#share a lair


It has been about a month shy of two years since I updated this, but I know that at least one human wanted to actually read it, so tah dah! Lol. I’m sorry. I love y’all. @adorkable-blackgirl @jacksope-lives The previous chapter has @chenoahchantel and I didn’t realize somehow that she was reading this. Or it’s been two years and I just forgot, but better safe than sorry. Tag, Sis. 

Share a Lair 20

Henry and Jasper thought themselves to be a couple of geniuses for what they were about to pull off. It was amazing really. While Max was miles and miles away thinking of proposing to her. He was trying to plan out how he would do it, what he would say, what type of fanfare needed to be involved. He thought about their first kiss under the fireworks and knew that he HAD to include that. He wondered if he should try to write her a song, since he was better at songwriting than when he was young. He wondered a lot of things, but mostly, he was worried if she would even say yes, and if she did, how soon she would be willing to get married. Could they elope that night? Could they rush to the courthouse in the morning and then have a small gathering followed by a stay in honeymoon, to make up for all the lost time? Would she want to wait until they were familiar with living with each other again, just in case all of their habits had changed? He was stressed out and he was freaking out.

Jasper left Russia a few weeks before Henry and Max did, and in that time, he stayed with Charlotte. She was thinking about not proposing to Max, but MARRYING him. MARRYING him, whenever he got home! She wondered, “Would it be too forward if Max got home and I had a wedding set up? That would be way too much pressure, right? He doesn’t like pressure, but then again, he likes grand gestures…”

“He LOVES grand gestures!” Jasper encouraged. “I say not as soon as he walks in, but like, maybe the secondary room.”

“The secondary… you mean the dining room?”

“Picture this! You can put up curtains here, going across the room. The two of you can be reunited here, and then the curtains open and BOOM! Wedding venue.”

Charlotte looked at the spacing and started to think of the guest list. The house was spacious, but not Thundermans family + Pages, Harts, Man Cave… “OR… You meet him outside, and then when you come in, BOOM! Wedding venue in here and that way…”

“Wait. How would I HIDE the wedding? Why not he walks in and BOOM, there’s me and TAHDAH! Also wedding?”

“That surprise is too much too soon,” Jasper said. She looked confused. It was literally a few minutes apart from his idea…


“What. If…” Charlotte started, in hour 47 of her and Jasper bouncing ideas off of each other, “I don’t do it right away, but I postpone it until April 1st, that way if he says no or just seems not into the shock of it, I can pretend it was all an elaborate prank and if I do that, then, he’ll feel more endeared to me.”

“I love that energy. I hate that wait. It would be a couple of weeks before you’d ask and by then, what if he’s already asked you and we’ve planned everything for nothing?”

“Do you think he’s thinking of asking me?” Charlotte wondered. Jasper was too quiet, trying to think of something to say to that. “He is?!?” Charlotte asked. 

Jasper nodded his head and said, “No.” When she held his head still and he realized he’d been nodding, he said, “DANG IT!” 

“Why would you spend all this time trying to help me propose when you knew that he would?”

“I wanted us to beat him to it!” Jasper said, as though she ought to know this. She mushed his head away from her and got up to leave the room.

That was when Jasper touched base with Henry, to get things happening on the other end. 

Charlotte was now convinced that all she had to do was show up and be beautiful and she would have the things that she wanted. She loved an easy road. In fact, she took all of her accumulated vacation days surrounding Max returning so that she could have some spa days, deep meditation, proper rest, and all of the things that were going to have her equilibrium right and her nervous system calm. She worked on some fashions to design photoshoot perfect couture gumballs. She upgraded the system of the auto snacker to ensure that both of their favorite things would be available, and she made every room in the house a romantic experience, except for Max’s lair, which she didn’t go in while he was out of the country. 

Not a single one of her hairs were out of place, her skin was perfection, her health was in peak condition. She couldn’t imagine that a single thing could go wrong. So, whenever Max called to say that his return was a little bit delayed, she was disappointed, but not upset. She could handle another few days… then it was a week, then two. She fumed about it. That would mean that many of her vacation days would go to waste. Not technically, since she was occupied in getting herself and the house ready, but she wanted ALL of that time for Max. She did work freelance, so she could adjust her schedule, but if she took on a client now and couldn’t manage their crisis within the next couple of weeks, that would SUCK. And if she didn’t take on any clients until after she and Max had their reunion time, that would affect her finances… not that she was hard up for money, but she liked to have a certain amount of wiggle room and stuff.

