
kimirce:kimirce:vinnybox:A fun idea popped into my mind.Batman but his shadows kinda works like Dr. kimirce:kimirce:vinnybox:A fun idea popped into my mind.Batman but his shadows kinda works like Dr.




A fun idea popped into my mind.

Batman but his shadows kinda works like Dr. Facilier’s or Peterpan’s ? idk but I just wanna draw Batman and his shadow doing who knows what DSGDSHD


@morningstargirl666 I’ve actually been meaning to write something for this for a while but you gave me the push I needed to sit down and write it lol.

I plan to post the first chapter on my Ao3 later this evening, to be titled The Silhouette of the Soul. Here’s the potential summary:

And Bruce’s shadow – it shifted.

The faint, fuzzy outline of a child deepened, growing darker as though ink pooled in its center. Martha watched in horror as the points of bat-like wings unfolded halfway, then tucked in as though they were settling into place.

Her mother’s words came back to her: Your shadow is the silhouette of your soul.

I’m trying to decide if I need to write a more expansive summary than this to properly explain what the story is about, but also I feel like this gives you a pretty concise look.

Also@vinnybox02​ , do you mind if I include an image of your art on Ao3? I would, of course, link back to the original art and inspiration. This is such a great idea!

The Silhouette of the Soul is now posted to Ao3!

YOOOOOOOOOO everyone should totally check out this fic!!!

Gave it a read and I think this has a very interesting and unique take on the AU! Definitely give this a read cause this dwelve into how Bruce got his shadow and also gave us a little insight of Martha Wayne too! <3

Also yis! You may include my art in your AO3!! :D Im real honored! ^u^

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