#shino madarame


This is 2/4 of part 13 on the app

Chapter 13

The past - A certain place in Soul Society.


Hisagi Shūhei spat blood and a cry of agony from his mouth, in this state he falls on his knees to the ground below.

“What’s the matter, Shūhei. Weren’t you going to teach me about so-called ‘rights’?”

Whilst looking down at him, Muguruma Kensei —— the captain of squad 9 whom Hisagi works directly under —— uttered harsh words.

“…I’m just getting started…”

As he spewed a remark that could only be seen as a clear act of bravado, Hisagi began to rise to his feet.

“Huh? He wants keep going? At this rate I’ll just end up getting hungry, and Shū~hei~ will just end up dead won’t he?”

To his side, the self-proclaimed 'Super Vice captain’ Kuna Mashiro leisurely raised her voice in complaint from under her mask.

At this particular juncture, they are still in the middle of a conflict with the “Wandenreich”.

It was a time in which the captain commander Yamamoto Genryūsai was killed at the hands of Yhwach; marked indications of defeat and a sense of anxiety brought with it was in the process of spreading like a plague among the Shinigami.

Amid a situation where as many as four captains have been robbed of their Bankai and unable to grasp even a single clue as to how to proceed with battle —— Muguruma daringly instructs Hisagi to “perform Bankai.”

—— “I wasn’t robbed of my Bankai this time, but that may not be the case next time.”

—— “The more guys we have capable of performing Bankai, the better.”

They had heard that the Department of Research and Development were currently conducting research into a method that would prevent the stealing of Bankai. However, the prospect of whether the research would be completed in time for the next invasion, as well as the prospect of whether or not the stolen Bankai could be recovered, are both in an untenable state.

Either way, if it was possible to even formulate those countermeasures, then there was no doubt that Bankai would become a pivotal turning point of large scale combat.

Hisagi was not against this principle in itself, however ——

Muguruma’s plan was a 'forced awakening of his Bankai via the fierce attacks of a Hollowfied Mashiro.’

Although Mashiro once held the same vice captain rank as Hisagi, she was the militant type who continued to operate with Hirako and the others in the Human world as one among the Visored, and her true strength when Hollowfied also compares favourably with a captain rank.

Despite possessing that degree of raw power, she was not very good at exercising restraint. That Hisagi would proceed to do battle having such a difference in ability compared to her, it could be said that this very fact was a deed which entailed a risk of death.

To put it simply, the plan was ‘if you don’t want to die, acquire Bankai.’

Having said that, it was not the case that Muguruma had also opted for that training method through the mere belief that 'where there’s a will, there’s a way.’

In the past when Kurosaki Ichigo trained in order to draw out his mask —— that is to say his Hollow powers, it came to be that he had trained using a risky method in which his body would be taken over by his inner Hollow if he made the slightest miscalculation. Kensei had also participated in this undertaking and as a result it provided a significant boost in the power of the boy known as Kurosaki Ichigo.

Under normal circumstances, it would be necessary to train for a lengthy period of time to attain Bankai, however, Kensei understood that if one tries to shorten that period, one would need to pay in order to compensate for that.

If it appeared to be the case that he could not withstand this course of training, it’s likely Hisagi would die in the battles to come.

Finding a way to conduct himself in battle was impossible unless he was capable of Bankai, but Hisagi Shūhei is not a man who could imitate such dexterity.

Be that as it may, Kensei is also aware that he had enough true strength to be worthy of vice captain.

In all honesty, Kensei had mixed feelings towards Tōsen Kaname who had thoroughly trained that sobbing young boy from Rukongai to the point where he is now, including the fact that the man was once his own subordinate.

For this very reason, Kensei deliberately mentioned Tōsen Kaname’s name through a cold remark.

—— “Do you doubt that I’d really let her kill you?”

—— “I ain't… a soft touch like Tōsen.”

Upon posing such a question to a bewildered Hisagi, the effect of those words became apparent immediately.

—— “Now hold on… captain Muguruma.”

—— “I looked up to you, and I respected you too.”

—— “But…”

—— “You’ve got no right to badmouth captain Tōsen…!’

And thus, over the span of more than half a day, a training session was carried out which took the form of actual combat with Mashiro.——

"In any case… I have no right to badmouth Tōsen you say? Don’t be such a spoiled brat. Just who the hell do you think is to blame that he’s being badmouthed? Though I guess it’s because you’re asking us to cut him some slack.”

Every time Kensei uttered words of provocation, Hisagi recovered a little more.

“I’m well aware of that…”

Although this sounds like a so-what attitude, the expression of Hisagi’s eyes did not admit defeat.

Rather, they transformed into an expression brimming with a determination to challenge a deeper pit of hell.

“But even so, there’s no way I can so readily allow anyone to drag that person through the mud.”

“That doesn’t stand to reason.”

“You’re right… it doesn’t.”

On his feet in spite of his unsteady balance, Hisagi once again bows his head to Kensei and Mashiro.

“Captain… please accept my thanks. You too Kuna.”

“What’s this all of a sudden?”

“What I mean is, I’m not the only one who’s putting their life on the line.”


Hearing that, Kensei averted his eyes seeming somewhat uncomfortable.

Bankai is the innermost power that a Zanpakutō can possess, one can obtain it after materialising and subjugating a Zanpakutō.

Therefore, at the height of the challenge towards this dialogue and submission of the Zanpakutō which occurs during that process, more often than not one can roughly predict what kind of Bankai would come into being and be capable of handling that power naturally upon acquiring it.

However, when it comes to rapidly drawing out the power of Bankai as in this current case, then the potential of the Bankai running wildly out of control could also emerge.

In a situation where for instance, a Bankai capable of 'scattering a lethal poison among a vast radius’ like that of Kurotsuchi Mayuri’s Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō, is abruptly activated, it could lead to both Mashiro and Kensei dying if that power cannot be fully controlled.

Even if things did not develop to that stage, in many cases Bankai would carry unique powers, as a consequence, there is a risk that the person in question could adversely involve all that was in their vicinity despite maintaining complete control.

Realising that this is precisely why they were conducting a training session in a location that was this remote from Seireitei, Hisagi expressed words of gratitude to Kensei and Mashiro who had willingly set foot into that sort of danger.

“Quit acting so high and mighty. It’s a piece of cake to us even if your damn Bankai goes berserk or whatever.”

“Please don’t say anything that may discourage me.”

“Though, I sure as hell hope it’s nothing like Sakanade.”

“Sakanade…? Captain Hirako’s Bankai, is it really that dangerous?”

At Hisagi’s question, Kensei, looking somewhat awkward, gave a click of his tongue and then shook his head.

“…If you don’t already know then forget about it. The details of another individual’s Bankai is not a matter we need to discuss.”

“…You’re right.”

Despite his curiosity, if details on a Bankai’s abilities are leaked to the enemy, then there is also a likelihood that the enemy could formulate countermeasures, consequently many choose to hide their Bankai’s properties.

Although there are also those who pride themselves on not concealing their Bankai since they will continue to stand firm regardless of any kind of countermeasure, it’s possible to say that such individuals are often the type of Shinigami who make a point of meticulous self-discipline.

In order to change the subject, Kensei begins to speak of Hisagi’s Bankai.

“Anyway, real talk, the power of Shūhei’s 'Kazeshini’ is already quite high when in Shikai. As for Bankai, I suppose the possibility that you’d fail to adjust to the power is also present. That’s why, I’m counting on Mashiro who seems capable of handling the situation regardless.”

Then, Mashiro, who had been listening to the conversation appearing bored up until now, raised a complaint against Kensei with a pout on her face.

