“Something in my gut told me that the Gods were going to make me leave soon after that night.” I explain, “I just didn’t know I was going to receive that note that night.”

Jun sits up properly and puckers his lips, “Oh.” He says, “You could feel stuff like that?”

I shrug, “Sometimes. But that night I definitely felt something. And when I got back here, there was a note on my desk and I wished I could’ve spent more time with you.”

“Me too.” Jun agrees and wraps his arms around me, hugging me close. “Though, I can’t believe you kept this amazing place a secret.”

“I couldn’t tell you. I couldn’t tell anyone.” I tell him, leaning in closer. Just like the night before I left.

“You can’t tell anyone?” Jun asks, emphasizing ‘any.’

I nod, “Absolutely no one.” I confirm, “The human world just isn’t ready to know of this world yet.”

“Hmm. That’s probably for the better.” Jun agrees. “I kept my promise, by the way.”

“Which one?” I tilt my head in confusion.

“How I would try to live my life after you 'died.’” He uses his fingers as air quotes when he says 'died.’

I smile with happiness, “What did you do then?” I wonder.

Jun inhales proudly, “I went on to win three national titles and then retired.”

“You,” I ask shocked, “You retired?”

“Hey, it took me 8 years to win those three titles.” Jun defends himself, “But yeah, I retired. Well, sort of retired. I started coaching with the team and that lasted a solid 30 years or so and then I went into real retirement.”

“I’m sure you were a big hit with the athletes.” I think about Jun coaching younger athletes and encouraging them to do their best.

He catches the faint smile on my face and chuckles. “I don’t know about that.” He reminisces, “I was pretty hard on them.”

I look at him with wonder, “I doubt you were that bad. You’re Jun. You did what you did so they could grow and be amazing athletes.”

“You think?” Jun asks.

“I know.” I smirk, “They appreciated every single thing you did for them.”

“How do you know what I did?” Jun giggles and I widen my eyes in innocence.

“I just do.” I stick my tongue out at him but he’s quick to wipe it away with a kiss. I hum happily, “So, did you ever have kids? A family?”

“A family?” Jun repeats my question, “Well, uh, yeah. I did have a family.”

My eyes light up but a dull pain throbs in my chest. “Tell me about them.” I smile in hopes the job in covering up the pain in my chest.

Jun exhales, “What do you want to know?” He asks.

I shrug, not really sure what exactly I want to know. “Anything. Everything… Well, maybe not everything.” I correct myself with a small cringe.

“Alright,” Jun tilts his head in thought, “For starters, I had a girl and boy. Jihyo and Scott. Jihyo was older than Scott by a few years. But damn, he protected her like he was older.” Jun chuckles and I echo it, “You know, there was this once - was? Is? Happened?” Jun mumbles in confusion at his own story.

“Spit it out.” I laugh and playfully hit his chest.

So,“ Jun says while laughing a bit, "I was well into my coaching career and Jihyo was a solid high schooler and I somehow happened to be the matchmaker for my daughter and my future son-in-law.” He runs a hand through his hair, “I had this athlete, bright, great kid, though a little loud at times.”

“Like someone I know.” I mumble but Jun hears me and smacks my arm.

“Anyway. We had a small end of year party at our house one year - which by the way, was not my idea.” Jun raised his eyebrows for emphasis, “And of course, my kids were there, milling around with the team. The usual. Well, the spunky kid runs into Jihyo, and I mean literally runs into her, and before I knew it, they were dating. Boy, did I give him a hard time when I found that out. But then I blinked and they were engaged! And then I literally breathed, and they were married with a kid.” He shakes his head in disbelief.

“So she grew up good?” I reiterate.

Jun nods, “Grew into such a beautiful woman. Reminded me a lot of you.”

“How so?” I wonder and look over to find his eyes soft like a plush pillow.

“She held her head up high, even if the world was pushing against her. Like you did.” Jun explains, “Jihyo was always very cool, calm, and collected with the outside world but whenever she was around the family or her husband, she melted like snow in the desert.”

“I did not melt like snow.” I defend myself.

“Oh, yes you did.” Jun squeezes me closer. “Like the first time you came to see me at the training center. You were so cold and shut out to literally all of my teammates.” Jun laughs, “And then as soon,” He drags out the word, “As I walked up, you smiled and literally gave my teammates whiplash.”