Ultimately, she decided not to take up any jobs until after, and that she would reschedule all of her touch ups and stuff for right before Max got back. 

Which. He surprised her about. Charlotte was curled up on the couch with an actual physical book that she recently bought, wearing her glasses, with her hair in bantu knots beneath a bonnet and wearing a pair of lounge pants, a college sweatshirt and some bunny slippers when she heard something at the door. It wasn’t like the security system to not announce someone’s arrival, unless it was an animal or something, so she figured, maybe it was. Maybe some passing critter was around the door. 

Then she heard the doorknob. “Oh no they not…” she said, placing her book down, face down and reaching beneath the coffee table for her zapper and cuffs. Whenever she heard the door open, she immediately zapped. ‘OUCH!” She heard Max call out and watched him hold his rib where she hit him. “THAT HURTS A LOT MORE THAN IT EVER DID!” Charlotte gasped and dropped the zapper and the cuffs as he laughed at himself and came in. “You altered that, didn’t you?”

“I DID!” She cheered, rushing over to him. She raised his shirt and saw where it had already left a mark. “The security system didn’t announce you!” She said, worried. 

“I’m good.”

“And you didn’t tell me to expect you!”

“I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!” he cheered and opened his arms. 

Charlotte was about to hug him, then she let out a huge gasp and begin to wave her hands towards herself and touched her bonnet and her clothes, realizing that she was not shaven or waxed, or dressed, or exfoliated, etc, and so on and so forth. Max ignored her freak out and pulled her into a hug, which melted every worry that she had about the imperfections of the moment away. “I missed you so much,” he said into her skin. “Sorry that I didn’t make it back on time.” Her head rested against him and she shook it. It didn’t matter. He was here now. They were together again. Their reunion could start. 

“Where is all of your stuff?” She wondered. 

“I left it in the vehicle because I needed this. To see you and hold you and kiss you.”

“You haven’t kissed m-,” she told him, but it was interrupted by him doing so. 


After all of the elaborate ideas and things, Charlotte had relaxed about it all. She spent the better part of two days closely cozied up with Max, and neither of them had mentioned marriage, even in passing. She figured that she had simply had a moment like other people spoke of - when they had all types of beautiful fantasies about a wedding day. She had never done that as a child or a teenager, so she figured it had been something that she just caught later in life and got over almost as quickly as she thought it up. 

She woke up to an empty bed a few days after he’d returned and sat up, confused, pulling the covers to her chest and looking around. There was a letter on the nightstand. She opened it and flower petals fell out. It was an apology from Max that he would have to get with Henry on some details that they forgot to tie up and would likely be at the Hero League Headquarters most of the morning. “Mannn…” She complained, throwing her covers off of her and irritatedly kicking her way out of bed. 

“Hey Char, we’ve got the perfect…” She screamed, reached for her bedside zapper and zapped Jasper right in the belly. “HOT CROSS BUNS!” He cried out and crumbled to the floor. 

“WHAT are you doing in my house?” she squealed. “And why does the system keep not alerting me?” She grabbed her bedside bathrobe so that she wouldn’t have to check on him naked and scurried over as he picked himself up. 

“Max disarmed it to surprise you,” Jasper said.

“That was days ago!” she fussed and folded her arms, “What are you doing here?” 

He pointed his thumb behind him, “Hen and I schemed to make Max be out of the house today so that you could set up the April 1st Proposal or Prank.” 

“What?” She asked.

“Remember, we talked about it a couple of weeks ago.”

“Yeah, we got a bunch of wild notions about weddings out of the way a couple of weeks ago. That doesn’t mean we are actually gonna do that.”

“I already have all the help and the supplies to set it up. I came over with Henry to pick Max up and then told him I wanted to stay here and gush with you about how the reunion was. Perfect cover. Perfect timing. Perfect plan, etc.”

