#shameless fic


Chapter Six

“You’re a dick,” you tell Iggy.

“Yeah, but at least I’m not fucking over the person I’m totally into.”

You don’t reply, and that might say more than the fuck off you’d normally throw at him.

includes a cherry story and some lovely art thrown together by @psychicskulldamage



Been Here All Along

Summary: Mickey’s sixteen when he realizes he’s a little bit in love with Ian.

An AU one shot based on Taylor Swift’s ‘You Belong With Me.’

Rating: General

WordCount: 5432



Just a little story about a boy in love :)

Been Here All Along

Summary: Mickey’s sixteen when he realizes he’s a little bit in love with Ian.

An AU one shot based on Taylor Swift’s ‘You Belong With Me.’

Rating: General

WordCount: 5432



Just a little story about a boy in love :)

Summary: Mickey doesn’t know whether his brain getting all scrambled up is a death sentence or a second chance. But he’s got to take the risk - figure out how to live again - and find out.

This is a post season 6 amnesia fic.

Chapter Preview:

Mostly they just hang out.



Chapter 7 is here! Thank you for reading and happy holidays if you are celebrating! <3

The Rising Sun: Chapter 1

Summary: As he learns to navigate the end of the world, the last thing Ian Gallagher expects is to fall in love.

Chapter Preview: “He hears more screams behind him, other bodies tunneling after him, desperate for escape, and he knows that the only thing that gets them out of the door is when the rip rip rip begins again.”


Zombie apocalypse love story. This is also a rewrite of my previous fic ‘When the Blue Finally Came’ and a lot of the outline/chapters have been given a revise. Thank you to anyone who reads and gives it a chance! :)