“Eh, what is that supposed to mean? If that’s the way it goes, then it looks like Kensei will just be standing around doing nothing huh! Come to think of it, I’m the only one who’s been fighting all this time, isn’t that right!? That’s not fair! You call yourself a captain! Not fair, not fair! You sly gorilla!”

Mashiro continues to chant “gorilla” even after this outburst, however, using all his willpower Kensei manages to ignore her even as veins were visibly throbbing at his temple; after taking a deep breath, he turns to face Hisagi with a serious look on his countenance.

“On the other hand, I find it more surprising than anything that to this day, Shūhei has been unable to acquire Bankai. When it comes to performing Shikai, I’m guessing you’re able to go as far as opening up a dialogue right?”


In the case of Zanpakutō, a user responds to its inner call and by calling out an assumed name the sword transforms from Asauchi to Shikai. Consequently, at that juncture, it becomes possible to have a dialogue with the soul that dwells within the Zanpakutō in its inner world, or rather with what could be called the Zanpakutō’s bodily form.

Given that in Hisagi’s case, he too had achieved good mastery of his Shikai without much of a problem, the next step is to cause the bodily form which exists within his Zanpakutō to materialize in this physical world, and then force it into submission using his true strength, however ——

“To tell you the truth, even though there is a dialogue between me and 'Kazeshini’, I don’t think we are able to see eye to eye with each other…. I mean, even in his inner world, he practically never lets me see his true form or whatever, sometimes he appears before me kinda like a black shadow or a black puddle or a black tornado among other things, and that’s just about it.”

“…When you put it like that, I guess he’s another oddball huh.”

“Though in the past, he briefly materialized after I got caught up in a major incident. For a moment I couldn’t tell that it was 'Kazeshini’ because he was sort of different.”

“I see, even though I don’t know the details, it seems as if he was forcibly made to materialize.”

With no particular intention of speaking any further of said incident, Hisagi simply recounts the essence of Kazeshini alone.

“Maybe it’s because he’s aware that I find it hard to stomach this thing’s shape, that he’s hardly willing to speak to me at all. Even on the rare occasions he does address me, he makes nothing but disturbing remarks like 'give me blood’ or 'sacrifice this life.’ I know he’s not a bad guy at heart, but honestly, sometimes I wonder. If I came to understand this guy completely… could it not be the case, that I’d end up being tainted by his character?”

“Are you afraid?”

“…I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t.”

At the words of Hisagi which were being assembled as he gazed at a Kazeshini that was made to enter its Shikai state in the midst of training, Kensei mumbled as if speaking to himself after a brief moment of contemplation.

“A Zanpakutō’s words are not always its true sentiments.”


“Well, anyway, it’s become glaringly clear that the usual way of doing things will not suffice.”

As he approaches Hisagi, Kensei brings his right hand close to his own forehead.——

Coupled with an action that almost resembled tearing off his own face, Kensei dons his Hollow mask which had been drawn out from thin air.


The atmosphere grows tense, and a pronounced Hollow Reiatsu came coursing through Hisagi’s Reiatsu Chikaku.

In addition to Mashiro who was still clad in her mask, a more heavy Hollow Reiatsu interjected and roused an echo in Hisagi.

“Huh? Is Kensei taking it from here? In that case, can I go grab a snack?”

“You can’t, idiot.”

Whilst negating the words of Mashiro, Kensei cast a Reiatsu imbued with a fierce intent to kill towards Hisagi.

“From this point onwards, it’s going to take the two of us to get this done.”


In Hisagi’s mind, he was struck by the mental image of his death that was far more vivid than in the moment he had battled Mashiro.

Unlike the deaths of human beings in the World of the Living, it would be a death of his very soul.

Both his memories and experiences will completely fade away, a journey towards the void where one would turn to Reishi dust.

For an instant, the flashback of a certain scene is played in Hisagi’s mind.

Seared into his soul from its very core, a most distinct personification of death was revived in him.

Without fail it would float into Hisagi’s head when confronted by formidable enemies like the ferocious Arrancar or Aizen, and this time, formidable enemies like the Quincy, for him it was the scene of 'death’ itself.

It was not the scene of the time he was attacked by a Hollow in his childhood, neither was it the moment he was almost butchered by the monster called Ayon, nor the moment he was almost killed by the Quincy who robbed Sasakibe Chōjirō of his Bankai.——

It was a scene from the time he was attacked by a countless number of Huge Hollows, when he lost his comrade Kanisawa.

That he was made to overcome this fear, it was down to the teachings of none other than Tōsen Kaname himself, however——

The fact remains that even now, he could still see that scene.

To sum it up, the Reiatsu of the Kensei before his eyes was so dangerous, that Hisagi’s instincts were warning him to the fact that he was standing on the abyss of his own death this very moment.

In response to Hisagi who was starting to grow motionless, Kensei in his masked state speaks.

“The fear of one’s Zanpakutō, is it? Even that guy Tōsen spoke of such things. That’s why he gave all this damn talk about being able to fight.”


“I, can’t eliminate your fear. But, if you are able to fight precisely because you have fear, just as that guy Tōsen said….”

Readying his Zanpakutō which took a form that resembles a combat knife, Kensei cast a more boosted Reiatsu towards Hisagi.

“Then prove it.”

Recalling the man who once betrayed him and murdered his comrades——

And at the same time, in order to ascertain whether Tōsen was still a detestable enemy, or the mentor who cultivated the man known as Shūhei, Kensei himself pondered this point.

“I wonder whether or not your sorry ass has the right to talk about Tōsen too.”

And so, time flows by once more ——

Human World - Karakura Town - Mitsumiya

The Mitsumiya neighbourhood is situated in the western part of Karakura Town.

Within it is a small-time candy store venting a strange presence, Urahara Shōten.

Ordinarily the place would be bustling with the frequent comings and goings of children and the like, nevertheless, whether it was a containment barrier that cleared the area of people or something else that had been put into operation, currently not even a single cat could be seen walking around the streets.

What is present there instead, are the several black suited individuals collapsed around the shop, and the form of a red jersey clad young girl carrying two Shinigami on her shoulders.

“…What the hell? Those guys are doing battle with something.”


After hearing the words of Sarugaki Hiyori —— the girl in the red jersey, Yuki Ryūnosuke who was on the verge of passing out on her shoulder, raises his eyes to the sky whilst suppressing his nausea.

“…Yikes!? What is that!?”

In order to grasp the situation in Karakura Town which had suddenly been blockaded in a spiritual nature, they had come up to the storefront where Urahara Kisuke could be found.

However, what they saw when they arrived there was some kind of unusual battle.

Urahara Kisuke and Hisagi Shūhei.

Urahara a former captain and the first president of the Department of Research and Development, Hisagi Shūhei an actively serving vice captain and the editor-in-chief of Seireitei Communication.

As they animatedly leapt around the air, a fierce battle was unfolding against 'something’ unknown.

“Urahara san… I know I’m asking again but… are you sure this really isn’t some Bankai-like innate ability?”

“Yes, it’s like our Kidō. A basic ability that any Fullbringer is able to use. I fear it’s likely that the true nature of that thing over there is iron rust or something that is infused with one’s blood to greatly enhance the properties of the soul. It’s being driven through 'soul manipulation’ which is a power belonging to Fullbringers.”

“Soul manipulation… you have a point, the concept is foreign to us.”

“It also differs slightly compared to Quincy enslavement. The mass itself is no big deal… but if you were swallowed up by something of that magnitude, then it would be quite possible that both Hisagi san’s body and Zanpakutō would be 'manipulated’ too wouldn’t it?”

What confronted them, was a multitude of gargantuan dragons, formed through dark red spurts of blood.

They were not Western-style dragons, rather the dragons were shaped like limbs sprouting on a serpent as five heads akin to those in Eastern folklore, silhouetted a deep red and rushing around the light ashen skies.

