#sheriff lee bodecker imagine


Need You (Part 26) (18+)

Lee Bodecker x f/Reader

  • WARNINGS: This is smut. If you are under the age of 18, please do NOT read this. Swearing. Unprotected sex (always remember to use protection). Ddlg, step-father/step-daughter. Reader is legal age.
  • Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
  • Gifs & photos do not belong to me.

Main MasterlistThe Devil All the Time MasterlistLee Bodecker MasterlistNeed You Masterlist

Summary: F/Reader is the step-daughter of Lee, who has taken care of her ever since her mother walked out on them. The two of them have always been able to keep the sexual tension at bay until one night.


It has only been a few weeks since Owen came into our lives. Our Mom went to jail. Him and Lee put his bedroom together and he was enrolled in school for the very first time.

His first day of school, not only was I nervous, but so was he. Owen doesn’t like being around new people and he has hardly left mine or Lee’s side since he came into our lives.

But the moment he saw a bunch of a children his own age, he relaxed somewhat and as he walked into the school for the first time, a few of the boys in his class came running up to him, asking him a bunch of questions.

Yes, Owen was doing just fine settling into life here in Knockemstiff.

But with an older child in the house now, Lee and I had to put some ground rules down.

First Lee put a lock on our bedroom door as we still very much needed alone time. When it is locked, that means do not disturb us unless there is an emergency. We went over what is an emergency and what isn’t.

But right now, Owen is at school. Ray and Don are having a nap in their room and my husband in laying on his stomach, with his head between my thighs, with his gorgeous mouth and fingers bringing me to my second orgasm of the day.

My legs were shaking around his head as I got closer and closer to the edge. “Right there Daddy.” I cried out as his fingers found that spot.

I whined as I came, my back arching off of the bed. My eyes closed as I enjoyed the aftershocks from my orgasm.

But Lee quickly sat up on his legs and slammed into me and didn’t move. His head fell to his chest and he let out a low moan as I clenched my pussy around his cock.

“Daddy.” I pathetically whimpered.

“Yes babygirl?” He southern drawl sounded even huskier as he answered me.

“Move.” I pretty much demanded, but he didn’t like that. I cried out as he slapped my thigh.

“You don’t tell me what to do darlin’.” But he started to finally move. Slowly at first. I wanted, no needed him to go faster, but I didn’t say a word. I knew he would cum and leave me there unsatisfied until he came home from work.

“Love this pussy, but I love that ass even more.” I shuddered as he pulled out of my pussy and he helped me get on my hands and knees, playing a pillow under my stomach.

I cried out as he harshly thrust two fingers into my pussy and then those same fingers he worked into my ass, stretching it.

But his fingers never stretch me enough, so I relax my body as best as I can as he slides into my ass.

Lee groaned loudly as he bottomed out. He was panting as I tightened my ass around his cock. I can feel his belly resting on my ass.

He pulled out and the pushed back in, roughly. I had to bite the inside of my cheek as not to wake our boys.

Lee set a brutal pace, going almost feral as he fucked my ass. I had my eyes closed, my own fingers were between my legs as I fingered myself.

“Open those pretty eyes.” Lee moaned and I did as he asked. The way how he had us, we were facing our dresser mirror.

Our eyes connected in the mirror and I moaned Daddy as that seemed to make his thrusts go faster.

He chubby cheeks were bright red and Lee was sweating but fuck, he looked good. “Gonna cum. Gonna fill this ass.” Was all he got out as he shouted my name as he came in my ass. His gaze never once wavering from mine.

He gave me a lazy smile and I moaned as he pulled out. He flipped me onto my back and went back to eating me out.

“Too much Daddy.” I whined.

“I know you didn’t finish with my cock in you and I never leave you unsatisfied.” Was all he said before his mouth and fingers brought me to my last orgasm of the day.


For once in what seems like a long time, life in the Bodecker household was calm. The three boys are doing wonderful.

Everything is good at work for Lee and my pregnancy is a bit easier this time around. At least I am not puking as much and that has calmed down during the third trimester.

Yes, life was going great.

But something just had to come a long and fuck it up.


It was Saturday and Lee was working and I was making lunch for the boys, when I heard the knock on the door.

I turned off the burners, grabbed the one of the kitchen knives and walked to the front of the house, wondering who could be on our front step during lunch.

I looked through the peephole and saw a man standing there. He had a leather jacket on, and his fingers were covered in rings. He was wearing sunglasses, even though there was no sun as it has been cloudy for a few days now.

I have never seen him before in my life and living in such a small town, you know everybody.

