#sf9 chani headcannon




  • Although Chani might appear as a big, ol’ marshmallow, softest boi there has ever existed on the planet earth, those visuals are shattered when you get to know a more intimate side of Chani;
  • He might not be all that experienced, which makes him that more rushed;
  •      he’d like to get to know your body as soon as possible, he’d also like to try out all of his accumulated sexual fantasies with you;
  •           and oh boy, let me tell you about some of the fantasies this mans might have;
  • Chani might like to be in a position superior to their partner when in bed, a.k.a. daddy/sir/master kink;
  • Choking;
  • Degradation;
  • Bondage;
  • Overstimulation;
  • What would turn him on even more would be the fact that you’d be with as much experience as himself in this field;
  •      and that is, very minimum;
  • The fact that you relied on him to lead you two through this experience would most certainly lead into him having all sorts of nasty thoughts, particularly your flustered expressions;
  •      maybe he was just a teeny-tiny bit sadistic, but who knows;
  • Another way to rile Chani up in bed would be to compliment him, not sparing any shame to the compliments;
  •      bonus points if the compliments are about his looks;
  • A little secret about Chani might be the fact that he has very nimble fingers, so when it came to the use of them, he’d exert all of his efforts into making you come at least once just from them, alone;
  • As a young man in his early twenties, Chani’s stamina supply would be high;
  •      he could go many rounds like it was no big deal, so you’d better keep up with him;
  • Another thing you might want to know is the fact that although Chani has a lot of sexual fantasies, and he would burst of joy to try them all out, he wouldn’t do it as easily in fear of weirding you out; 
  •     however, to flip his switches the wrong way would be easy, for one, a sure-fire way to irritate Chani would be to give him some bitchy attitude;
  • He wouldn’t like it if you tried to take his sense of power in bed away, and he would `fight` for it- that is, he’d give you a fucking, instead of the vanilla making love;
  • He’d be irritated, and that would show in how snappy his hips would become, his hands, that were previously handling you gently, would snake to your throat, his previous considerate pace would turn unsteady, slamming, ramming into you, his teeth would leave marks all over your breasts;
  •      if you were to learn of all of his buttons, you’d have a whole new sexual experience with Chani, as he’d go to places before unseen by you;
  •           or you two could just talk about your sexual preferences, and what you’d like to try out, although for Chani, it would be a little difficult to say all that he wants to do;
  • By the end of the night, you should absolutely expect cuddles and kisses and more cuddles, and then some more sweet talk. If you were sore, he’d also give you a massage, showing yet another thing that them nimble hands can do.