“But this is unbelievable…”

As he muttered that, Hisagi observes the huge dragons floating before his eyes.

On closer inspection it was an aggregation of symbols and patterns, though they converged together like a shoal of fish in the sea, flailing around in unison; transforming into one giant organism the dragons’ body is made to twist and turn.

The jaws belonging to the dragons who measured about the size of a heavy-duty truck’s cargo bed in girth, drew closer in an attempt to engulf Hisagi and Urahara.

Urahara evades it by a hairbreadth, his Zanpakutō which had entered its Shikai state is made to glisten in the light.

“——Kamisori Benihime.”

The red slashing attack produced from the point of his sword easily lops off a dragon’s head.

However the cleaved surface flickered like smoke and regenerated completely as if the fact that it had just been cut had never occurred.

“——Shibari Benihime.”

This time a black sash extends out from the tip of his Zanpakutō, weaved into a lattice-like state it entangles two dragons.

“——Hiasobi Benihime, Juzutsunagi.”

In an instant —— the knots of that black latticework explode in a chain reaction, the skies over Karakura Town are dyed red by explosive flames.

It lit up the slight cloud cover which mantled the town together with the isolation barrier, the flames illuminating Karakura Town like a second sun.

“Insane…! But, is this really okay!?”

Hisagi is worried about what could happen when the humans at ground level come to observe the spectacle, yet Urahara grinned broadly as he spoke.

“Let’s hope that president Vorarlberna will manage to figure something out for us. Come now, when push comes to shove, I can deal with it using a wide area type Kikanshinki (*Account Replacement Spirit Device)”

Although, even in the past, several large-scale battles have taken place in the Human World, with the exception of the decisive battle against Aizen, cases that are this level of dramatic are still likely to be a rare occurrence.

If it were combat between Shinigami and Hollow, the living would never be able to perceive the presence of either party, however in this case, the enemy Aura, though a Fullbringer, is still a living human being.

If there were anyone surveying her from the ground, how on earth would it appear to them?

Bearing such a thought in mind Hisagi probed around for her form, but that form was not to be found.

“That woman… where did she go!?”

“Perhaps, she is hidden somewhere among the dragons. No, if she is able to transform her body into a smoke-like state, then there wouldn’t even be a need to hide in the first place would there?”

“So that’s how it is, is there not a way to defeat her using Zanpakutō?”

“It depends on the Zanpakutō. I suppose the person with the most ideal compatibility, is Hitsugaya san.”

“…I see what you mean.”

If it were an ice-type Zanpakutō like the ones owned by Hitsugaya Tōshirō and Kuchiki Rukia, or alternatively the type of Zanpakutō which can burn down a vast area akin to that which had been in the possession of Yamamoto Genryūsai, then it would be made possible to thoroughly overwhelm this opponent whether or not she turns to fluid or gas.

In that sort of sense, it follows that the compatibility is worst for Hisagi’s Kazeshini which mainly comprises of physical attacks.

“Is this going to have to play out as a Kidō-focused battle?”

“Yes, that’s the plan for the time being.”

Hisagi was not aware. -

- Aware of the fact that up till this point, the very moves Urahara had played, are the various tactics he had once employed against a Hōgyoku fused Aizen.

“There’s no holding back. Let’s give it everything we’ve got.”

However, that the Fullbringer known as Michibane Aura is a presence that demanded said degree of precaution, Hisagi had also understood this by now.

Hearing the Kidō incantation Urahara began to chant immediately after that, Hisagi’s eyes widened as he also prepared himself for the impact.

“The tips of a thousand hands,

Honourable hands unable to reach the darkness,

Shooting hands unable to reflect the heavens,

Path that sheds light,

Wind that fans the embers,

Gather and have no doubt,

Observe my indication,

Bullet of light, eight bodies, nine clauses, heavenly scripture,

Treasure of ailments, great wheel, grey turret,

Take aim towards the distance, and fade brightly.”

When it comes to an individual who is as adept as Urahara, it is possible for them fire Kidō even if the incantation is discarded.

However, by boosting its strength through deliberately chanting the incantation, Hisagi had sensed that he was attempting a test on something.

“Hadō 91 一一一一 Senjū Kōten Taihō”

A cluster of light rays that are spread out in the sky converged before Urahara, forming a high density barrage it bores into the swarm of dark red dragons along with the surrounding atmosphere, burning them away.

Oddly enough, it closely resembled the 'Gran Rey Cero’ which Grimmjow and his company were unleashing at the same time in the Rukongai.

Even on the aspect of power, it is by no means outdone by Gran Rey Cero, perhaps the blow of a formidable Kidō even has the potential to surpass it.

Watching the Kidō which demonstrated an enigma of a man named Urahara Kisuke, Hisagi reflexively caught his breath.

Despite having just fired a Kidō of that level, and without upsetting neither his breathing nor his Reiatsu, Urahara observes the state of affairs around him while remaining composed.

“I see, is it that you’re also able to manipulate the Reishi of my Kidō after all?”

Finally, when the smoke before his eyes cleared away, a lone figure came into sight.

As the remnants of what used to be the dark red dragons float around aimlessly in the surroundings, Michibane Aura was standing there flashing a smile that was as bold as ever.

“No, if anything, it’s like she controlled the soul within nitrogen and constructed it into a barrier… I guess that’s how I’d describe it. Oh my, that you’re able to do that in the Human World which has a weaker Reishi presence, it is truly an amazing thing.”

With an expression that said it was within expectation that she would not be shot down, Urahara observes Aura.

“However, it would appear you couldn’t very well get away with no damage.”

Although she had sustained no obvious external injuries to her body or garments, even Hisagi had sensed the change.

Could it be that she had run out of reserve power to dilute her presence by means of Fullbring? Just a moment ago, her Reiatsu should have thinned out completely, but now it can be felt clearly even through Hisagi’s Reiatsu Chikaku.

Moreover, a fluctuation could be sensed in the Reiatsu itself similar in feeling to exhaustion, Hisagi had concluded that the woman before his eyes was beginning to lose room to manoeuvre.

“Phew, that’s a relief. If you were to tell me she was unscathed just now, then we would surely need to take measures on the level it took to deal with Aizen Sōsuke after all.”

“…This is Kidō? It’s the first time I’ve been directly on the receiving end, but it certainly seems like a formidable technique. Looks like I have somewhat underestimated you Shinigami beings.”

—— I’d be worried if she’s taking Urahara san’s level as the standard to measure us by….

Though Hisagi had such a thought, he figured there’d be no harm with that in itself if his opponent got the wrong idea and is wary of Hisagi’s Kidō too, he decides against specifically pointing out this miscalculation.

“…At any rate, won’t you be so kind as to lend us that power?”

In spite of the damage she was suffering, Aura once again cast words of gentle persuasion towards Urahara.

“I appreciate your kind invitation, but a Hōgyoku… is not something that can be so easily manufactured, and no matter how many reasons you may have, it’s something I cannot so readily forge. If I was capable of achieving mass production and control, I would have already invested it into the last war and also have handed one over to Kurosaki san.”

Urahara speaks jokingly, but then ——

“That’s a lie… isn’t it?”


Aura poses this question with a smile still on her face.

Urahara responded with silence.

“If Kurosaki Ichigo is given a Hōgyoku, it’s true, perhaps the world would become more stable. However, that deviates from the outcome you seek does it not?”

“ ? ”

Unable to comprehend the meaning behind these words, Hisagi tilted his head; after a self-deprecating smile revealed itself on his face, Urahara replied as a slight tinge of loneliness hung over his smiling face.