I laugh at his recount of the day.

“I swear the guys wouldn’t shut up about it for a whole week.” Jun says, then continues on, “And Jihyo, Jihyo came to really enjoy champagne.”

My mouth drops open in happiness though I’m not 100% sure as to why I’m so happy to hear that.

“Yeah, she came to visit one day and we had some wine with dinner. Which got us on the topic of alcohol and then poof! Out of nowhere, she says she really enjoys champagne.” He smiles wildly, “I nearly dropped my wine glass when she said that.”

“Did she end up loving it as much as I do?” I ask with high hopes.

Jun snorts loudly, “HA! I don’t think anyone loved or loves champagne as much as you do, my dear.”

I hum in satisfaction, “What about your son, Scott?” I ask, wanting to know more. “Was he an athlete like you?”

“Scott,” Jun whispers his name, “In high school, Scott swam and was pretty good. He was on varsity and went to university on a sports scholarship. Super smart kid too. He definitely didn’t need the scholarship to get into school but it did help with our finances.”

“I’m sure it did.” I comment. “What did he go to school for?”

“He got a degree in teaching.” Jun informs me, “He tried the high school age, ended up hating it then moved up to the college level. And that, that stuck.”

“Oh, what about Jihyo?” I wonder, remember I never asked, “What did she major in?”

“She went to medical school and became a nurse.” He says, “Made one hell of a nurse too. God, I’m proud of my kids.”

“You should be.” I encourage him, “It sounds like you raised them well.”

“Well, I sure hope I did!” Jun laughs, “They took all my hard earned money. And then when mine ran out, they took my wife’s.”

I giggle and bury my head in his chest. His laugh vibrates through against my skin and his heartbeat echos through my ears.

“I’m gonna rewind a tiny bit.” I tell him, “I wanna know more about you athlete days. What you did, where you went. All of it.”

Jun smiles while exhaling, “Alright, so we’re going back to my amazing bachelor days.” He dramatically states and I roll my eyes. Cause he definitely has a big head about his days as a national athlete.

As the sun rises, introducing a new day for the human world, Jun and I are deep in the world of his life and the adventures he took. The different places he traveled with the team. The things he learned while training and competing. The trouble he and some of his teammates caused during the competitions. Oh and all the girls that, supposedly, were all over him whenever he was in public.

Like always, Jun keeps the mood light and fun. Even through the sadder stories, he still manages to keep me out of the deepest parts. Always protecting me. Always keeping me afloat.

By the time the sun is setting, we’ve started talking about my life and my time at the hotel. A lot of the stories, I am telling for the first time. Mainly because I’ve never had someone to tell them too. Everyone I would tell the stories to had already experienced them first hand. And with each stories, I manage to make Jun bark out laughing a few times.

When our laughter has died down, the sun lays dangerously low in the sky. Barely a sliver still visible above the horizon. And it’s the signal that our time together is ending.


“Hey,” Jun says, noticing the disappearing sun, “Do you have one of those time machine thing? Something that can turn back time?” He asks with full curiosity.

“You know something like that doesn’t exist.” I tell him with sass.

Jun shrugs, “Just wishing.” Then he rises to his feet, his shoulders set in resolve. “Let’s do this.”

“You know I’m not coming with you, right?” I ask cautiously, standing up in front of him.

“I know.” Jun sighs, “But you still can walk me to where I need to be, right?”

“Of course I can do that.” I smile.

He holds out a hand for me to take, “Then let’s go.”

I chuckle and grab his hand. He happily grips my hand tightly and swing it between us as we walk out of the garden.

“Why don’t you decorate the place more?” Jun asks, looking around the lobby as we enter.

“Is it not decorated enough?” I question, taking in the elaborate designs that adorn the walls and the floors.

“It could use a few posters of me.” He says smugly and points to the elevators, “When I was still an athlete, I had posters of me plastered everywhere, including on elevator doors.”

“When you accomplish something incredible in this world, I will do that.” I say with a raised eyebrow as we pass the elevators, on our way to the departure door.

“I did accomplish something.” Jun banters back.

“And what was that?” I ask when we reach the door.

He leans in close and whispers, “I loved you.” Before opening the door and walking ahead.