Her hair was all over her head and she could feel the bags under her eyes, since she and Max had not been sleeping much in the past few days. “You’re out of your mind. Get out of my house, Dude.” Whenever she walked out of her bedroom, she saw what he meant by having everything… There were heroes all over her home using superpowers and ingenuity to set things up, including Max’s family. She took a step back and shut the door. “Holy shit, Jasper, they are setting up a surprise wedding!”

“Or an April Fool’s Day joke. Depending on how it goes.”

Charlotte rested her head against the door. “This is not a good idea, Jasper. This is not a sane thing for normal people to do. This is not even… WHAT do they think that they are witnessing? Do they think that today I am either going to get married, embarrass myself or save face?” 

“They think it’s a wedding!” Jasper said. 

“So, if he says that this is too much, even for him, they get to be let down by there not being a wedding.”

Jasper shook his head and sucked his teeth. “Oh, Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte, and you’re supposed to be the smart one.” Her head snapped in his direction and he lifted his hands, “If he says it’s too much, then you have pulled an April Fool’s Day joke on everybody here. Just like you planned!” 

“I did not…”

“It was your idea!’

“Did not mean…”

“It was brilliant!”

“I can’t do it!” 

“So what, then? We send them all home now and tell them it was an April Fool’s Day trick on them and not Max?” 

She shook her head and went into her bathroom to brush her teeth and wash up. Whenever she came out, Jasper was still standing there. “So, I guess we’re doing this,” she said, got her gumballs out of the night stand and picked up one that was blueberry lemon flavored, royal blue and gold colored. When she blew her bubble, she was noe wearing a royal blue pantsuit with a long cape. Not a hero’s cape, but an evening gown cape. She had gold jewelry and accents in her hair and shoes. Her hair was in a puffy pony hawk, and her makeup was perfect. “If I’m gonna make a fool of myself or anybody else, I’ll at least look good doing it,” she said. 


Whenever Max got back, with Henry in tow, the two were bickering. Charlotte rushed towards the door, while everyone else was in the back of the house and Max was fussing at Henry about how HALF of the stuff that they did today, he did already and still not comprehending how Henry lost or undid his work. But, whenever they saw Charlotte, the arguing immediately stopped and he stared at her. “Is it too much? You didn’t let me get prettied up for your return, so…”

“It’s. You’re…” Max stumbled over his words and Henry pushed past him.

“Char!” he cheered. He hadn’t seen her in the past few days. They hugged and he picked her up and spun her around and began complimenting her look when Max cleared his throat and they looked at him. Henry sighed and shook his head, “I GUESS you can have a word with her. It’s not like you’ve been with her the past couple of days and I haven’t even seen her once since we got back…” He went into the other room and Charlotte panicked that they might make a noise or something, but everyone was quiet. 

“You look amazing,” Max said. “I mean… you looked amazing when I came back.”

“Don’t lie,” she said, laughing nervously. 

“You’re so beautiful, you don’t HAVE to dress up, then when you do it’s like.. A shock to my senses.” He kissed her, smiled and said, “I want to show you something.” He took her hand and began to go in the direction of the door leading to the surprise. 

“What do you think you have to show me in there?” She asked and resisted moving forward. “I’ve lived here for three years, and I can guarantee that there’s nothing hiding in there that you could show me!” 

He laughed and made a face, “Okay… but this is the way to the backyard.” 

“There’s another way, that way,” she said and pointed at the front door. He frowned and tilted his head. “You know. We can walk around the side of the house and just…” 

“What is on the other side of this door?” He wondered, pointing towards the wedding. 

“A… Jasper… production. I swear, I only mentioned it in passing and he…” Max went through the doors and Charlotte stayed right where she was and held her breath.

Max looked around the room. It was decorated with white and gold decorations and there was a rolled carpet that went through the room and out to the back porch, and out to the yard… where there was an aisle and guests and… it looked like a wedding. “Oh shit!” He said and put his hands on his chest. 

“WHERE IS THE BRIDE?” Jasper called out, but pretended not to be the one calling out. 

“Oh shit,” Max repeated and back stepped into the house and turned and rushed back to where Charlotte was. “Charlotte, there is a wedding out there!” He said, with a laugh, then he was crying, or laugh-crying. He caught his breath and shook his head. “Ummm… So… There is a situation in our backyard.”

“Yeah, a bunch of people showed up here expecting to see a wedding,” Charlotte said. 

