#shakes and cries and throws up



wager worth losing

pairing: royalty au!bokuto x gn!reader

word count: 8.5k (i’m so sorry i got into it)

warnings: a lot of trust issues and mentions of betrayal

summary: being a royal courtier has led you to build up an immovable wall, unflinching and unfeeling. sadly, the wall didn’t account for bokuto koutarou. maybe it isn’t so immovable anymore, is it?

note: this is the angstiest reader i’ve written i’m so sorry if it seems like a lot but also shoutout to @fukurodanni who i wrote this for!! i write a lot of gifts for them because they are lovely and very very kind. also happy belated birthday bokuto!! this is a little late <3

Trustworthy. Such a simple word with so many connotations. Throughout your years inside of palace walls and gilded rooms you have met only one person you think might fit into the word’s neat definition. Akaashi Keiji was your friend since childhood, and the only one who actually decided to stay. Even in the constricting stares of noblemen through court rooms, you know that no matter what you can look over to Akaashi and see someone who you can say anything to. How amusing that you won’t have that soon.

“How long do you think you will be gone?” You try to keep your voice even, almost an instinctual reaction to anything new and changing in your life, where the slightest shift in expression could ruin you, but you can tell Akaashi hears that timber in your voice when he looks over with a pained glance.

“Seven months.”

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