#shay one shot



A/N: I felt the urge for some vengeance themed work. Chapter one:

I can not lie to my conscience, I know the truth, I seek only revenge pure and simple. They only see the visage I put up, they are perceptive, but my skill at deception is so refined I almost convince myself. But it is during these dark hours of night, I sit staring into the darkness, I know it festers with me. I am twisted by this need, they sat in judgment, but it was not justice they claimed, they sought to destroy, to protect themselves and they succeed. They took someone precious from me and I will see them pay, I would have sought them out, but they were but names upon a page to me, I could not put a face to them.

The assassins however had the man power, and the resources to discover under which rock these creatures had now slithered under. In that darkness that consumed me, I vowed my revenge, a pledge to her, my dream, my love, that she would not die in vain, that I would take from those who stole her from me, as if it was nothing.

Each morning I would follow my mentor to training, smiling to cover the pain, to put the mask back on each day was tiresome but necessary. If they discovered I cared nothing for their creed, their way of life they would cast me out, or worse stop me in my tracks.
So the mask remained in place at all times, they would not see my rage, only my determination, they would not see my blood lust, only my skill. I was after all one of their finest recruits, I showed promise they often told me. I didn’t care for their praise, or their brotherhood, I needed only one thing, and I would tell a million lies to get it.

“Armida” a strong male voice called to me, I turned nodding to my instructor.

I did not engage in small talk I think he appreciated that, he himself was at time dark and brooding. But his foul moods were clear to all, a sign to hold off all unwanted attention or conversation, he had also lost those he loved but I would not share that piece of me, her memory was mine alone.
I was thankful they had assigned me to him, I did keep forgetting his name as I was rarely listening to the idle chit chat that often followed none solo missions.

I preferred working alone, each new Templar target took on the faceless form of the to be unmasked enemies I sought. Each time I realised the blood pooling at my feet was not that of my true enemy, I felt a sense of disappointment, even a sense of guilt, but I did not let those thoughts gain weight or momentum. I could not allow feelings to ruin this, I had to remain cold.

One of our own turned upon us, I did not care but I feigned shock and horror. I watched as they chased him to the edge of a cliff, guns in hand. I hardly found this to be any form of justice, but who was I to question them, I needed them.

The poor lad fell, or jumped, I didn’t draw closer, as I had no intention of shooting him. It was the first time I recalled a name ‘Shay’, as I heard his name cursed, and uttered in pain and disappointment. His name was burnt into my mind, as was the look in his eyes as they backed him over that edge.

As the shock, and horror died down, I hoped to not hear that name again. I was so close to finding the men responsible for taking my beautiful Nadia from me, her name was the only name I needed to remember. However his name was once again uttered in distain.

His brother was raging, pacing back and forth, I didn’t care to ask but I was told anyway that Shay was alive and now killing us off one by one. My only thought was I can not die yet, I am so close to gaining my revenge, after which I wouldn’t care, I would gladly go to my judgement, or if there be mercy return to my Nadia’s side.

“Armida” My mentor beckoned me, in his strained voice he simply stated “you are equal in skill to Shay, I believe you can put a stop to this madness, you believe as we do”

I nodded, holding back an ironic laugh that echoed in my mind, I didn’t care, but they were sending me alone. I could take a detour, and gain my revenge. I was about to take my leave, when Shays brother called after me. I begrudgingly turned to face him, a woman following on behind.

“We may as well go with you, we need to gain vital information” his voice dropped to a hush, he leaned in, his sullen expression clear “make it quick, I know he has done wrong but I don’t want him to suffer”

I merely gave my usual courteous nod, before pulling ahead of them. We boarded our ship, we were to head in land. I stepped aboard, not meeting the eye of any of the crew.
I remained solitary, and when I was forced to learn their names, Liam, and hope. When they tried to speak to me, I would politely excuse myself to aid the crew. And when there was no escape, I just nodded along, watching their expressions both obvious and subtle for cues as when to nod, smile or feign amusement. I played the game so well they had no idea I had not heard a word, or just only learnt their names.

They believed I cared for their cause, I watched them exchange pleasantries, when under those smiles they were both pained, they grieved shay as if he were already dead a buried. I guess it felt like betrayal to them, me I had more important things to attend to. But due them tagging along my detour would have to wait, that infuriated me, but they would never know that.

I wondered how I would escape their trivial games, maybe I could speak to Shay, but he would think me sent to end him, and that was my mission, but my calling was in that city, they would be who I would wish to end. I had to be careful, Shay was a master of stealth, but I could always spot him, he wouldn’t get the jump on me, I would hopefully be able to reason with him.

“Armida” hopes voice rang in my ear. “You were in a world of your own” she half smiled. I smiled in response “come, Liam and I wish to speak with you about Shay”

I followed her bellow deck her long dress trailing along the deck, a tripping hazard. They mocked me for donning the male assassins outfits, but they were easier to move. I was reminded that to kill my first target I would have to wear a dress for the first time in years, to blend in. I was both repulsed and saddened by the prospect, I sighed inwardly.

Liam’s expression grave, his elbows pressed to the wood of the table he was slumped at. Hope slunk in beside him, I dropped in front, I prayed this would be quick, and not some emotional speech.

I knew that I should empathise having lost so much, but I couldn’t draw my focus, not even to be human, not for a second.

Stepping off the boat was strange, as there were so many people, I had grown accustomed to being solitary, to be surrounded by busy throngs, and loud crowds was an assault to the senses. I must have hesitated too long as they misread me “I know it’s tough, he was one of us, but know that it is a necessity” Liam stated wistfully.

I accidentally let a genuine smile cross my face, it was his brother and yet he was trying to console me, I almost let myself think him a good man. I shook it off just as swiftly, wiping the smile clear of my face.

“Never realised it but I have never seen you smile, strange I should notice that now” he remarked astonished by the observation and its timing. Hope raised her eyes, which tempted me to smile in amusement, I quashes the urge.

“I smile” I retorted mildly irked by the remark.

“Yes those forced tight smiles I forgot” he looked amused.

He offered me his hand, I brushed it aside and stepped free of the ship finally. I had to shut down this idle chatter “I have work to do” I stated in a satisfactory grim manner looking to both Liam and Hope.

“Yes I guess you do” he sighed.

I was about to walk away when he remarked “you may want to smile more often it suits you” his smile broad his cheeks ruddy, I narrowed my eyes before disappearing in to the crowd.
