
Title: Inked Fandom: Voltron Pairing: Sheith Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Getting Together, Tat

Additional Tags: Getting Together, Tattoos, Magical Tattoos, Vampire AU, Online Dating

Fic Summary:Keith was certain of one thing: With his first paycheck, after his rent was paid, he was going to get a tattoo. What he hadn’t counted on was becoming a snack for a vampire only a few days before that day came.

Hey@noartnova     I’m your gifter for the @sheithlentines exchange and I am so sorry this is so horribly late. Things have been… Well chaotic is a good short summary for it. Long story short, my house is half demolished at the moment and things have been… a bit difficult to keep track of.

Anyway, enough about me. Long story short, you asked for tattoos and vampires and I’ve had this idea scrapped and rewritten three times so hopefully you like the end result!

Keith had always been fascinated by tattoos and had desperately wanted one. But his adoptive parents, a kind but rather… devout couple, had objected to the idea adamantly. They’d objected to a lot of things about Keith, actually, although the others they were more willing to turn a blind eye to. Not the least of which was how very very gay he was. As long as he didn’t bring any boys home and wasn’t ‘visibly’ gay, they just pretended that it wasn’t as important an aspect of his personality as it was. Whatever, he could deal. Other kids had it worse. That was just life being… different. Everyone else always just seemed… stuck in the past.

But having ink or metal in his skin was the one thing they couldn’t overlook, apparently. They said it was a sign of hooliganism, that people shouldn’t be tattooed like cattle. Keith wasn’t even entirely sure who still used the word 'hooliganism’ outside of his household. Still, he was fascinated by tattoos and body modifications in general.

By the time Keith was ready to move out when he turned 18, he was certain of one thing: With his first paycheck, after his rent was paid, he was going to get a tattoo.

What he hadn’t counted on was becoming a snack for a vampire only a few days before that day came.

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nonachan9: Happy latish valentines everyone. Here is a gift I made for @songkeith, aka Jam, for the


Happy latish valentines everyone. Here is a gift I made for @songkeith, aka Jam, for the sheithvalentines 2018 exchange. All of their requested topics were soooo good(it was so hard to choice just one), but I went with sheith as witches. ^u^

I hope you like it, and happy late valentines day <3(It’s never late though if their still love)

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