His words stun me but only for a second. Once the second and the shock have passed, I quickly make my way after Jun and catch up with him after some strides.

“That was a feat 12 other men accomplished as well.” I remind him and loop my arm around his.

Jun chortles, “But I know that I was a special one.”

“You were indeed special, Jun.” I reassure him.

As we approach Shin and the car, Jun giggles and Shin has to fight back a smile. We stop a few feet away and Jun turns to face me.

He releases a large breath and holds my gaze. “Why am I more anxious about this moment than any other competition I’ve ever been in?” He asks quietly so only I can hear.

I wrap my arms tightly around him and stay silent.

“What?” Jun looks down at me, “No smart ass answer? No silly comeback?”

I sigh, “No because I don’t have an answer.” I tell him honestly.

“You don’t have to have the answer but an answer would be nice.” Jun says softly.

Pulling away, I force a smile as tears line my eyes, “You don’t have to be anxious.” I tell him in a weaker voice than I would’ve liked. “You’ll be at peace.”

“But you won’t be there.” Jun pouts.

“Someday soon I will be.” I say and a tear slips out. Jun is quick to catch it and wipe it away.

“Then I’ll wait. I’ll sit and wait until you do.” Jun says determined. “I will climb a tree and be on the look out for you every single day.”

I choke out a laugh and it brings a smile to his face. He leans down and presses a light kiss to my lips.

“I’ll see you over there.” Jun whispers before letting me go and walking to the awaiting car.

When he reaches the car, he turns around and dramatically waves his arms while saying, “I love you, (y/n)!” In the loudest voice ever. I’m pretty sure everyone in the hotel can hear him.

“I love you, Jun.” I call back through the tears slipping down my cheeks.

With one last triumphant smile, he ducks into the car. Shin closes the door behind him and the car rolls forward, taking Jun to peace. The car disappears into the fog and when the last glow of the taillights disappears, a white chrysanthemum at the base of the tree in the garden withers away.

I rest a hand over my heart and remember the echos of our laughter. I hold onto that laughter as I make my way back into the hotel. I hold onto it and wait for next love to arrive.

Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel)to choose the next guest.


“I can’t wait to keep you laughing for all of eternity.” Jun says with a mischievous smile. He stands up and drags me up with him.

“Who says I’ll be laughing?” I quip.

“Me.” Jun says knowingly, “Cause I can always make you laugh.” His hands tickle my sides and I runaway, laughing.

Halfway out of the hallway, I stop.

“Hey, hey.” I get his attention and he stops, standing to full height so I’m slightly craning my neck, “I have to say good bye to my employees.”

“They still have to stay?” Jun wonders.

“Somebody’s gotta keep this hotel running.” I tell him with a light smile, “And I need to release Jiwoo so he can live his life.”

Jun nods and grips my hand firmly before continuing on our way. We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.

“So this is it?” Mun Hee asks with tears in his eyes. “This is the day you leave us?”

I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he’s being so sappy. “Maybe I’ll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year.” I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.

“Don’t you dare say that. You better not return here.” He says angrily through his tears.

I chuckle, “I won’t come back. I promise.”

Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should’ve done more.

Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family’s service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.

“When you leave today, you won’t be able to find this place again.” I inform him, “I hope that you’ll be able to go and live your life happily.”

Jiwoo nods, “Thank you for letting me work with you. I won’t ever forget you.”

I smile sadly, “You will. But thank you.”

Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.

“You’d think after all these years of waiting that I’d be prepared for this day.” She says through sniffles.

“Thank you, Yong.” I rests my hands on her shoulders, “For everything. Thank you.”

With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.

We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.

“Keep this hotel running beautifully.” I tell her before Jun grabs my hand again.

With final waves of goodbye, Jun and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.

At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.

“(y/n).” He says when we reach him, “It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest.” Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.

“The honor was mine.” I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.

I’m free. I served my years of punishment and now I’m free to let my soul rest.

I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opting to experience the hotel’s many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.

“(y/n)?” Jun softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, “Are you ready?”

I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. “Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s go.”

I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Jun securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.

In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.

난 죽더라도 멈추지 않을 거야. I wouldn’t stop even if I died. 