“You got me there, my apologies, I lied. If it passed into Kurosaki san’s hands, I suppose it would be turned into something entirely different from a Hōgyoku.”

“Urahara san?”

To the side of a puzzled a Hisagi, Urahara fires a question back at Aura.

“So then… how much do you actually know?”

“Oh, is this fine with you?”

With a chuckle, Aura fixed her eyes on Hisagi and continues to speak.

“The gentleman over there is a 'journalist’ correct? I don’t think it’s the appropriate content to inadvertently discuss in front of such a person.”

“What’s the meaning of all this? What are you guys talking about?”

Without being able to make any sense of it, Hisagi searches for answers, but Aura simply wears a thin smile whilst gazing intently at Urahara.

Then, Urahara glanced at Hisagi fleetingly, and in a display that was somewhat rare for him, Urahara opens his mouth to speak with a serious expression plastered on his face.

“The moment it involved the Tsunayashiro clan, I believe Hisagi san would have come to learn of it anyway… so it doesn’t matter if I discuss the topic right?”

“What topic? The fact that the Tsunayashiro clan are brewing trouble for both the Soul Society and the Human World, as you might expect, even I know that.”

“That’s not it. Hisagi san, I’m sorry this may end up turning into a test of your resolution as a journalist… no, your resolution as a Shinigami.”

“My resolution as a Shinigami…?”

Though bewildered by the unexpected subject matter, Hisagi notices sweat running down the hand currently gripping Kazeshini.

His many years of experience as a Shinigami may have alerted him to a certain fact by instinct -

- The fact that he is now on the verge of setting foot into a matter which belongs in some kind of forbidden grounds.

“I will tell you what I’m able to speak of from my own mouth later… but when that time comes, will Hisagi san swear that regardless of what he hears, he will continue to uphold the justice of the Gotei 13?… That’s the kind of matter this concerns.”

Though his tone was light, it was his words that held an odd pressure.

“I could leave things as they stand and feign ignorance. Before that person says anything, maybe there’s no question about it that I would also be capable of making them hold their tongue. Rather, perhaps I ought to do so for the sake of Soul Society…. But Hisagi san, given that you are also part of Soul Society, I have no right to stop you from learning of the matter.”


As he felt beads of sweat run down his spine, Hisagi listens intently to Urahara’s talk in silence.

“If there had been no conflict with Yhwach, then under normal circumstances the issue could have been dodged. I’m at a loss myself. Aizen was going to change the way of the world as an individual. I still believe that was wrong. Having said that, if the world itself, that is if the Soul Society desires change, I am not entitled to judge whether that is right or wrong.”

Urahara then pauses from his speech for a brief moment, he intentionally let a gentle smile reveal itself on his face as he addressed Hisagi.

“That, is something a 'reporter’ like Hisagi san should ask the world. From this point onwards, that is the kind of matter you’ll be dealing with.”

“I’ll be-……”

“Well now, let’s continue this later. First things first after all, we have to do something about the situation in front of us.”

Interrupting Hisagi as he was about to say something, Urahara turns to face Aura.

Hisagi felt a strange sense of discomfort towards this Urahara.

—— What the heck?

—— It’s true that Urahara san is talkative, but a person who would chat this much in the midst of battle?

Although he could come up with any number of pointless jokes, he would not make idle chit-chat with a serious demeanor. That is Hisagi’s impression regarding Urahara.

It is for this reason, the very act made Hisagi feel perplexed at this matter which happens to be the sort of thing that 'should be discussed later’, and bewildered as to why Urahara had recounted this tale to him just now, however, without giving answers to Hisagi’s misgivings, Urahara points the tip of Benihime towards Aura who is standing in a spot separated by a small distance.

“Oh my… how unexpectedly considerate of you to not mount a surprise attack on us during our long conversation, Aura san.“

"You must be joking.”

Aura calmly shakes her head.

“While you were talking with the vice captain over there, were you not just preparing a several number of Kidō by processing your Reiatsu?”

“Isn’t it the same for yourself? The dragons that were dissipating just now, you’ve been spreading them around this whole area.”


Hisagi didn’t even have the slightest idea of any such thing in the background of the exchange until he had heard the pair bring it up.

—— It’s just what you’d expect from Urahara san… that doesn’t matter right now.

Noting his own inexperience, He feels a sense of helplessness, even so Hisagi still faces forward.

—— While that may be true, there’s no way I can afford to become a hindrance.

On the basis of acknowledging his lack of true strength, Hisagi resolved himself all the more to take on the battle, before him, the two 'magicians’ began to move into action.


No sooner than Aura had muttered that in a manner of speaking akin to some kind of command, the surrounding air transformed completely.

Just a moment earlier, Aura had reconstructed matter concealed in the atmosphere back into the air by means of soul manipulation, and simultaneously used the dragon fragments as a medium.

In an instant —— A grey tinted stream of water dominates the ashen sky.

In the skies above Karakura Town, a 'sea’ appeared which is small compared to the real thing, yet extraordinarily vast considering its location.

Two Shinigami who were watching the spectacle from the ground, let slip an astonished shriek as they were struck dumbfounded.

“There’s a sea… in the sky?”

“Yikes! If that sort of thing came crashing down on us, we’d be sure to drown Shino san! L-Let’s escape!”

Just how much water did it comprise of?

The 'sea’ which was no more than a mass which veiled the sky, eventually generated a directional swell of waves, before long it transforms into a 'large river’ and coursed around the sky meandering left and right.

Faced with an overwhelming spectacle which possessed both beauty and terror, Hiyori gave yells of abuse and scolds the Shinigami.

“Quit freaking out! A Zanpakutō is capable of something of that level too! Heck even that Espada shark lady pulled a similar stunt….”

Just as she was saying that, Hiyori stopped mid-sentence. -

- Because the next violent threat made its appearance in the atmosphere, as though forming a twin to the great volume of seawater.


Tessai and the others who were watching the spectacle from a distance, are forced to stay their hands from the counter-attack on the black suits who had materialised around them.

It was that much of a peculiar sight.

As if becoming paired with the stream of water, a river of lava stained in vermilion, rushed about like an enraged fire dragon between a dragon made from seawater.

“It seems we had better speed this up….”

Jinta and Ururu each knock down the enemy they were confronting as though reacting to Tessai’s words.

“Jeez, just what the heck is the deal with these guys!? They come spawning out without a damn warning! Are they insects!?”

Whilst receiving an annoyed Jinta’s yell at her back, Ururu gazed fixedly at the sky and muttered to herself.

“There’s something else… it’s coming.”

“Huuhh!? What in the hell!? What can possibly follow the water and magma!?”

In response to the question he had raised himself, Jinta exclaimed in a sudden flash after a moment of contemplation.

“…So then, it turns out to be drill bit and missile dragons!? They’re probably the strongest right!?”

Completely disregarding those yells, Ururu spoke of the true identity belonging to this stream of Reiatsu perceived through her own eyes.

“Kisuke san’s dragons.”

“Hadō 99 ———— Goryūtenmetsu”

At Kisuke’s words, the sky splits open.

What made an appearance, is five pillars of light taking the shape of dragons and composed of Reishi.

By nature, it was one among the Hadō which possessed tremendous power comparable to that of forbidden spells, creating Reishi dragons from the Spiritual Pulse of the earth, and shattering the ground around it whilst engulfing the target.

Urahara made his own adjustments to it, circulating his Hadō into the atmosphere, he hacked into the very Reiatsu of the souls Aura was setting to work and turned it into a substitute for the Spiritual Pulse.

“…I’d never have guessed that you’d actually go this far.”

The composure disappears from Aura’s face, instead, a slight look of mechanical surprise rises to the surface.

“At long last, you’ve let us see a genuine expression.”

