#sheithfromvoltron rp









Shiro laughed softly, wrapping an arm around Keith and rubbing circles on his back with his thumb.”You’re sweet, but you’re also exhausted, so close those eyes for me.”

He let Keith shift and adjust and get as close as he needed, always happy to help his partners cool off and get comfortable again after sex, especially such an intense session. But then Keith was mentioning dinner and talking and he had to put a stop to that. Not wanting the boy to think this was anything more than what it was.

“Sorry, kiddo, I’ve got a dinner meeting tonight and then I’ve got a flight at four am to meet with.. well, to meet back up with your mom in Spain. We’ve got time to rest though, I don’t have to start getting ready for another hour or so.

He didn’t want to, but he closed his eyes. To be a good boy, and because he actually was exhausted. Shiro was the definition of stamina, especially for his age. “Fine, but only because I can’t keep my eyes open.”

Why did it feel so good? To just lay together? The way Shiro rubbed circles on his back made goosebumps rise on his skin, shivering with delight. Keith took the opportunity to trace his abs… and pecs… and maybe also his butt.

“Oh, really? That sucks, but it’s ok. I uh… know we won’t exactly be telling her about us.” God, the armageddon that would cause. She’d never forgive Shiro, and she’d lock Keith in his room for the rest of his life. “I’m sorry your flight is so early, I hope you have fun in Spain though! Bring me back a souvenir? Something small, that makes you think of me.”

“That’s a good boy,” Shiro praised when Keith relented and shut his eyes. His bit of stubbornness was something new, and though Shiro didn’t like to be talked back to it was almost worth it when Keith gave in to his orders like he had also done in their texts earlier.

He can feel the bit of tension rise when they start talking about Krolia, but it’s a relief that Keith understands. “Thanks, I really hate making her mad, and she’d be furious about this.” Thankfully, the conversation moves on from there, and Shiro, pushes his head a little more against his own pillow. “It’s fine, I’ll sleep on the plane and be ready for the first meeting. Hotel beds are the worst, so the less nights I have to spend in them, the better. I’ll be there a few days this time so I think I’ll have time to find you a little something.”

Normally this is where he’d have to adjust the conversation. He’d need to explain to his current partner that this won’t be going any further. It hasn’t happened a lot, most guys know what they’re getting into, but he’s done it enough to have the conversation pretty well drafted. But this isn’t like those times. Keith is different. Keith’s his best friends son, who hes known for years. A kid who when he was younger used to ask for this same favor of Shiro when he was traveling, though back then it had just been mostly to different states in the area. This was no big deal.

Keith groaned in agreement. He can only imagine the devastation. World markets would collapse. The earth would cease its rotation. Krolia was not a woman you crossed. His mom was pretty bad ass.

“A few days?” He pouted, feeling a little sad that he’d have to wait that long to see him again. Well, to be fair it was business. Keith couldn’t fault him for that! “I’ll miss you, as always.” Back in the day, Shiro would bring him back really sweet things. A sea shell from Greece. A stuffed monkey from Brazil. A beautiful flower from France that he had pressed safely in a book Shiro brought him from Germany. Keith kept every single one in a special place.

Humming softly, he leaned up to kiss him, nice and slow. “Do you need me to go? I know how hard it is to sleep on a plane, you should just sleep now.”

“Yeah, we’re finalizing the last of the plans for our first international headquarters there. If it goes well, we’ll be breaking ground on construction in about a month.” Shiro doesn’t usually like talking business outside of work, and definitely not with his hookups, but Keith’s different. He’s bluntness is disarming. And honestly, Shiro’s always been a little weak for that pout.

Keith mentions that he’ll miss him and that’s probably a bad sign. Shiro talks around it, avoiding a reply. “Lia says I should look at buying a house over there, so I’ll probably do that too while I’m there. Honestly, I’d prefer to have one built, like I did with this one, but for now she’s probably right. Well, she’s usually right, but you know that. It’d be nice not having to rely on having a hotel room available.”

He’s rambling. He should shut up. Keith shuts him up instead. With a kiss. A good kiss. Shiro melts into it, forgetting for a moment that they don’t have time to go another couple rounds as he squeezes Keith’s hip.

Go? Right. you have to go, Shiro. “No, you’re fine, Keith.” Shiro is very strict with himself about making sure his partners are well taken care of after they hookup, letting someone walk out weak-kneed and smelling like sex isn’t something he could ever do. “You can stay, but I might have to go before you wake up, so just promise to lock the door, okay?”

Keith is used to business talk. His mom barely talks about anything else. Growing up, she was always gone on business trips, and on the rare times she was home, she didn’t have the time or patience for a kid. It hurt more than he cared for to have someone choosing business over him again, but he understood the importance. He knew this company was important to Shiro, so it was important to him too.

“I always forget that you’re stupidly rich,” he chuckled, commenting on how easy Shiro made buying or building a house in another country sound. “If you do, I’d like to visit you! I’ve still never gotten to leave the country.”

Shiro squeezes his hip and it draws a hungry little noise from Keith that he can’t hold back. God he wanted Shiro to stay. Wanted to take a nap and wake up in his arms, ready to go again. Wanted a million more of these kisses.

