#shanks x reader


love you like, part 2

  • kid, killer, sabo, mihawk, shanks
  • a collection of drabbles
  • what their love feels like
  • 0.4k words

a/n: another installment of the love you like series, but then again… if it’s only two parts, can i still call it a series?

eustass kid loves you like found treasure. from the moment he stumbles across your smile, he knows that it’s something special. he can hardly believe how lucky he is to have found you, to have claimed your heart before anyone else. kid loves the way his name sounds on your lips, how wondrous it is to be yours as much you are his. but it’s the affection he finds with you — glittering, rich, radiant, irreplaceable — that’s the real prize, and he swears to call it his forever.

killerloves you like a symphony. it builds over time, a slow and magnificent thing. his love is a delicate melody at first — lilting but shy — until your affection comes rushing in, acting as the driving force that leads killer to you. when he finally kisses you, it’s harmonious beyond anything the world has known. every touch, every embrace, and every sweet, sweet kiss makes his heart sing, and he hopes that you’ll follow his lead until the end of time.

saboloves you like fireworks. a love that is so loud and colourful, it echoes across the skies and leaves your heart pounding in its chest — this is how sabo loves you. his love lights the night and leaves you breathless. you’re left starstruck when he pulls you closer and closer, until your foreheads touch and you can see love sparkling in his eyes. sabo looks at you with as much wonder as you look at him; the way you light up in the presence of his love — this is what sabo lives for.

dracule mihawk loves you like a garden. mihawk recognizes the seeds as soon as they fall into his hand — a tenderness that could grow into blooming affection. he loves you with patience and care, for mihawk knows how delicate these things can be. every day, he showers you with sweet words and envelopes you in a touch reserved only for his beloved. each smile that you return unto him, rosy and sweet, only confirms what he already knows; there is no feeling more beautiful than what you’ve planted in his heart.

red-haired shanks loves you like a masterpiece. when you’re around, inspiration strikes shanks like falling stars. his heart is a blank canvas and you have the honor of painting its first colours. streaks of pink, shades of love, and golden kisses — what starts off as random brushstrokes quickly becomes a work of art that history would envy. drunk nights, quiet mornings, and all the colourful memories that come in between; this is a love so brilliant that one could only hope to find something that even resembles it.