Description: Life as Jun’s girlfriend was going as smoothly as realistically possible. You had managed to keep the relationship a secret and had even managed to sneak a few dates in here and there. But as the months passed, Jun started to get excited for the day he would reveal you to world as his girlfriend and the person he loves. But it scrapes at you and you’re not sure if you’re ready. 
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Idol!Jun x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.1k

Seventeen Masterlist|Masterlists


“How would you do it, Dokyeom?” Jeonghan questioned the younger one who was still sitting back in his chair, hands over his stomach for the added emphasis that he was ‘stuffed.’

Dokyeom sighed heavily, “I have no idea. Probably nothing really extravagant. Maybe like just a handwritten letter and I dunno, a picture or something?”

Seungkwan scoffed as he returned to the table to grab more empty plates for Minghao and Vernon who got stuck with dish duty.

“What?” Dokyeom glared at Seungkwan.

“Hyung, you would be way too shy to write the letter yourself.” Seungkwan pointed out, “You’d probably write it a million times and show your girlfriend every revision to make sure she was okay with what you wrote.”

You lowered your head to hide the smile growing on your face while Dokyeom stuttered out a defense.

“I, I would not. Psh. I wouldn’t write it a million times.” He pouted and Jun giggled from next to you.

“No, you’d write it a hundred times.” Wonwoo corrected while leaning over and giving Dokyeom a playful shove to the shoulder.

Dokyeom scrunched up his nose then turned to Jun. “How are you guys going to reveal your relationship?”

At the question, your spine involuntarily went rigid. It was a topic that Jun had been bringing up in conversations more often but you hadn’t really discussed it in depth. Partly because you were at war with yourself on the issue.

Jun felt your unease immediately. He knew it was a sensitive topic but he hadn’t figured out a way to talk about it with you yet. He’d been wracking his brain and even talked a little with Seungcheol on how to carry out the conversation but so far, none of his ideas had panned out.

“I’m not sure, but I would definitely need (y/n)’s opinion on the final announcement.” Jun answered quickly, avoiding giving too specific of an answer.

Your shoulders relaxed a bit when he answered but the war that you’d been keeping at bay all day was back with force. Dancing a deadly battle in your chest that made your chest feel tight and too small.

“That’s smart.” Woozi nodded his head in agreement.

“And mine was ridiculous?” Dokyeom exclaimed, sitting up abruptly.

“I wouldn’t make (y/n) read every revised version of a letter going to Carats.” Jun rephrased and casually threw an arm around your shoulders.

You glanced at him and he threw you a soft smile. The smile only made your heart squeeze in guilt. But despite the feeling, you returned the smile before leaning into him.

As the other guys continued onto a conversation about work, you zoned out, staring at Jun’s half filled glass, wondering which side was which in your mind.

Was the water filled half the half that argued this relationship was the one thing that you had for yourself? After years of being a fan and sharing this man with millions of other fans, you had finally were able to say this he was yours and yours alone. The moments that you shared were only for and experienced only by you. This was yours. And it wasn’t selfish to want to keep him and your relationship a secret, right?

But then there was the opposite side. The side that argued that this decision wasn’t solely up to you. Jun also had a say in all of this. He was, after all, exactly half of this relationship. And if Jun desired so badly to show you off to the world, wouldn’t it be selfish to deny him that? There’s also the fact that if you didn’t reveal the relationship on your terms, one day, someone might reveal it for you, whether you wanted to or not. This side also spotlighted the things that you would lose. Mainly the privacy of a secret relationship. Was it selfish to want to keep that privacy when you were the one who had willingly entered this relationship with an idol as successful and widely known as Jun?

You felt the tears pricking like needles behind your eyes and quickly focused back on the conversation at hand so they wouldn’t spill over with everyone around.

“So, next week, my slot is on Wednesday night?” Wonwoo repeated some information they’d decided on.

“Yeah, and make sure Mingyu comes with you, otherwise I have a feeling I won’t ever see him.” Woozi nodded and added.

Mingyu’s jaw dropped in shock, “Hyung, I am not that terrible with time management.” He retorted.

“Whatever you say, distracted puppy.” Hoshi joked.

“You’re not much better, Hoshi.” Woozi reminded him and Hoshi fell into a silence which brought the tiniest of giggles into your throat.