When Urahara whispered that, Aura let her lava and water dragons leap towards Urahara and Hisagi as if to negate it.

Meanwhile, among the dragons that were generated by the Hadō, three hovered over Kisuke and Hisagi in order to protect them, and the remaining two charged headlong towards Aura in a manner that sought to enclose her from above and below.

Then, as soon as the three varieties of dragon intersect in midair ——

Explosive pillars of water vapour shot upwards, every corner of the area was completely buried under a newly born brilliant white.

—— What sort of level is this battle on?

Despite the minimal defence by way of Kidō which had been put up, he had still sustained damage in the aftermath of the explosion, Hisagi curses his own inability to do anything in the face of a battle of titans who were several steps above him.

However, he did not intend to run away from it.

Hisagi understood that he would only get in the way. Urahara’s power was so tremendous that Hisagi had even lost sight of why he had said “let’s, the two of us, tackle this one together.”

Such was the manner of battle demonstrated before Hisagi that it gave the impression that Shihōin Yoruichi is quite possibly the only person capable of keeping pace with him even in a raw ability kind of sense, nevertheless, his pride as a Shinigami kept him rooted to the spot.

If Hisagi was a Shinigami who acts through reason —— then it’s likely he would have already set down his Zanpakutō from the moment he entertained a fear of death.

Whether it be for better or worse, Hisagi Shūhei was an inept man.

He was hailed as a talented student at the Shinō Academy, in fact he was a heroic figure able to manage almost anything beyond the conventional standard of a Shinigami, but an underlying sense of irrational pride always compelled him to select the less favourable option.

However, as a consequence of that, Hisagi became stronger.

It is because of his pride as a Shinigami, or perhaps his pride towards the philosophy he inherited from his superiors as a Shinigami, that he had kept walking the path lacking rationality many times over, and each time he continued to linger on the borderline between life and death.

Even if he made a fool of himself at times, he was able to survive in the end; he did not allow himself to flee thanks to that ineptitude, he steps towards the battlefield and holds his ground by his own volition this time as well.

“Urahara san! I’m not sure whether or not this will work but, using Bakudō I can cut-off her power————”

Thinking about what he could do in his own way, Hisagi sought to raise a suggestion to Urahara, however, it was only then that he had realised that Urahara’s Reiatsu had disappeared from the vicinity.


As the water vapour gradually cleared away from Hisagi’s field of vision, it appears that the damage which had been incurred is substantial, the pale looking form of Aura came into view.

However, the form of Urahara is nowhere to be found.

Before a bewildered Hisagi, Aura contorted her lips once more; as if it was a cue, a voice interlaced in static noise echoed across the space like it was travelling through a loudspeaker.

“Completion status. Mission clear, Aura san.”

“Thank you, president Yukio.”

“With that score, we won’t be given an SS rank. At best that was a B I guess.” ¹

At the words of Yukio who spoke in a dispassionate manner, Hisagi instinctively raised his voice.

“Hey… what’s the big idea!? What the hell have you done with Urahara san!?”

“I’m sure I already told you from the very onset? Our objective is Urahara Kisuke.”

When he carefully examined his surroundings, there in the spot Urahara had just been standing in before the explosion, a disturbance of Reiatsu could be felt as if curling up the space itself.

—— Urahara san… was abducted?

—— That’s absurd. It’s Urahara san for crying out loud!? What the heck happened!?

As if to mock the panicked Hisagi, through the breaks in the electronic blocking noise which would occasionally leak out from the distortion, Yukio’s voice alone continues to echo across.

“Since we’re all set, I had Urahara Kisuke come up to my stage. That is all.”

“Stop bullshitting me! Hey, release Urahara san right now!”

“Sorry but, why not set a flag for our future progress?” ²

After Yukio speaks teasingly whilst remaining expressionless, Aura spoke up.

“…I suppose it won’t be long before we meet again——”

Giving a respectful bow, she herself disappears into the black, static blocking noise that Yukio had generated.

“I wish you good fortune.”

“Wait damn it…”

He darted through the air using Shunpo, yet in the next instant, he had failed to make it in time.

Only the residue of a distorted Reiatsu remained there, for a short while Hisagi searched for an opening in the surroundings, however——


Ultimately he discovered nothing at all, left floating in midair Hisagi raises a voice steeped in deeply held resentment.

Not towards Yukio nor towards Aura, rather a voice of resentment aimed at his own inability to do anything about it.

Urahara Kisuke had been abducted whilst Hisagi was at his wit’s end.

Much like how he is unable to obtain a single clue as to what it all means.

Translator’s notes:

¹ This is a ranking system in video games originating from Japan, SS rank would be equivalent to flawless and anything below a C would generally be considered ‘mission failed’.

²The 'flag’ terminology used mostly in visual novel games which can alter in-game character’s future status or trigger certain events. Here, when Yukio is talking teasingly about setting off a flag for their future progress, he is really just joking about tempting fate in that something inevitable will follow now that they’re “all set.”

This is Part 11 on the app (chapter 10 continued)

Karakura Town - Karakura Honchō

“Waaah, what are we going to do Shino san? Sure enough, it seems we can’t make contact with Seireitei!”

Whilst clutching his Denreishinki, a young Shinigami makes an impassioned plea towards his partner in a tearful voice.

“Don’t be a wimp!… Anyway, maybe we have to exit the town first, I guess we may have no choice but to go all the way up to Urahara san’s place and consult with him.”

The Shinigami in charge of Karakura had noticed the ‘curtain of static noise’ covering the town, the pair known as Yuki Ryūnosuke and Madarame Shino were making every effort in order to grasp the current situation. In addition to no longer being able to make any communication whatsoever by means of a Denreishinki, they had also learned that at present, the substitute Shinigami Kurosaki Ichigo and his friends were not in town.

For that reason, it has come to pass that tasks like the purification of Hollows were essentially being handled by these two alone.

“There’s even a possibility that this is the doing of a Quincy…. I wonder if we also have the option to consult Ishida san’s old man at the general hospital….”

“Speaking of that guy, I happen to catch sight of him in front of the hospital from time to time, but he has a piercing look in his eyes so to be frank I think he’d be a difficult person to deal with….”

Hearing that remark, Shino pouts in a somewhat dissatisfied manner.

“What’s the matter with you? I’ve always been told that at a glance I have a piercing look in my eye, which I acquired from Ikkaku-nii, do you mean to say that all this time you’ve been thinking me a difficult person to deal with?”

“Ah, Shino san is an exception! Do you take that for granted!?”


Shino was perplexed by the words of Ryūnosuke who had made such a powerful assertion, however ——

“Because, when it comes to Shino san, the way the light bounces off your forehead is the thing that more closely resembles Ikkaku san than the expression of your eyes, my attention gets drawn to there instead so you don’t have to worry about bwahaha–.”

“…Get moving.”

Whilst he was in the midst of speaking, Shino had driven a straight punch into the face of her partner, she narrows her piercing eyes even further and begins walking.

“…It’s no good. As I suspected we can’t pass through.”

Travelling along the railway track using Shunpo, the pair finally arrive at the border with the neighboring town which sat beside a dry riverbed.

However, the results were fruitless.

Despite the fact that ordinary people and vehicles were able to nonchalantly pass through the 'curtain’ situated on the boundary of the town, they themselves could not cross through it at all.

Their blades completely failed to cut through the spot they had slashed at with their Zanpakutō, confirming that it was a solid barrier which cannot be damaged in the slightest even with Shikai state.

“The trains seem able to pass through along the railway tracks normally, so how about we also board a train?”

At the proposal of Ryūnosuke whose face was now swollen, Shino responded as if she was astounded.

“Tell you what, if it turns out that it’s only us that can’t pass through with that method, then we’ll be slammed into the barrier at the speed of a train, do you really see no problem with that?”