I locked the door as quietly as I could, hoping he wouldn’t hear the click. I turned around and held my finger to my mouth to let Owen know to be quiet.

“I know you’re in there. I just want the boy.”

I turned and looked at Owen. I mouthed ’hide’to him and he ran. I didn’t open the door until I knew he was safe. I have no idea where he went too but he was out of sight.

I unlocked the door and and swung it open, with the knife pointed at his face. He looked oddly familiar as I got a good look at him, but I just can’t place him.

“No need for the hostility Ma'am. I just want the boy and I will be gone.” He isn’t from around here. I am thinking more Boston area.

“The only boys here are my boys, now leave before I call cops.”

“If it is only you and your sons, then why the knife?” He was trying to get me to talk more. Maybe to get a layout of the house, or try to catch me off guard and barge his way into my home.

I didn’t answer him. I just closed the door in his face. Locking it and I even put a chair under the door handle to make sure it was even more secure.

I heard what sounded like a motorcycle leave the front of my house. Now his outfit made sense.

I went around the house and closed all the window coverings. I called for Owen to come out of his hiding spot and he was covered in dust.

“Are you okay?” I asked him as I looked him over.

“Yes.” He said to me quietly.

“Go have a quick bath. Lunch is almost ready.” I ruffled up his hair and gave him a smile.

I checked on Don and Ray and they were good. Getting grumpy as it was almost lunch but nothing I can’t handle.

I put them in their highchairs, and gave them their lunch and hoped they actually eat most of it.

As all three boys were occupied for the time being, I grabbed the phone and dialed the one number I know better than our own phone number.

Lee’s direct line at work.

Lee Bodecker’s POV:

The Station is just a mad house today. For some reason, these bikers stopped at the edge of town at the dive bar.

When it came time for them to pay their tabs, well let’s just say Johnny who owns the bar, is now in the hospital.

Limbs broken. Face so badly beaten in, you can hardly tell it is him.

But one of the waitresses he is fuckin’ hid in the back and saw it all. She called us and the whole department descended onto the bar and arrested anyone we could get our hands on.

I have just returned to my office, hoping for some piece and quiet when the phone rang. I groaned as I knew this day was never going to end.

“Sheriff Bodecker.” I gruffly said as I answered the phone.

“Lee.” I heard the sound of her voice and I couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on my face.

“Hello Darlin’, it was like you read my mind baby.” She always knew when I needed her.

But as she told me why she was calling, the smile disappeared from my face. YN described what he was wearing.

Almost exactly like what every single person we just arrested, was wearing the same outfit.

“And he wanted Owen?”

“Yes, he said he just wanted the boy.”

“Did he say why YN?”

“No, but I do have an indication on why he wanted him. Lee, Owen looks like him.”

At that moment, a fight broke out in the station and there was screaming and yelling.

“We will talk about this more love but I gotta go, I love you.”

“I love you too.” And she hung up the phone. I slammed the phone down, not caring at this point if I leave it off the hook as I had shit I have to deal with.


It was well past the time I was supposed to be home. It was all hands on deck at the Station to get everyone processed.

I pulled into my driveway and sat in my car for second. I called YN just before I left to say I was coming home and nothing was going to get in my way to get home to her and the boys.

But as I stepped out of my car, I realised I wasn’t alone. I heard movement behind me and I had my gun drawn and pointed at the person.

He didn’t flinch. He had a toothpick in his mouth and he was leaning against what I assume is his motorcycle.

This must be the fucker that came here earlier and demanded that Owen be handed over.

“Evening Sheriff.” He said as he stepped away from his bike.

“Only goin’ ask this one time, what do you want?” My gun was still on him.

“Just the boy.”

“Turn around and leave this town if you know what is good for you.”

“Not without my son. You have two boys from what I can see Sheriff. You understand.”

“Get off my property and leave my family alone before I arrest you.” He looked like he was going to say something else, but he held is hands up and got on his bike.

“I’ll be seeing you around Sheriff.” The bike roared to life and the asshole drove off. I never once lowered my gun.

Not until I knew he was gone. I quickly got into my house and locked the door behind me.

Now to talk to YN and see about making a trip to the women’s prison to see what the hell we are up against.

Part 25 / Part 27 coming soon

Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @kitty1960@red-rose-21@adaydreamaway08@charmed-asylum@thegirlnextdoorssister@thehuntresswolf@rebeccapineapple@hernameisnoellex3@avengershoney@bxnnywriting@spooky-stoner@yvonneeeee@winterschildren17
