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I think it’s time to start some shit and lose some followers.

With the Brussels bombings, there’s been a sudden surge and bullshit and disinfo flying around because it takes a goddamned bombing that kills three dozen people to get people’s attention these days.. and unfortunately, people only ever invest in these tragedies when their favored political ideology is being made to look bad.

Here’s the uncomfortable truth about Europe, Islam, and the Migrant/Refugee Crisis: It’s a hellish clusterfuck and people and being willfully, and maliciously ignorant for the sake of saving face and virtue signalling. There is such an absurd need to make sure that the Right is never right that many politicians have turned to attacking and slandering anyone who speaks out against the very real problems that have come from allowing hundreds of thousands of unchecked migrants and refugees into these countries.

Many of the countries which were so eager to open their borders extra wide are now desperately trying to get rid of them, paying hundreds of millions just to keep them somewhere while they try to find a way to get them out of the country.. You know why? Because there isn’t a single country in the world which is equipped to handle a sudden influx of tens of thousands of non-native speaking, uneducated, unskilled foreigners! Foreigners whose culture is so undeniably conflicting with Europe’s that they literally needed to be taught not to rape and attack women in the street for walking around in normal clothes, for fuck’s sake!.. and in one case, a  teacher of one of those classes was raped by her migrant student anyways.

Which brings me to Brussels.. and Paris.. and the shit that happened to Charlie Hebdo.. and the multiple train bombings.. and Rotherham.. and are you seeing a pattern here yet? People who gladly embrace the label “terrorist” have said repeatedly, in between taking credit for and celebrating all these successful shootings and bombings, that this is what they want to do. That they are going to send in their soldiers with a flood of migrants and they are going to keep attacking until there is no more Europe. That they want to destroy Europe and kill anyone who opposes them.

But I don’t want to make this about attacking Islam. Instead, I want you to understand that even if we could completely separate religion from this whole issue, there are still problems here that people are refusing to address. Problems that are being lost under a tide of idiots screaming “ISLAMAPHOBE” because they would rather prove what an open minded and tolerant person they are by letting Europe suffer.

Every country that has taken in migrants and refugees has seen a spike in crime so huge that authorities have found it easier to crack down on anyone saying anything negative about it, rather than try and stop the constant rapes, robberies, assaults, murders, and destruction. They’ve actually started telling citizens just to stop going out at night or to stay away from certain parts of town. Germany has stopped serving sausages in certain parts of the country because the migrants were so pissed off about the pork products, for fuck’s sake.

At the heart of all of these questionable decisions is this really odd notion that the worst possible outcome is that the Police, or Politicians, or even normal citizens might be labeled as racists, bigots, and Islamophobes. It’s not the suffering that seems to matter, because things have become so muddied, so unbelievably assbackwards, that even when three dozen people get murdered because they had a plane or train to catch, the only thing people want to do is scream at people who disagree with their clearly destructive and ill-conceived notions on how to run a country.

Open borders don’t work. Allowing tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people who will not and cannot assimilate into a country and then spending Billions on them, only for many of them to get fed up and leave is fucking retarded. Greece has been in economic free-fall for the past few years and they are expected to take in and house countless migrants and refugees all while enduring uncontrollable chaos and crime that comes with them.

When there have been repeated attacks that have cost hundreds of innocent lives, you cannot and absolute should not prioritize ideological brownie points over the safety and stability of entire countries. Attempting to combat “islamophobia” shouldn’t even be on the list of shit to-do in this situation.

Governments are beholden to their own citizens, first and foremost. They have an non-negotiable duty to protect their citizens and do everything in their power to ensure that their well-being and their safety is not compromised. No civilized country in the world should be expected to shoulder a burden that destroys it’s cities, destabilizes it’s economy, and gets its own citizens killed ESPECIALLY when they know that such a threat is very real and has happened repeatedly over the past several years.

No. It’s not fair to all of the refugees whose homes have been blown up in the war. No, it’s not fair to the sick children and the innocents who simply want a better life. It’s a shitty situation and a lot of people who don’t deserve this kind of treatment out of life are getting it.

But you know what? It’s not fair that innocent citizens have to fear for their lives and deal with their beloved towns and cities being torn apart because some jackass politicians thought that making themselves look good and their opponents look bad was more important than keeping their countries stable and safe.


Bravo!!, Bravo!!!, Bravo!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^

Common sense at last



When will Europeans admit that Islam has a problem with violence?

This should be on prime time television

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