“…I guess we’d die, from a stunt like that.”

“It looks like we have no choice but to go to Urahara san’s place after all… it’s at the opposite end of town, but if we use Shunpo then we’ll soon be-…”

It was at that point when Shino ceased talking.

Because something akin to the static noise shot through the air around them, several black suited men and women materialised as if gushing forth from a crevice between two worlds.

They donned black gas masks over their faces, and although it was a matter that didn’t involve Ryūnosuke and Shino, they had the same appearance as the group that showed up around Urahara Shōten.

“Huh!? They’re wearing masks… humanoid Hollows!? L-let’s escape Shino san!”

Mistaking them for Vasto Lorde class Hollows, Yuki instinctively grabs Shino’s hand in an attempt to flee, however, with a jerk Shino pulled that hand back towards herself forcing them to stand their ground.

“Just stay calm! These guys may have appeared before us in a strange way, but it’s not Hollow Reiatsu that I sense. Besides, their masks aren’t white either.”

“Th-then, Quincies?”

“…I can’t say for certain that you’re wrong.”

For Shino, the Quincy were carved into her soul as a great source of trauma.

Her superior Kajōmaru Hidetomo whom she had admired and respected was slaughtered before her eyes, and the Seireitei which they ought to protect was reduced to scorched earth covered in spurts of blood and debris.

Trampled underfoot by the fear in her soul, Shino had begun to lose her fighting spirit, however she gained a firm foothold as a Shinigami at the critical moment, together with Ryūnosuke she re-trained herself from scratch down to the present day.

—— That’s right, even Ryūnosuke perseveres as a Shinigami, how can I afford to lose heart?

Even though Ryūnosuke was trembling right now, he had emerged alive from the midst of that battlefield together with Shino.

If it was the case the he was not by her side regardless of him being on the verge of tears, perhaps Shino herself would have lost her life at the hands of a Quincy.

In the final analysis, as far as one could see, Ryūnosuke was quaking with fear even now, and sometimes she wonders whether or not it was the result of some kind of blunder and nothing short of a miracle that they had survived through the war.

Looking at the state of her colleague who couldn’t figure out whether he could muster the courage or not, Shino found new resolve thinking “I need to pull myself together all the same”, coincident with that, she poses a question to the black suited group clad in gas masks that appeared before her.

“So then? You lot, what’s the meaning of all this? That you’re able to see us when we’re not inside a Gigai, I take it you’re not ordinary humans huh?”

At Shino who had adopted a posture that was ready to withdraw her Zanpakutō from its sheath at any given moment, the black suits were silent —— however, remaining mute they readied their extendable batons which were decorated with patterns, with mechanical movements they charged at the pair.

“…! Does this mean there’s no use in arguing about it!?”

Despite being taken aback by their movements which were faster than expected, Shino stopped the blow from the extendable batons with her Zanpakutō which she had unsheathed right away.

Ryūnosuke on the other hand let out a shriek with a “yeow”, he ran about in an attempt to escape whilst slipping through the group’s attack.

“Hold up Ryūnosuke! Fight like you mean it!”

“B-but, these people, they’re not Hollows but rather humans aren’t they!? Is it really okay to cut them down with a Zanpakutō!?”

“It’s not like these guys who are able to attack our spirit bodies are ordinary humans don’t you…think…?”

It was then that Shino notices a strange occurrence.

Identical to the abnormality Hisagi had experienced at Urahara Shōten, Shino sensed that the Reiatsu released by her Zanpakutō had began to wane.

“…!?……My Zanpakutō, it's…”

Taking advantage of that momentary disturbance, one of the black suited individuals struck Shino’s back.


“Shino san!”

“It’s alright, at… this level…"

Just then, Shino sank deeper into this sensation as if her whole body was caught in a giant spider’s web.

The movements of her body had grown sluggish and increased in friction like a machine that had ran out of oil.

Although there was no problem with both her senses and her physical condition, Shino sensed a strange pressure weighing down on the flow of Reiatsu bridging those things together.

“What the heck… is this…?

Perhaps having confirmed Shino’s poor form, all at once the black suits maintain a distance, and raise the batons clutched in their hands out towards their front.

All of a sudden, the patterns that were engraved on those specialised weapons float upwards, they transform into tentacles suspended in midair and in unison they rush in for an attack towards Shino.

Confronted with this puzzling offensive which was unleashed simultaneously, Shino was assailed by an uneasiness as to whether she would be able to deal with the threat in her current state, but she still decided to engage the enemy without releasing her sword.

"Shino san!”

Ryūnosuke also scrambles into a run in an effort to defend Shino, however —— just before he could finally reach her, the situation changes dramatically coincident with the sound of a thunderous roar.

Before the 'limbs of the patterns’ could make contact with Shino and Ryūnosuke, the red figure of a person had come hurling down from the heavens —— and no sooner than that did they stomp their feet firmly on the ground with force similar to that of a cannon; a hail of sediment and a cloud of dust, and as though it was a chain reaction, the black suits were sent flying high into the sky.



Shino’s face was covered by the advancing cloud of dust, and Ryūnosuke tumbles down due to the impact.

When the clouds of dust clear, a young girl is standing there.

“Oh for crying out loud, pissing out this nauseating Reiatsu on my turf… where do you think you punks are?”

Shino and Co. understand immediately that the girl who muttered to herself in what sounded like a Kansai dialect, was no ordinary person.


It was indeed a Reiatsu similar to that of a Shinigami.

However, there is some curious sense of incongruity.

The girl who sported a red jogging suit raised her voice in a mixture of anger and irritation towards one of the black suited members who attempts to stand up though remaining silent.

“Who said you could get up!? What makes you think you can humiliate me by doing as you please baldy!”

Coupled with her irrational remarks, the girl energetically kicked a roadside stone towards the black suited individual.

Watching dumbfounded as the black suited member fell flat on their face once more after being hit directly by a stone as big as a clenched fist, Shino called out in a manner that indicated a sense of nervousness.

“P-pardon me! Thank you for saving us from that close shave just now! Are you a member of the Gotei 13?”

“Huuuh? That’s not how it is stupid. For your information, I didn’t just save you free of charge.”

Turning to look at Shino whilst scowling, the girl adjusted her hat which had the words “UNAGI” written on it and at the same time she thrust a thumb at her own chest.

“I’m no Shinigami or whatever. I’m just a passing general merchant’s apprentice, Sarugaki Hiyori sama!”

“General merchant…?”


Facing Ryūnosuke and Shino who tilted their heads in puzzlement, the girl with the kansai dialect continued to speak whilst the sour look remained plastered on her face.

“To tell you the truth I hate Shinigami, so I don’t accept jobs that involve helping the likes of you. But since these are an exceptional set of circumstances, I’ll see if I can give you a discount.”

“Eh, does this mean you require some sort of monetary payment from us…?”

“Quit your yapping stupid! I was told by Miss. Ikumi to 'do whatever it takes to get the job done.’ What do you think will happen if it turns out you can’t pay!?”

“Even if you were told such a thing…”

Confronted by the girl who yelled something they couldn’t quite comprehend the meaning of, Ryūnosuke and Shino exchange glances at each other not knowing how they should respond.

However, the situation did not permit them to continue the conversation in the same carefree manner.

Newly materialised static noise coursed through the air, even more black suits than before emerge from the threshold separating the space.

“Gah! They’ve multiplied, they’ve multiplied in numbers Shino san!?”

“What the heck is going on… what’s the deal with these guys!?”

At this rate, even if they were cut down with the use of Shikai, would there be any end to their numbers?

Having concluded that there is a possibility of the situation turning into a deadlock seeing as they were unsure of their remaining fighting power, Ryūnosuke bows his head to the girl who introduced herself as “Hiyori”.

