#shadow speaks


My longest one-shot is 2,461 words long. One of the one-shots I am currently writing has 3,026 words and I have at least 1/3 more of the story left to write! Who knows what the end word count will be?

I’ve been starting to add cosplaying to my list of creativities the last few months and haven’t really written as much as I usually do (which is still slow af). But last night I worked on four of my WIPs (five in total) and I forgot exactly how good it feels to write.


I got a diagnosis from my cardiologist a few months ago. Today I saw a PA in that same office who desperately tried convince me I had a different condition altogether. I was told my dizziness was not related to my cardiologist’s diagnosis despite every medical website saying it was. My doctor said it was Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. The PA insisted it was Orthostatic Hypotension and it was merely a temporary moral failing. The whole appointment was a freaking mess, but I’m not believing a word out of that PA’s mouth.

My question is this: Is this a normal behavior for PA to just not have all the information or see all the information and still think the doctor is wrong?

(Please reply with answers instead of reblogging as I will be deleting this post after the weekend)

Oh, I forget to tell you guys!!

So last Wednesday, I finally decided to take the plunge. I got 12 inches of my hair chopped off. Instead of it hanging around halfway down my back, it hangs just under my ears (it’s curly so length is hard to judge). It was one of my best decisions and I don’t think I want to go back to long hair to be honest.

(Sadly no pics as I want to stay anonymous on here. Thanks for understanding ❤❤)
