#shes getting there though

sofs-art: So uhh surprise I’ve actually spent the last few months dragging this guy through Developm


So uhh surprise I’ve actually spent the last few months dragging this guy through Development Hell

Introducing The Cavalier, my first Bloodborne OC!

(Info and sketches under the cut!)

Keep reading

Update: since I was a fool and deleted the original post by accident, info and doodles are now under this cut - 


(everything here is still subject to change, but here’s what I have so far–)

The short version:

An old Yharnam hunter amongst those recruited by Ludwig, whom he admired at the time. He hunts primarily on horseback, and uses a Rifle Spear and Evelyn gun. Often wears a Cainhurst helmet while riding. Somewhere in his fifties, he’s been living in Yharnam and working in the hunting business for some thirty years, mostly in the interests of his own survival and protecting those closest to him. These days holds a deep-seated hatred for Ludwig, and by extension a general grudge against the Church.

The long version:

Stubborn as an ox, loyal to a fault, and creeped tf out by the kin (he’ll charge fearlessly at even the largest and most fearsome of beasts, but the moment the kin are involved, he’ll poke at them with his spear from as far away as possible - absolutely horseback only). Takes extremely long to open up to people, but once he does will usually risk his life to defend them. He’s a man of the familiar, and has no interest in (and a deep distrust of) the Great Ones, the arcane, and any who associate with them. Not particularly superstitious, but you can pry his old hunting traditions (double-belted right leg, and always carries around brass trinkets) from his cold dead hands.

Born and raised in Scotland (or whatever the equivalent would be in the BB universe), Cav was sent by his parents to Byrgenwerth when he was 16. However, with no interest in becoming a scholar, he instead stayed in Old Yharnam and found work as stable hand (and/or weaponsmith, maybe…? Everything about his early backstory is still really shaky–).
At ~23 he was recruited by Ludwig as a hunter, a job which appealed to him both in terms of pay and swept up in the descriptions of glory and honour it would entail.  He was distributed his hunter attire and weapons, and trained enthusiastically for the hunt. However, with no contract and unprotected by the Dream, nearly all of the recruits were wiped out in a single night.
Fearing for his life, Cav chased a rumour he’d heard from a workshop hunter and sought out a blood minister. His contract was sealed, and with his newfound strength, he was determined to protect the people he had left, but also became incredibly reluctant to open up to new people for fear of failing.
He told no one his real name after that night, as part of his efforts to distance himself. Blaming the tragedy on Ludwig, he began to fiercely hate him, feeling betrayed and lied to by Ludwig’s descriptions of the grandeur and glory of the hunters. Ludwig disappeared to the Hunter’s Nightmare soon after, but Cav never found out what had happened to him (or the countless other blood-drunk hunters who began to vanish), and assumed that he had either fled a coward or had been killed.
Afraid of disappearing himself, he left Yharnam shortly after, and eventually found himself lost in Cainhurst. Worn down, weapons lost or broken, and beset by ghosts and beasts, he stole himself a Rieterpallasch, helmet, and Evelyn, making his escape on a horse stolen from a carriage. Shaken, he decided to return to Yharnam and to keep his stolen mare. The two became inseparable, and he began to be known by his nickname by those who saw them hunting together. Over time, it stuck, and he picked it up himself.
In search of a weapon more suitable for use on horseback (but fond of the built-in firearm of the Rieterpallasch), he eventually took an interest in the Powder Kegs’ weapon designs. He equipped himself with his Rifle Spear, and hunted alongside the Kegs unofficially for some time. He distanced himself from the group after the burning of Old Yharnam. (Understandably, he was more than a bit miffed that they burned down his house).
In time, he pulled together his own little ragtag group of hunters and took them under his wing (more on them in the future…). The group now holds down a small, abandoned Yharnam house on the night of the latest hunt. 

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