“Alright, since that’s settled, I’m going to go finish the drama I’m watching.” Wonwoo said, rising from his seat.

“What episode are you on?” Vernon asked, appearing from the kitchen.

“Uh, 16, I think.” Wonwoo answered after thinking hard.

“Oh, me too. Can I join you?” Vernon wondered and Wonwoo wordlessly motioned for him to join him.

As the others began dispersing, you were somehow swept up with Jun, Dino, and Minghao to join Jeonghan in his room for some fashion advice since Jeonghan had a date the next night.

As the clothes were brought out, tried on, and quite often, tossed aside in favor of a different option, the bubble of anxiety in your chest kept growing and growing. You tried your best to focus on Jeonghan and to stay present in the conversation but the bubble demanded your attention. Soon, you were zoning out and distancing from everything. The clothes became blurs of color passing by and the conversation became a jumble of muted tones. When the bubble was big enough that it filled your entire chest and it was getting hard to breathe, you knew you needed to leave before the thoughts overtook you.

“I’ll be right back.” You whispered to Jun, blinking reality back into focus.

Jun nodded and placed a small kiss to your cheek before you rose to your feet. Wanting privacy, you debated between the bathroom and Jun’s bedroom but quickly decided that Jun’s bedroom was more private. That and it was closer. 

As you walked into his room, you pushed the door closed behind you and focused on taking in deep breaths in an attempt to shrink the suffocating anxiety bubble sitting inside your chest. With the lights off, you could feel every single emotion that tumbled through your mind.

The selfishness of wanting to keep your relationship to yourself.

The selflessness questioning what would be so terrible about revealing it.

The desire to do what made Jun happy.

The desire to keep what was yours yours.

The slight jealously that now you would have to share this part of Jun with the other fans when they already had most of him.

You sank to the floor and leaned back against the bed frame, letting more emotions show their colors.

The guilt that you’re being so selfish for even thinking about keeping the relationship private.

The fear of retaliation from Jun when you inevitably had to talk about this.

The fear of hateful comments you would receive if you revealed.

The fear of letting down Jun when you told him what’s been going on in your thoughts because you’d seen the hope and excitement in his eyes whenever he thought about getting to show you off to the world.

The first tear that slid down your cheek tickled your skin, bringing you back to Jun’s dark room. The dark only reminded you of your relationship’s light that would go out if any of your thought paths went completely wrong. The solitude you’d be left in.

That alone brought the tears flowing down your cheeks. Pretty soon, you were full blown crying while trying to keep as quiet as possible. You didn’t want the others or Jun to know you were currently bawling your eyes out. You just weren’t ready to explain the reason behind the tears just yet. But despite your best efforts to keep quiet, you couldn’t help the sniffles or the exhales that escaped.

Woozi remembered he needed to ask Minghao something and had left his room in search for the younger member. As he passed by Jun’s cracked open door, he heard sniffles and stuttering breaths. Eyebrows scrunched in concern, he changed course and set out to find Jun.

In Jeonghan’s room, he found Minghao, Jeonghan, Dino, and Jun finalizing an outfit for Jeonghan. But he didn’t find you.

“Hey, Jun.” Woozi said. The heaviness in his tone caused all males in the room to stop and look at Woozi with some worry. “I think (y/n)’s crying…” Woozi trailed off and it took Jun a couple seconds to register what he had just said.

“What?” Jun asked, clearly confused. Though he knew there’d been a lot on your mind, he didn’t think it was enough to manifest into tears.

“I was walking past your room and I heard sniffling and she’s not here so I assumed…” Woozi explained, motioning back behind me.

“Oh, fuck.” Jun mumbled with urgency and raced out of Jeonghan’s room towards his own.

You tried wiping away the tears in hopes they would let up soon but with every tear you wiped away, six more relentlessly appeared.

“You’ve got to stop crying.” You whispered to yourself. “They’re going to wonder where you are.”

But the tears didn’t listen to you, they just kept falling and the bubble in your chest hadn’t shrunk even the tiniest. Giving up the attempts to calm your cries, you covered your face with your hands and just let the tears flow out.

Through your tears and your numbed body, you didn’t notice the light that seeped in as the door opened.

Suddenly, arms were wrapping you up and pulling you closer to a familiar body and scent.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay.” Jun said quietly, resting his chin on top of your head. “I’m here.”

