#shaved smooth


It’s one thing for a woman to get her head buzzed. @electrajean ups the ante by having her head tattooed and shaved skin bald. Hope she keeps the smooth look ❤️

I thought some of you might be interested to hear that I finally found I could comfortably keep my pubes, legs and belly shaved. In the past, whenever I tried shaving all this, I found around the second day I’d get serious irritation under the belt line and on my butt where I sit, along with angry red dots and sometimes ingrown hairs. After the second or third day I’d give up and let it grow out again. I thought I just wasn’t meant to have the look I desired.

This time I decided to find out whether, if I just stuck with it, would my body finally adjust and make the irritation go away. The answer is yes! On the eighth day I realized it didn’t hurt any more. Now, on day 14, there’s a tiny bit of redness, but I’m clearly on my way to the shaven look I like so much.

So here are some details:

  • I’m brown haired and moderately hairy, with moderately thick hairs.
  • At my dermatologist’s suggestion, I clean my razor and trimmer every few days with alcohol to avoid a build-up of bacteria.
  • During the difficult first few days I was able to leave my waist button unfastened (wearing my shirt untucked), wear clean clothes and usually skip any underwear. More comfortable this way. Slept nude each night.
  • I shaved every day using lots of mild shaving cream, and twice a day when it seemed necessary (I think that was day two and three.) I also sometimes applied corn starch to irritated skin.

That’s it. On day eight I realized there was no more discomfort.

Thanks for this submission, would love to hear from other guys on what works best for them
