#sex worker resources


That thing about yourself that you think keeps you from being sexy enough to cam or do sex work?
It doesn’t. I guarantee it. You can use it to your advantage, make it part of your persona, and use it - it may be a niche (like chubby/hairy which I use). Or you can just accept it and let it be a part of how sexy you are. Or you can hide it.
This is specifically about scars. I’ve seen girls with lots of scars being worried it will affect their ability to cam.
You can definitely cover up scars with makeup. There are tons of guides on how to do so, so it won’t come off when you sweat/with your clothes.
But I have had literally NO questions or comments about my scars by clients. Only ever by nonclients purposefully trying to harass me, and that was on free live cam, and they were banned. And those dudes will insult any thing about any sex worker to make them feel bad, so DON’T let those assholes dictate what is beautiful or not about your body.
There will also be people who fetishize scarring, which is up to you whether or not you want that to be something you allow to be used that way. 
I have dermatillomania and pick at scabs constantly. I have thick scars on my wrists and thighs and knees, small ones all over back along with pimples and scabs, and very thick stretch marks, and the only work I have done in which I covered these was Sugar Babying, which I am not cut out for and can’t comment towards, although I’ll say my personality certainly seemed to be more offputting to them then my scars. 
If you want to make it work, you can work it. Just know you’re goddamn gorgeous, scars shown or not.