He was with you. And that fact only made you cry harder. He’d found out. But these cries you didn’t try to keep quiet. There was no point in doing that now.

Choked sobs forced their way up your throat and your tears fell in what felt like globs that soaked into Jun’s shirt. But he never said anything. Just held you and let you cry against him. With every sob, the bubble in your chest shrank a tiny bit. Soon it had pulled back from the edges of your chest and you no longer felt like you were drowning in it. Then, and only then, did the tears finally start to subside.

When Jun heard your breath calming down a bit, he raised a hand to your face and silently wiped away the trails of tears on your cheeks. After a couple more kisses to your forehead, he spoke.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, having an inkling of what made you cry.

You also knew he knew why you were crying and the fact made a couple more tears slip out. Jun quickly wiped them away and sighed. He then decided he was going to take Seungcheol’s advice and just start the conversation, otherwise, it wouldn’t happen and there would be more nights like this.

“We don’t have to do it, if you don’t want to.” Jun started quietly, his grip tightening on you when you went rigid under him. Despite the fear he felt from your body’s response, he pushed on with what he had to say. “I won’t ever make you do this if you don’t want to. I will keep our relationship a secret for as long as you want me to. Because even though I’d be spending time with you in secret, I would still be spending time with you.”

Jun’s voice rumbled through your ear that was pressed against his chest and you blindly reached for his hand, grasping it tightly between yours once you found it. But you didn’t say anything as you hadn’t yet found your voice.

“I know this has been bugging you for a while.” Jun continued when your silence carried on, “I hope you know that I wouldn’t do anything without your okay. Especially when it involves our relationship.” He sighed and ran his free hand through the ends of your hair. “But I worry that if we don’t do it on our terms, one day, someone is going to reveal us and we’ll be forced to reveal us when you’re not ready. That worries me because I don’t want to see you go through someone forcibly revealing something about you. I’ve seen it with other idols and it’s something I want to protect you from. But we don’t have to do it if you’re not ready.”

You listened to him and focused straight ahead at the wall, “It’s not that I’m not ready.” You said, voice hoarse from crying, “I just don’t want to share you.”

“Hmm?” Jun hummed, asking you to explain.

“It’s going to sound childish.” You said, heart pounding in your chest. “My entire life, I’ve never had something that I could call my own. All my hobbies were just that: hobbies. I never excelled at any of them and there was always someone else who did them better. My schooling was average. And before I met you, Seventeen was a lifeline that I had to share with millions of other people. Some might even argue they loved you more than I did." 

You pulled away from his chest and forced yourself to meet his eyes. They were filled with confusion and worry but you continued, "When I met you, I finally had something that was my own. Something that no one else could have or be better at. You were mine and mine alone. And it sounds so absolutely selfish, but I don’t want to share you with anyone any more than I already do. Please don’t hate me.” You finished quietly and averted your eyes elsewhere.

“Hate you?” Jun repeated your words. “Why would I hate you?” You were going to answer his question but he continued before you could form a word. “And it is not selfish, in anyway. No. I mean, yes, it’s selfish, but not in a bad way. It’s an understandable selfishness. I understand what you’re saying perfectly and if I’m being honest, it makes me love you more to know that you think of me as yours like that." 

Jun smiled sweetly and it pulled a fluttering butterfly into your heart. "I feel the same way about you. My life has always been in the spotlight and now I finally have something that I can keep to myself. But even then, I have this unexplainable desire to show you to the world. To let every single person know that I am taken and that I’m taken by the best, most beautiful woman out there.”

Jun’s words brought a blush to your cheeks and he gently brushed back the hairs that had fallen onto your face.

“Will you be sharing me yet again with every person out there? Yes.” Jun continued, “But the only thing you will have to share is that I’m yours. Everything else is up to you if you want to share it or not. Details of our relationship are only going to be revealed and shared if you want them to be. Otherwise, they will forever stay a secret between me and you. Yours and mine.”

“I didn’t even think about that…” You admitted with a small pout, mind spiraling and wondering how you could’ve missed that fact.

“It’s okay. That’s why I’m here.” Jun squeezed your hand, “To show you the things you didn’t see the first time around.”

“You really wouldn’t give details about us?” You questioned him and he shook his head.

