#sheep skull


Many moons ago I was travelling the wild and mystical reaches of Britiain with just a rucksack and a tent, taking trains and busses, following something intangible which led me over many moors searching for stone circles. While wandering a remote fell above Hathersage in search of ancient standing stones, I found the skull of a sheep within a stone circle. I wrapped it in plastic bags and put it in my rucksack, sacrificing valuable space.

I tried to head ‘home’ but while waiting for a train back east from Sheffield, I saw Penzance come up on the departures board. I got on that train instead, the sheep skull still in my rucksack.

Cornwall was tin mines, desertion, death, granite, the rough blue atlantic, bright bronze swords seen in a previous dream. The moon over the ocean, the black dog, a white horse, strange things I can’t explain.

I still have the sheep skull, and because of the journey it took with me, it is of huge sentimental value. Lately, I have been creating more elaborate and symbolic jewellery pieces which I have felt I needed to photograph with this sheep skull. There is a moon-theme running through them, the moon above the moor, the moon above the ocean, above me dreaming…

[These pieces are available in my Etsy Shop]
