#shapeshifter x gn reader


Well, the last two weeks didn’t go as planned but! Keep an eye out for some more stuff that will be posted on later tonight and tomorrow! For right now I’m back with another matchup! Featuring Louie the shapeshifter! 

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-Requests and matchups are CLOSED!  

  • Louie is a shape shifter that, in his true form, stands at about 5’8” and has dark hair but blue eyes. Since his mother was a dragon shifter, he inherited scales that run along down his arms and across his back that are a light shade of gold. While he is a ‘shapeshifter’, he does have limitations, his better shiftings being that of giant lizards and/or dragons, anything the size of a cat and smaller he really can’t do.
  • If he’s feeling mischievous, he’ll take on the form of a giant cat like a leopard and sprawl across your desk where all of your writing stuff is and merely grin as you scold him, it’s his form of having fun with you. But naturally, he ignores you like what a cat would do and simply stretches out further, pushing the pencils off of your desk with a huff that means ‘give me attention!’
  • Even if he does cause you trouble, he does take the time to read over anything you write. He loves to see you create worlds that even he couldn’t imagine. He loves the complexity of the stories and if you need help coming up with a creature? Describe to him what you’re looking for and he’ll try his best to shift into whatever it is that you managed to create.
  • He’s the type of person where his kindness is a form of making sure you are taking care of yourself. Whether it’s bringing you a glass of water or a small snack bag, he wants to make sure you are taken care of.
  • Puzzles? Absolutely. Though, expect him to insist he didn’t take the last piece of the puzzle as some fun banter with you, he’ll sneak one of the ones from the center away and grin as you accuse him of taking it before relenting and holding up the missing piece. But he’ll make you work for it to get it back, which usually means you have to give him some form of affection.


  • While he may appear to be kind and rather timid at times, that is not the case in the bedroom, he knows what he wants and he will take it. He’s sat you down before things had progressed that far and laid out the needs and wants that both of you had when it comes to that.
  • Makes sure you know exactly who is in charge during these times, while he may appear to only be in it for himself, he makes sure that it’s hard for you to walk the next day and will grin when he notices one of his many lovebites peeking out from underneath your shirt collar.
  • Occasionally he does take it slow and gentle, after all he does love to focus on you. When he’s not being rough, he makes sure you know that you are loved and that he is devoted to you, and only you.
  • Since he is a shapeshifter, he’s not opposed to spicing it up in the bedroom in that sense either. Don’t be afraid to ask him for something different than usual, he’s more than willing to comply, it’s about you too after all!

A quiet huff came from your desk as Louie rolled over onto his back, his tail swiping across the desk and knocking the journal you had open off of it. You sighed softly, though an amused smile spread across your features as you looked at the large cat lazing on your writing desk. 

“Louie, stop knocking my stuff off! I told you I’ll only be an hour!” You scolded, though the leopard grinned at you, displaying large canines as a grumble came from him. “Don’t give me that attitude, I pushed off this idea for a while now!” Protesting only seemed to make him sprawl out more as large paws dangled off of the edge of your desk, closing his eyes he merely basked in the warmth of the sun as you scolded him. 

With a huff, you walked over and nudged him off of the desk, causing him to roll right off the edge. A startled growl left him as he hit the ground with a thud before he finally popped back up as his normal self. “See what messing with my stuff gets you?” You teased, it had become a routine now, he never got hurt, just ended up getting scared every time you did it. “Since you decided to be a cat and push everything off, why don’t you help me clean it up?” 