“I would never unless you said it was okay.” Jun answered with a firm tone, “If people kept asking, I would put out a statement, company approval or not, saying that I won’t answer any questions about our relationship so people shouldn’t waste their breath on asking.”

You smiled at him and love for him swelled in your chest where a bubble of anxiety used to sit. “You would do that?”

“In a heartbeat.” Jun quickly answered. “I know what privacy means to you and I now know what being yours truly means and I will do everything I can to make sure I protect it from the prying public eyes.”

“When we reveal, can uhm, can we keep my name out of it at first?” You asked with some hesitation. “I just, I don’t know if I can share both of those things in one day.”

A smile grew on Jun’s face and it was the biggest smile you’d seen from him all day.

“What?” You wondered at his sudden change.

“You said 'when’.” He pointed out and you hadn’t even noticed your word choice.

“I, I did, didn’t I?” You commented slowly.

Jun nodded happily, “And yes, we can keep your name out of the announcement. But,” He leaned in and placed a small kiss to the tip of your nose, “I hope one day you’ll let me show the world the drop dead gorgeous lady who claimed me as her own.”

You chuckled and bit your lip in thought, “Maybe one day. So long as you keep reminding people that you’ve been claimed by a drop dead gorgeous lady.”

“I wouldn’t stop even if I died.” Jun murmured with a smile before pressing his lips against yours.

Pulling away, you became aware of the ache developing in your butt. “My butt’s going numb.” You admitted to Jun who laughed.

“Thank god, cause mine went numb five minutes ago.” He said and rose to his feet before helping you up. “Bedtime?” He asked as a yawn exited your tired body.

You nodded, “Yeah, my eyes probably won’t stay open for very much longer.” You told him with a sleepy smile.

“Get into bed and I’ll be right back.” Jun instructed you.

You pouted and he chuckled, poking at your lips with his finger.

“I’m just going to let the others know you’re okay. I’ll be right back, I promise.” He informed you and moved towards the door once you’d given your nod of approval.

Just as he reached the door, you called out, “Drop dead gorgeous, huh? How long have you been keeping that one inside?” You asked, recalling the words he used to describe you.

Jun turned back with a small smirk on his face, “Since day one.” He winked at you before leaving the room.

Description: It’s finals week and you join them on a study date.
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff




You sigh and run your hands through your hair in frustration. These ethics review notes are taking your mind on a rollercoaster through confusion, clarity, and, after a ninety-degree downwards turn, back into confusion.

“Why can’t I remember what this principle was about?” You groan frustrated at yourself but you don’t give into peeking at previous lecture notes because you’re determined to do this on your own.

Jun notices your frustration and looks up from the book he’s reading for his book report/final that’s due in three days. He procrastinates. A lot. 

“Whatcha workin’ on?” He asks and leans over the table to look at your notes and study materials.

“Just my ethics review.” You answer him, tapping your pen against your cheek.

“Ethics?” Jun repeats the subject and peers at the concept that you’re stuck on. “Huh.” 

“Yeah. So much fun.” You let the sarcasm drip from your lips and return to wracking through your brain for the one principle you’re being asked about in the current slide.

“Huh.” Jun repeats his sound and you look up to find him still leaning over the table.

“What are you doing, Jun?” You ask him with a questioning look.

“Hold on.” Jun says, straining as his body tires out from the odd position he’s in. “Andddddddddd, done. Wow, that’s a complicated question.”

You glance down at your materials and then back up at Jun, “You were reading the question this entire time?”

“Uh, yeah.” Jun scrunches his face up into a ‘duh’ expression, “I was curious. And, for your information, reading upside down is extremely difficult.”

“Did you come up with an answer?” You ask, smiling at his silliness. However, Jun just shakes his head while letting out a dramatic sigh.



“Okay, okay. I got this. I got this.” Hoshi hypes himself up as you shuffle the flashcards and prepare to quiz him. 

“Match the person off of their description.” You tell him and his face falls.

“Ugh, that’s so much harder!” He complains.

You shrug, not really caring, before reading off the first description. “This person was the last queen of France. She was only 14 when she was married. She is famous for saying ‘let them eat cake.’” 

“Marie Antoinette!” Hoshi exclaims excitedly.