“Uhh, in that case we’ll pay up, so please take us both up to Urahara Shōten in Mitsumiya!”

“What the hell kind of talk is that!? I’m not a taxi service you know! Are you making light of me baldy!?”

“eep!? My apologies!”

“…Whatever. But, it just had to be Kisuke’s of all places huh…”

Brandishing her Zanpakutō which she had taken in hand unnoticed, Hiyori slashed at the ground and raised a cloud of dust in order to contain the black suits.

Hiyori lifted Shino and Ryūnosuke onto her shoulders with strength that was quite unimaginable given her small stature, and before the pair could even let out a yelp, she leapt away using Shunpo.

At this point, she was able to sense Reiatsu resembling that of the black suits, surging up in various spots across the town —— at the same time, Hiyori screwed her face up in seeming annoyance, the visage of a man who was once her superior (president of the Research and Development institute) was called to mind.

“Although I take no pleasure in turning to that dumbass for help… it’s the right call in a situation like this.”

Urahara Shōten

“What’s the matter? I’d be delighted if I could get you to at least verify my answer, so is it an 'Exacta’ or a 'No Es Exacta’?”

From under the brim of his hat, Urahara’s discerning eyes fix a glare at Aura.

Despite his bold smile, there was an atmosphere about his countenance that said it would be no surprise if he stabbed his enemy to death in the next instant.

Observing Urahara’s face, Aura felt a chill run down her back, in spite of this, she forced a slight look of joy to filter through and opened her mouth to speak.

“How mystifying. I had no intention of giving you that much information, and yet…?”

“How did I know just by you being here today, you mean? That a religious organisation operating under the name of 'XCUTION’ would be making their presence felt in the aftermath of the Quincy assault on Soul Society… do you really think I would ignore this?”

Casually resting his sword cane against his shoulder, Urahara strings his words together in a relaxed manner as though he was poking fun.

“Though, I think you’ve played your cards well don’t you agree?  After all, I could only gather information that was available on the surface regarding Michibane san - founder of a religious sect. However… just now, linking that information with 'the other side’ which you only slightly revealed to me —— there are things I was able to discern to a certain extent.”

“…Quite impressive, don’t you think?”

Having heard that, Aura momentarily disregards Hisagi who was standing before her and shifts most of her attention to the conversation with Urahara.

“Perhaps it’s better to say… that is truly befitting of the gentleman who created a Hōgyoku? As expected, we must have you come over to our side at all costs.”


“…Hōgyoku, you say?”


The moment that word left Aura’s mouth, the smile disappeared from Urahara’s face and a silence fell over him, Instead Hisagi knit his eyebrows together and raised his voice.

“Does that have some sort of relevance here?”

“It does, but beyond this point, it is a domain which I cannot afford to allow a 'journalist’ to learn of… so please, I must ask you to leave.”

Aura respectfully bows in midair.

Without understanding an opponent’s true intentions, Hisagi was unable to determine their next move.

“What the heck is that supposed to mean? Do you really think I would just casually leave at your request?”

“Oh? I’m not asking you… I’m threatening you by saying that 'if you tread any further than this, then I will remove you through brute force’, you do understand this right? Mr. Vice captain?”

Coupled with her seductive smile, Aura tilted her head to the side ever so slightly, but then ——

In the next instant, the edge of a Zanpakutō drew close to her throat.


“You underestimate me. Even without a Gentei Kaijo, the speed of my Shunpo isn’t decreased by much.”

Finding an opportune moment when Aura blinked and then closing the distance between them with Shunpo, Hisagi had thrust his blade before her in a split second.

Upon seeing the Zanpakutō at her own throat, Aura turns her eyes towards Hisagi in an open display of admiration.

“…I’m astonished. You seem to be another person entirely compared to the one that was making childlike banter only a short while ago.”

However, the smile had yet to fade from her face.

“It’s easy. Do you take me for the type that would hesitate to cut down a woman?”

“Not at all? As far as I know, you are typical of a Shinigami. You follow the justice of your own heart, and if there is sufficient reason to cut something down, you would be equally merciless regardless of age or gender, isn’t that right?”

At that point the 'temperature’ of Aura’s smile drops sharply, in a tone of voice that seemed as if it could cause her opponent’s heart to freeze over, she utters one fact.

“In any case, speaking of you… for the sake of the justice you believe in, you even cut down your former mentor after all.”

For a moment, Hisagi’s eyes narrow ever so slightly.

The Reiatsu surrounding him is heavily distorted, those with heightened Reiatsu perception abilities may well have been under an optical illusion, as if the air around Hisagi was fluctuating somewhat.

Nevertheless —— Hisagi’s blade never faltered in spite of this.

Without creating the slightest opportunity for her, Hisagi’s Zanpakutō does not move from his opponent’s throat.

“Come now, there’s no need to be be offended.”

“…Because it’s true….”

What flashed through Hisagi’s mind, are the words of the heinous criminal who delivered the finishing blow to said “mentor”.

—— “Eternity you say, that is not something you can speak so lightly​ of, don’t you agree? Even Tōsen Kaname’s convictions​ were not eternal after all.”

—— “It is not that the case that I set my hands to killing Tōsen Kaname as a remnant of defeated army that must be punished.”

—— “That, is my idea of mercy.”

“…Compared with the speech of that of that guy Aizen, I haven’t even been provoked by you in the slightest.”

“…You are truly a fascinating person. How about it? Wouldn’t you like to become a comrade of mine?”

In response to Aura who spoke in a nonchalant manner, Hisagi knit his eyebrows together as he spoke.

“You do comprehend the situation right? That I haven’t slit your throat yet, it’s only because I’m going to make your sorry self lift the blockade of this town.”

—— Be that as it may, this complacency of hers is strange.

—— Is she trying to rattle me a little?

“According to what Urahara san said, so far you don’t seem to be using any mystery ability, but the tentacles of those strange symbols and these individuals who made an appearance out of nowhere, could that be the down to the abilities of your other comrades? Either way, those are some odd moves you’ve pulled on me wouldn’t you say?”

After listening to Urahara’s words earlier, Hisagi determined that the woman before his eyes was unable to use her own unique abilities in the capacity of a Fullbringer. Although he didn’t quite understand how Urahara had arrived at such a conclusion, from past experience, he regarded the idea of Urahara’s speculations veering off course, a rare possibility.

—— But, it’s strange.

—— Even though it’s noticeable in this way, indeed I can’t sense a substantial Reiatsu from this woman.

—— It’s not like it’s 'nil’, rather it’s as if the Reiatsu is persistently being diluted….

—— These so-called Fullbringers, are they all like this? Though I got the feeling that Ginjō’s group had Reiatsu that packed a bit more punch than this…. Even so, if her ability is to simply erase signs of her presence, it’s strange that she would so boldly come out into the open by making herself visible to the naked eye.

Even if she merely had yet to use her abilities, or even if her ability is indeed those odd ’pattern branches’, Hisagi prepared himself to lop off the head of his opponent if she showed any signs of movement.

Though Yukio’s abilities were an unsettling factor, If he’s considered a friend then he probably would not act recklessly in this situation. Hisagi had guessed as much, however ——

“…Precisely as Urahara san mentioned earlier, I have been assembling a religious group known as 'XCUTION’. Those on the ground… are not believers, but rather heathens who were hostile to us. Now they’ve become awfully compliant however.”

“ ? ”

Confronted with Aura who abruptly began talking herself, Hisagi had grown confused by his inability to read his opponent’s intentions.

He wondered whether or not she would even be willing to surrender, but thinking he could not afford to be careless, Hisagi’s vigilance became all the more stronger.