“Please, explain. This should be good. I’m gonna love this.”

She explained to him about how she had been thinking about them getting married, and proposing, and how it all got here. His face was a wide range of emotions through the whole thing, mostly smiles and laughs. 

“So… now, we have a wedding, in our backyard..”

“Or an April Fools joke,” he reminded her. She nodded, laughing at herself. “Let’s do it!” he said. 

Her eyes went wide. “Get married in our backyard?” 

He smiled. He loved a grand gesture and everything looked beautiful, but, “No. I’m not prepared to get married today, look at me!” He laughed. “Let’s prank them.” 

“How?” She wondered. He took her hand and they went out of the front door. 


“Are they getting ready? Does Max have a suit?” Barb wondered. “I can’t remember ever seeing him in a suit outside of his super suit…” People’s phones began going off and whenever they checked them, they saw a text from Max. It was a photo of him and Charlotte, getting ready to zoom away on his hoverboard and throwing a peace sign with the caption: April Fools! 

“No!” Jasper inhaled and rushed into the house. Sure enough, neither of them were there. Everyone else came inside, and they searched the house, and neither Charlotte nor Max were anywhere to be found. Everyone turned to Jasper. He shook his head, “Well. I am just as shocked as all of you.” 

Eventually, Henry texted Charlotte and told her that everyone had cleared out of the house. She read it to Max and he shook his head, “No. I don’t trust that. Could be him trying to get us back for the prank. I do not want to face my parents tonight.”

“Why didn’t you just let me say it was my prank?” 

“Are you kidding? They’d hate you! They expect this type of reckless abandon from me on such a day.” They were curled up on a blanket at the beach with the sunset on the horizon and he nuzzled her with his nose, “On any other day, I would have.” She laughed. “I’m serious. I would have seen that scenery and said yes and threw on a tux as soon as my speed allowed.”

“Well.. why didn’t you?”

“On April 1st? That’s is a Max Thunderman high holy day. I can’t let you marry me on a day like that! I would never be able to give you an anniversary gift that wasn’t some type of very extreme prank.”

“You could just… not do that.”

“With whose self control, Charlotte?” She threw her head back and laughed, then shivered from the cold. Max wrapped her tighter in his arms and blew heat on the back of her neck. She shivered again in warm pleasure. She would never get tired of that. He stroked her skin, “We need an anniversary that I can give my full attention to. April Fools Day and our anniversary have to be two very separate, but still hugely important days.” They listened to the water for a while, and after a time, Charlotte broke into the sound.

“What were you going to show me?” she asked. “At the house?”

“I’ll show you when we get back,” he said.


11:59 pm. Charlotte was exhausted, but they figured that they would let everybody party and eat and get over things and go home before checking to see if the coast was clear. They reentered through the backyard and it seemed that nobody was there, even though Henry’s van was still out front, so they knew that at the very least he and Jasper weren’t gone. “Here,” Max said and led her to a camellia bush. 

She gasped and shook her head, pointing at it, “That was not here earlier!” she said. Then she noticed that they lined the gate and seemed to go around the whole house. “What the butt…”

“Remember I told you that I made a super venus fly trap plant monster one time?” I put these camellia plant sprouts out when you were asleep and by my calculations for the growth formula, they were supposed to grow into a full bush right before the sun went down. I was gonna let you watch them grow and then after nightfall, I was gonna do this,” he flicked his wrist and she heard fireworks. When she looked up, she saw the question, “Charlotte Page, will you marry me?” 

He clarified, “I was struggling a little bit with whether or not you would believe me if I proposed to you on April 1st, but then I saw you and I just… didn’t want to wait.” She looked at him, her face unreadable. “If it helps, it is 12:01, so technically, April Fools Day is over, but I would have been serious, still…” She hoisted herself up to kiss him and he held her close. “Oh!” He went into his pocket. “I almost forgot…” he pulled out a box with a ring inside of it. It was small, which she liked, because she didn’t want it to be too conspicuous and it had the shape of one of the flowers in the yard as its head. “Charlotte, I know that a kiss should be a really good sign and all, but I actually need to hear you incriminate yourself and say that you’ll marry me.” 

“Incriminate?” She repeated, chuckling. Then, she slid her finger into the ring and said, “Max Thunderman, I will happily marry you.”
