#shahid kapoor

infinitebollywood:Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}infinitebollywood:Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}infinitebollywood:Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}infinitebollywood:Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}infinitebollywood:Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}infinitebollywood:Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}infinitebollywood:Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}


Bollywood rain moments: Shahid & Kareena {Tum se hi}

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One of the best romantic comedies of all time… Shahid and Kareena Kapoor have off-the-chart c

One of the best romantic comedies of all time… Shahid and Kareena Kapoor have off-the-chart chemistry… Kareena Kapoor gives a beyond superb performance… Imtiaz Ali has created a classic for the ages with Jab We Met… This film about heart will always have a place in my heart.

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Jab We Met (2007) dir. Imtaz Ali

fresh jodis of 2013. Will they work? Only time will tell.

  • Imran Khan and Anushka Sharma - The two starred together in the recently released Vishal Bhardwaj film- Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola. Imran Khan has previously been paired with the youthful beauties of Bollywood including Sonam Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Genelia D'Souza and Minissha Lamba. Although his chemistry with these leading ladies has been very successful, something’s a miss when it comes to his pairing with Anushka Sharma in Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola. Will they be a second time lucky?
  • Saif Ali Khan and Sonakshi Sinha - The Nawab of Pataudi will be romancing Sonakshi Sinha in Tigmanshu Dhulia’s Bullet Raja. Sonakshi is known to romance older actors. She made her Bollywood debut with Salman Khan in Dabangg, followed by Rowdy Rathore and Joker opposite Akshay Kumar, Son of Sardaar with Ajay Devgn and Dabangg 2 with Salman again. So her pairing with Saif comes as no surprise.
Fresh jodis to look forward to in Bollywood - Bollywood News
  • Chitrangada and Arjun Rampal - The duo are set for their first film together that releases this month. Both Chitrangada and Arjun have a certain amount of rawness and their on screen chemistry in Inkaar has been sizzling! It will be interesting to see if this jodi can deliver a hit together!
  • Ajay Devgn and Tamannaah - Tamannaah’s the queen of Kollywood and a popular actress in Tollywood too. She stars alongside Ajay Devgn in Sajid Nadiadwala’s ambitious project Himmatwala. Though this is not her debut in Bollywood, Tamannaah can be confident of a hit, courtesy Sajid Khan whose earlier films have done well at the box office. Ajay Devgn on the other hand will be seen in a different avatar with lots of action scenes and this may be the big film for both Ajay and Tamannaah’s career. But as a pair, will they set the screen on fire remains to be seen.
  • Ram Charan Teja and Priyanka Chopra - Pee Cee is known to work with new comers, be it Vivaan Shah, Harman Baweja or Arjan Bajwa. This time too, Priyanka will star opposite South superstar Ram Charan Teja in Apoorva Lakhia’s Zanjeer- which is a remake of the original by the same name. Ram Charan has tasted success with films like Magadheera and Zanjeer marks his Bollywood debut. Let’s see if Priyanka proves to be lucky for Ram Charan.
  • Dhanush and Sonam Kapoor - Director Anand L. Rai was responsible for the unique pairing of Kangana Ranaut and R Madhavan for his film Tanu Weds Manu which went on to become a hit. Now, he has roped in Sonam Kapoor and Dhanush of Why This Kolaveri Di fame for his next, Raanjhana. Dhanush has been successful with films like Kadhal Kondein, Pudhupettai, Thulluvadho Ilamai and Thiruda Thirudi. Although Sonam did not have luck with Mausam, it seems like this pairing could make for an interesting couple in Anand L Rai’s romantic film.
  • Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha - After acting with stars almost double her age, Sonakshi Sinha is paired opposite Ranveer Singh in Lootera. Ranveer is only two films old and has worked with Anushka Sharma in both. So it will be a refreshing change to see him with a new face. But the icing on the cake is Sonakshi romancing a younger hero!
  • Shahid Kapoor and Ileana D'Cruz - Ileana D'Cruz and Ranbir Kapoor made a cute pair in Barfi! And now Ileana is set to act opposite chocolate boy Shahid Kapoor in Rajkumar Santoshi’s Phata Poster Nikla Hero. This marks Shahid and Ileana’s first film together. It’s a matter of time before this jodi’s fate is decided at the box office.
  • Sunny Deol and Kangana Ranaut - Kangana Ranaut has no qualms about the co stars she chooses to work with. So it comes as no surprise to see her in I love New Year with Sunny Deol. The story of the film demands an older man falling in love with a younger woman who turns his world around. With this fresh pairing, the film will also be delightful for all Sunny fans who has been missing from the silver screen for a while. Both Kangana and Madhavan took Tanu weds Manu to new heights and became a hit jodi. If the same happens with her and Sunny Deol, could there a sequel in the pipeline?
  • Shahid Kapoor and Sonakshi Sinha -Prabhudeva casts Sonakshi Sinha once again in Rambo Rajkumar after the success of Rowdy Rathore. However, Sonakshi will be romancing an actor her age- the cute and adorable Shahid Kapoor. With Prabhudeva’s luck at the box office, will Shahid and Sonakshi be the next big thing?
  • Ayushmann and Sonam Kapoor - After the success of Vicky Donor, Ayushmann Khurrana is in demand and is on every director’s wish list! Ayushmann has been signed on by the YRF banner for their untitled next which also stars Sonam Kapoor opposite Ayushmann. In the past, Sonam has been paired opposite Abhishek Bachchan, Imran Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor and Abhay Deol but somewhere the jodis did not seem to create the magic on the silver screen. With YRF and Ayushmann by her side, will Sonam finally get the hit of her career? Only time will tell.

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click the sourcefor580 gifs of indian bollywood actror SHAHID KAPOOR inan assortment of youtube videos. he is punjabi, and north indian. keep this in mind when casting. please note that i do not approve of the 5+/- age rule. these were made from scratch and more will be added at my leisure, so please don’t edit, repost or claim as your own or i will eat you. tag me if you’re posting edited gif icons for public use. consider reblogging to spread poc options if useful. enjoy !