“You got a key for me to lock up with?” Why does even the way Shiro says his name made him tremble? Keith didn’t have many crushes; didn’t fall for people easily. But Shiro? He made him feel helpless and weak. Vulnerable. “I’ll give it back to you when you get back from Spain.”

“Ah, that’s because I’m not stupidly rich. I’m smartly rich. Which is much better.” Shiro kisses Keith once, quick and soft, subtly telling him this touching isn’t going to go any further now. “Of course you can come. I’ll obviously have extra guest rooms for you and Lia so neither of you have to get a hotel either. This one will have a smaller kitchen though, a barely use the one I’ve got.”

His eyebrow raises at the request for a key. If this were anyone else, hed be suspicious. Though again if this were anyone else he wouldnt leave them unattended in his house. “Yeah, I can leave you a key, but seriously kiddo, it’s time to sleep, alright? Or else no gift,” he teases lightly, brushing one more kiss to Keith’s lips. “Eyes closed.”






Shiro laughed softly, wrapping an arm around Keith and rubbing circles on his back with his thumb.”You’re sweet, but you’re also exhausted, so close those eyes for me.”

He let Keith shift and adjust and get as close as he needed, always happy to help his partners cool off and get comfortable again after sex, especially such an intense session. But then Keith was mentioning dinner and talking and he had to put a stop to that. Not wanting the boy to think this was anything more than what it was.

“Sorry, kiddo, I’ve got a dinner meeting tonight and then I’ve got a flight at four am to meet with.. well, to meet back up with your mom in Spain. We’ve got time to rest though, I don’t have to start getting ready for another hour or so.

He didn’t want to, but he closed his eyes. To be a good boy, and because he actually was exhausted. Shiro was the definition of stamina, especially for his age. “Fine, but only because I can’t keep my eyes open.”

Why did it feel so good? To just lay together? The way Shiro rubbed circles on his back made goosebumps rise on his skin, shivering with delight. Keith took the opportunity to trace his abs… and pecs… and maybe also his butt.

“Oh, really? That sucks, but it’s ok. I uh… know we won’t exactly be telling her about us.” God, the armageddon that would cause. She’d never forgive Shiro, and she’d lock Keith in his room for the rest of his life. “I’m sorry your flight is so early, I hope you have fun in Spain though! Bring me back a souvenir? Something small, that makes you think of me.”

“That’s a good boy,” Shiro praised when Keith relented and shut his eyes. His bit of stubbornness was something new, and though Shiro didn’t like to be talked back to it was almost worth it when Keith gave in to his orders like he had also done in their texts earlier.

He can feel the bit of tension rise when they start talking about Krolia, but it’s a relief that Keith understands. “Thanks, I really hate making her mad, and she’d be furious about this.” Thankfully, the conversation moves on from there, and Shiro, pushes his head a little more against his own pillow. “It’s fine, I’ll sleep on the plane and be ready for the first meeting. Hotel beds are the worst, so the less nights I have to spend in them, the better. I’ll be there a few days this time so I think I’ll have time to find you a little something.”

Normally this is where he’d have to adjust the conversation. He’d need to explain to his current partner that this won’t be going any further. It hasn’t happened a lot, most guys know what they’re getting into, but he’s done it enough to have the conversation pretty well drafted. But this isn’t like those times. Keith is different. Keith’s his best friends son, who hes known for years. A kid who when he was younger used to ask for this same favor of Shiro when he was traveling, though back then it had just been mostly to different states in the area. This was no big deal.

Keith groaned in agreement. He can only imagine the devastation. World markets would collapse. The earth would cease its rotation. Krolia was not a woman you crossed. His mom was pretty bad ass.

“A few days?” He pouted, feeling a little sad that he’d have to wait that long to see him again. Well, to be fair it was business. Keith couldn’t fault him for that! “I’ll miss you, as always.” Back in the day, Shiro would bring him back really sweet things. A sea shell from Greece. A stuffed monkey from Brazil. A beautiful flower from France that he had pressed safely in a book Shiro brought him from Germany. Keith kept every single one in a special place.

Humming softly, he leaned up to kiss him, nice and slow. “Do you need me to go? I know how hard it is to sleep on a plane, you should just sleep now.”

“Yeah, we’re finalizing the last of the plans for our first international headquarters there. If it goes well, we’ll be breaking ground on construction in about a month.” Shiro doesn’t usually like talking business outside of work, and definitely not with his hookups, but Keith’s different. He’s bluntness is disarming. And honestly, Shiro’s always been a little weak for that pout.

Keith mentions that he’ll miss him and that’s probably a bad sign. Shiro talks around it, avoiding a reply. “Lia says I should look at buying a house over there, so I’ll probably do that too while I’m there. Honestly, I’d prefer to have one built, like I did with this one, but for now she’s probably right. Well, she’s usually right, but you know that. It’d be nice not having to rely on having a hotel room available.”

He’s rambling. He should shut up. Keith shuts him up instead. With a kiss. A good kiss. Shiro melts into it, forgetting for a moment that they don’t have time to go another couple rounds as he squeezes Keith’s hip.

Go? Right. you have to go, Shiro. “No, you’re fine, Keith.” Shiro is very strict with himself about making sure his partners are well taken care of after they hookup, letting someone walk out weak-kneed and smelling like sex isn’t something he could ever do. “You can stay, but I might have to go before you wake up, so just promise to lock the door, okay?”
