

What is your first impression of Seychelles?

I was impressed by the road that goes slowly. It’s as if it’s intentionally twisted for me to get some rest. I got nauseous on my way around the mountain as it’s like a U-turn but I was so happy to feel like I was running through the forest endlessly.

There are people who go well with the city and there are people who go well with nature, but I think Park Shin Hye seems to be more beautiful with the nature.

Nature can’t be deceived. We can make sophisticated things while natural ones can’t be invented and I need to know how to put down what I have one by one and take it off and throw it away. In a way, it takes courage to get along with nature, so when you say I look good with nature I think it’s one of the best praise I have received.

Which destination you prefer between a vacation spot like Seychelles and a city?

If I have to pick, it’s resort. Even if I go to a city, rather than spending my time walking around, I like to travel as leisurely and freely as the people who live in the area. I used to plan carefully and would go to art museums and parks but after that I didn’t have anything left to do. I think staying in one place longer would be a better trip for me. In that sense, resort is the best.

I was impressed with how close you are with your staff like they were your family. It’s to the point I feel a bit envious to watch it from the side.

I don’t think I could have continued this job without these people. People think I do this because I have many talents, but I think I’m the person who brings together the minds of the people that I work with and expresses it instead.

There is a couple from the staff on this trip. I remember you said you are envious all the time. I guess that’s all the more so since Seychelles became a couple’s vacation, the famous honeymoon destination.

My very dear hairstylist’s husband also came together. To be honest I don’t really have a chance to run into them and say hello, but seeing them together I think she looked prettier. When I saw a woman being loved in front of me, I felt very envious.

What kind of love does Park Shin-hye dream of?

I want to meet someone who can make each other’s lives special without doing anything special. Someone who is grateful even for small things. Unlike the way the job as an actor looks glamorous but I think it’s one of the jobs that is hard to understand even when I talk about it. A person who can please me with a small thing in my hard life and find small but valuable things in each other’s lives. I want to be that kind of person to the that person’s life too.

After the movie <Blackened Heart>  you have  spending your time freely. What are you most into?

Cat. Of course, dogs are lovely and cute too, but I think cats have different charms from dogs. When I’m feeling down, they will come to me and lean on me motionlessly. That’s very fascinating.

What did you do most while you were resting besides spending time with the cat?

I travelled a lot. Of course, more than half of the trips were vacations. I went on a trip with my family. Since my father is turning 60 this year, we went on a trip together to celebrate his 60th birthday and I also enjoyed surfing.

You must like active activities like surfing.

I think you need to keep distributing the energy to get more energy. The less I use my body, the heavier and more frustrating it becomes. It think everybody needs to move to stay healthy and active and get a lot of endorphins.

If we look at your Instagram, you seem to like listening to music.

When I come to resorts, I play hard in the water and sometimes I don’t come out of bed all day. I listen to music, read a book, do web surfing for a while, and sometimes I just daydream and spacing out.

What was the latest song your listening to recently?

Dean’s Instagram. I’m impressed with the reality of the lyrics. And Kim Dong-ryul “Reply”. I felt like I was being overwhelmed by one side of my heart by the love songs and messages about people that I didn’t understand when I was a child. I just love it.

You like to listen to a song and you are also a good actress who sang a lot of OSTs . Can I see Park Shin Hye singing the OST again someday?

It would be great if I could participate in a drama or a movie and can sing OST without trouble with my work. Because that means I have a lot of content to show to my fans during my fan meetings.

Recently, a media company even picked you to be a celebrity with wide personal connections. How do you maintain a lot of relationships?

Since I had my debut 15 years ago, I have seen more than one hundred people through works. As I keep working, I will have to face them. I always think that I shouldn’t make things that will hurt each other’s feelings, so I always ended up finishing the work with good memories. Actually, I’m not a person who likes to contact someone first, so the people that I see are limited. Whenever I meet them I will greet them and that’s it but as time passed by, many people seem to think that “Park Shin Hye knows many people well”.

Still you have guy friends that we are familiar of. Like Lee Hong Ki and Yong Jun Hyung.

I still can recall the memories of those time with the good people that I met at filming set even after a long time didn’t meet. I met Hong Ki in the drama <You’re Beautiful> in 2009. I still have the memories and feelings of those time.

If your partner becomes famous or inactive, there will be an inevitable gap, the subject of conversation will be decreased and you will eventually lose contact. Most relationships have that kind of effect and it’s often hard to maintain it.

I try not to have any prejudice about other people. If I like them, I will just like them. Whenever someone says, “Are you okay with that friend who has bad rumors these days?”, that person wasn’t like that to me and I have never seen that side of him/her when I am with him/her. If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I won’t believe it.

What do you usually talk about with your best friends these days?

We are curious about each other’s next project when we meet after a long time. When I talk with my same age girl friends about what kind of work we will do, our preference will be revealed. We often exchange jokes like “I’m glad we don’t have things overlapped,” when we talk about trivial things such as our favorite season.

What season do you like?

I’m the type that a bit struggle in the summer. I can’t tolerate the heat well. Of course I can’t tolerate the cold too but I think winter is better than summer.

Job as an actress have to accept and solve many things at the same time. You always look bright even if you seem to be under a lot of stress.

SNS is the most difficult. It’s a way to keep our fans informed but we often have to show our privacy. I started traveling to avoid those eyes but there are still a lot of eyes watching me even when I’m traveling so it’s a bit difficult. But I try not to care about it. I don’t want to get used to the gaze of many people in SNS. There are a lot of people recognize me when I go surfing but I just endure it by doing what I enjoy. These days, I have a small gathering with my peers, unnis and oppas and when we talk each other, I feel a bit relaxed.

You are the style that talk to feel relaxed rather than keep everything bottled up inside.

Yes, I tend to relieve stress by being active.

You always have a positive and bright image. But everyone has a depressing or dark side. Don’t people always thinking of Park Shin Hye with the former image? Doesn’t it burden you?

When I have an interview or when I talk to someone, I’m the type that will honestly asking for their understanding to cut some part because I don’t only have a kind side since I’m also a human so I can’t protect the line I want to protect as best as I can. Holding back is the shortcut to ruin my mind and body. Even so, it is rare for their face to be flushed or make them feel bad.

Are there anyone who told a negative story because you are different from the image they had in mind?

Because of that I learned how to refuse while smiling. You can’t spit on smiling face. I will try my best to refuse while smiling to not make them feel bad.

That is exactly what you had built in your life for over a decade. You are 29 years old. How does it feel? It must feel different being 28, 29, 30.

I still feel like I am 25 years old. I think people around my age that are office workers or have different jobs are matured and seem to do well for their age… I thought I am an adult now but I realized I still have many childish sides. I often think that I should work diligently as an actress Park Shin Hye to grow more as a human Park Shin Hye.

Maybe you won’t even know it when you’re 39 or 49. Since it is your first time living in that age. But what do you really want to do before you reach 30?

I feel that the weight of responsibility changes as we aged. From 1 to 100,  if I used to be responsible only about 10, now I think I have to take more responsibility for my age. I have worries on “How can I solve it step by step without troubling myself? Can I take responsibility?” My back became bad after filming a drama and a movie but this year I want to fully recover and do my next project before I turn 30.

How much your next project have been outlined?

I am reading various scenarios. I have a good feeling that I will soon be able to meet a project that will gently come into my mind.  

If you were to choose your next project, from Park Shin Hye’s point of view, what type of theme or character would you like to meet?

There are a lot of strong materials in dramas and movies. I would like to meet a human drama or movie that could make me smile, “That’s right, this is how I want to live my life” which contains the life I want to live.

Translations may contain inaccuracies.

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