#she did not see me





people talk all the time about “primal instincts” and it’s usually about violence or sexual temptations or something, but your humanity comes with a lot of different stuff that we do without really thinking about, that we do without being told to or prompted to

your average human comes pre-installed with instincts to:

  • Befriend
  • Tell story
  • Make Thing
  • Investigate
  • Share knowledge
  • Laugh
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Empathize with
  • Create

we are chalk full of survival instincts that revolve around connecting to others (dog-shaped others, robot-shaped, sometimes even plant-shaped) and making things with our hands

your primal instincts are not bathed in blood- they are layered in people telling stories to each other around a fire over and over and putting devices together through trial and error over and over and reaching for someone and something every moment of the way

~“Your primal instincts are not bathed in blood.”

My god this is beautiful. Such a refreshing change of pace to the constant glorification of instinctual human violence.

Primal Human Instinct pack also includes bonus instincts such as:

  • imitating weird noises made by other animals
  • playing with water
  • the urge to eat anything brightly colored and jelly-like
  • touching things that look like they will move in a funny way
  • seeing faces in literally everything, including toast
  • jumping up to see if you can bap the top of that doorway
  • saying ‘ow’ when something unexpected happens, even if it doesn’t hurt