#shes so mysterious i love her



Bring Your Alibiswritten by @alcruid

Artists:@adonewithyou (Me) & @sahdah

Summary: Kid D. Edwards receives an invitation to stay two weeks at a luxurious hotel located on Death Island. He finds himself struggling to survive among a cast of peculiar characters – quite literally. A snobby, rich pro gamer and his butler, a hacker and a detective on his tail, a stoner, several internet celebrities, ever rhyming rappers, a “vampire hunter” and the hotel’s own staff, all have him questioning his sanity.

But when someone turns up dead, an isolating storm forces the remaining guests and staff to find the culprit themselves.

Happy Resbang Everyone!!! This project has been such a joy to work on!!! I’m really glad to have been partnered with these amazing creatives to put forth some really fun content!

The First piece is mine!

Read theStory!


Our Collab Art!

I hope you enjoy!