“Correct!” You start a ‘correct answer’ pile before moving onto the next person, “This person ruled in Russia and was 26 when he took the throne. Their reign saw events like Bloody Sunday of 1905 and World War I.”

“Uh, uh…” Hoshi stutters, searching his brain for the answer. “OH! Nicholas the second!”

“Nice!” You smile with pride as he aces another question. “Okay, next one. This person was a French military and political leader. He fought in the French Revolution and lost the battle at Waterloo in 1815.”

Hoshi’s face stills as he muddles over the information you’ve given him. His eyes widen and narrow repeatedly as he thinks about who the person could be. You wait patiently and hope he guesses the answer correctly and goes 3 for 3.

After a few seconds, Hoshi looks up at you with a shy smile and pokes his cheeks.

“You don’t know?” You ask him and he widens his shy smile. Laughing and shaking your head, you tell him the answer, “Napoleon Bonaparte.”

Hoshi snaps his fingers in shame, “I should’ve know. Ugh, he was even one of the ones I considered! Ugh, how could I have missed that?”

You shrug and place the card in the incorrect pile. “I don’t know, but you gotta study up.”



You’ve been at the library for hours and you’re still not done studying. The to-do list that sits next to you stares at you, sitting there and reminding you that you still have a boat load of studying to do to be prepared for finals. A groan escapes from your lips as your head lowers to rest against the stiff open spine of your textbook.

“You good?” Minghao asks, peering up from his book to eye you suspiciously.

You hold up a thumbs up and give him a short groan before dramatically lifting your head and taking in a deep breath. “I don’t think I can study anymore for the day.” You declare.

“Oh, come on. Just a little more?” Minghao coaxes you.

“Minghao.” You deadpan at him, “My brain feels like mush and I’m pretty sure I’m writing in old latin.”

“30 more minutes and then we can leave.” He bargains with you.

“You’re not even studying any more.” You state and nod towards his poetry book still in his hands. “I just wanna go ho-”

“Ah, 30 more minutes and we can go.” Minghao interrupts you.

You pout, “But-”

“No, but’s. 30 minutes.” He cuts you off and buries his head back into his book without another word.

Sighing, you pick up your pen again and refocus on the text in front of you.

A few minutes later, you notice Minghao rummaging through his bag. Looking up, you see him pull out a small polaroid camera and begin to take pictures of himself.

“Wha-?” You aren’t able to finish the word because of how confused and shocked you are.

“I’m done studying.” Minghao states a-matter-of-factly, “And this library backdrop is aesthetic.” 



“They only had orange juice downstairs.” Dino says, returning to the table with a large-ish bottle of orange juice and two clear cups. 

“Well, sugar is sugar, no matter what form it comes in.” You shrug, a little tired from all the studying you’ve been doing.

Dino sits down in his chair before opening the bottle and pouring some juice out for the both of you. “Your sugar fix.” He says and slides a cup closer to you.

You nod, acknowledging the drink but your eyes are focused on the page in front of you. Dino takes a slow sip and just watches you for a couple seconds. He takes in the way your hand grips your hair in concentration and the way your lips form the silent words of your textbook.

“Hey, do you think aliens exist?” You randomly ask Dino and the question takes him by slight surprise.

“Uh…” He pauses to think of how to phrase his next thought, “Why?”

You shrug, “My mind wandered and ended up at aliens. Do you think they exist? Cause like they could, right?” You launch yourself into a mini distraction while Dino listens amused. “The Egyptian Pyramids could’ve been made by aliens but at the same time we have documented record of people making them. And, and like folklore. What if folklore were real aliens on this planet that ancient people deemed gods and what not.” You take a breath and your eyes shine with excited curiosity, “And if they’re real, what language would they speak? Would they be friendly? They’d have to be like super technologically advanced to travel through space like that. I wonder what they look like. Do you wonder what they look like?” You turn your excited gaze to Dino as he brings his drink up to his lips.

He pauses for a second then squints his eyes and gives a light chuckle while nodding his head in agreement, “It’d be interesting if they actually existed.” He sets down his cup as you pick up yours. “Curious though, what caused that tangent?”

You point down at your next and though he can’t really see it, your finger is underneath a word. “I read the phrase ‘technologically advanced’ and poof.” 