“The number of followers, currently stands at seven hundred and seventy thousand people.”

“Seven hundred and seventy…”

Having learnt that she was the founder of a religious cult, Hisagi who assumed it was a small scale organisation consisting of around one hundred people, was lost for words after hearing that figure.

A figure that far exceeds his expectations is thrust before him and Hisagi was now in a position where he was unable to surmise whether his opponent’s words were the truth or a false show of power.

“It is a very modest congregation which cannot even be counted among the top five within the emerging religions of Japan… but even so, considering the fact that it has only been a few years since the religion was established, I suppose it’s possible to say that our numbers are abnormal. Do you know why we have amassed such a following?”

“…Who knows. Things like religious sects of the Human World are not much of a concern to us after all. I haven’t a clue by what means you manage to assemble people. Perhaps there is even one among your associates who has the ability to brainwash?”

“If that were the case, things would certainly have been much easier. Be that as it may, Even if Tsukishima san was still alive, it would be a difficult task to bookmark people by the hundreds of thousands all the same.”

“Tell me the answer quickly. It’s futile if your plan is to buy time.”

Confronted by Hisagi who actually began to contemplate the possibility of her stalling for time, a wide smile broke out on Aura’s lips.

“It’s quite simple.”

She then pressed her own throat to the blade which remained fixed in position before her.

“Huh… what the hell are you doing!?”

—— Does she intend to fatally wound herself?

—— No, then her soul would be seized and that would be the end. There would be no point in that!

—— What could she be thinking?

If he withdrew his blade, it could develop into an opening for his enemy, but if that is her goal, then it was a much too reckless action.

After a moment of puzzlement, Hisagi tries to halt her progress her by drawing his sword back before she could obtain a fatal injury, but then——

In the next instant, her neck which pushed far quicker than what Hisagi had anticipated, slides across the blade of his Zanpakutō —— separating from her body which remained as it stood, her head sailed through the air.

The head which was amputated from its body never allowed the smiling expression to fade even in this condition.

Hisagi was so captivated by the sudden spectacle, that he failed to notice the lack of response being transmitted from his Zanpakutō.

Then, from the mouth on the freshly severed head which should by all means have its connection to her lungs cut off, an alluring voice echoes across the space as unchanged as the moments before.

“I merely performed miracles. In front of the people.”


Slipping past Hisagi whose eyes had flown wide open, Aura’s body clutches her own head, and then places it over the section of her neck which remained cut.

She turned in Hisagi’s direction with gentle movements, placing the palms of her hands at her temple she tilts her head from side to side with a forceful shove.

There was not even a single scratch left at the cross section much less a stream of blood, only her delicate silk-like skin spread across the area.

“Whaa… what’s going on!? Just now, If I’m not mistaken…”

“My head should be severed, right?”

As she said this, Aura once again extends both hands left and right, she begins to manipulate the 'branches of the patterns’ which were spreading out around them.

Before he knew it, the number of those branches belonging to the patterns had more than doubled, to say nothing of the increased ferocity with which they moved compared to a short while ago.

“It was severed wasn’t it? However, I reconnected it, that’s all.”

“High-speed regeneration…? You couldn’t possibly be some kind of Hollow now could you?”

“Certainly not. But, you’re getting warm.”

She then revealed a somewhat lonely smile, allowing the 'pattern branches’ to leap towards Hisagi.

“I am a Fullbringer. I was born into the world corrupted by a Hollow factor.”

Dark red branches filled the area surrounding Hisagi until his form was no longer visible.

Yukio who was observing from ground level, began to calculate whether things would conclude here, and in that moment ——

“Reap ———— Kazeshini.”

A gust of wind from a slashing attack blew fiercely, and the 'branches of the patterns’ that had crammed into the space around Hisagi were sliced away.

Hisagi who had come into sight from among them, resentfully muttered to himself whilst tightly grasping his Zanpakutō which had entered its Shikai state.

“…Sure enough, every damn time I make a cut there’s more friction in the Reiatsu of my blade”

As if it were two huge sickles combined together, Hisagi was armed with rotating blades giving one the impression of a pinwheel, a Zanpakutō reminiscent of kusarigama (Japanese sickle and chain weapon). The opposite end of the chain is also equipped with identical blades, whilst clutching each handle in both hands, Hisagi confronted Aura once more.


The smile vanished from Aura’s face and a tinge of vigilance rose to the surface.

“Indeed, actually seeing it with one’s own eyes, one is able to say it is truly a remarkable Zanpakutō…. Dual swords are also rare.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.… Besides, Kazeshini is not a pair of dual-wielded swords.”

Shinigami who employ Nito-ryu* are extremely rare, it is said that only a few have even existed in the history of Soul Society.(*TN – Nito-ryu is the swordsmanship technique of using two swords.) Captain commander Kyōraku’s “Katen Kyōkotsu”, and former captain of squad 13, Ukitake Jūshirō’s “Sōgyo no Kotowari” are classic examples; it is so rare in fact that it is possible to say that there is no other dual-wielded Zanpakutō in existence beyond these two pairs.

To be more precise, Kurosaki Ichigo also wielded dual swords which carried his Hollow and Quincy powers respectively, however, this is information which has only been circulated to a handful of individuals among the Shinigami.

Without narrating the reason 'why Kazeshini is not a pair of dual-wielded swords’, Hisagi squared off against Aura for a second time.

“Let’s test whether or not your so-called miracles are the read deal.”

Hisagi had hardly finished speaking before he threw one rod of his Zanpakutō.

The blades on the pointed tip rotate at high speed and is transformed into a disc-shaped silvery flash propelled towards Aura.

However, the blades pass by to one side of her body, it formed a rapid curve in the air before turning back around behind her.

“ ! ”

Hisagi snuck around to Aura’s side in a manner that was counter to the trajectory of said disc, whilst crossing paths with the blades he had set free, he caused the chains of his Zanpakutō to intersect.

In combination with his movements which utilised Shunpo, Hisagi was instantly able to create loops in his chains and Aura’s body was now wrapped in them.

After the chains were made to coil around Aura’s body several times, the pointed end of Kazeshini which remained as is, returned to Hisagi’s hands once again.

“Bakudō 62, 'Hyapporankan’ !”

At Aura whose body was entwined in jet black chains, Hisagi attempts to restrain her completely by further applying Bakudō.

Countless wedges of light dart towards Aura, they pierce her as if to secure the links of the chain which had encapsulated her body.

“Give up already. Your magic tricks are useless against my Bakudō.”

Whilst tugging on Kazeshini’s chains, Hisagi sought to draw out information on what Tokinada was scheming.

However, the resistance of those chains abruptly disappeared.

“ !? ”

As soon as her body started swaying as though it were smoke, the chains which remained untouched slipped through her body and then dangled limply below Hisagi.

Furthermore, the wedges of light which had been shot out by means of Hyapporankan, had also dispersed before he knew it.

“What the hell is happening…?”

If it were the case that it was simply his blade which had passed through her, then one could infer that this was still a phenomenon caused by some trick or optical illusion.

On the contrary, if it gets to the point where even the bound chains and Kidō slips through her, then this can now only be considered a phenomenon brought about by some kind of ability.

“Urahara san! Just as you suspected, this individual, she’s using some kind of ability that can——”

Turning his eyes downwards whilst yelling out, Hisagi’s words suddenly came to a stop there.


The figure of Urahara who was supposedly observing the state of affairs at the front of the store, had disappeared without him noticing.

And by the time Hisagi turned his eyes to his surroundings, Urahara Kisuke had already made his move.


Taking a detour behind Hisagi, Urahara stabbed a small needle-like object deep into Hisagi’s arm.

Whilst his brain registers the situation, the pain from his arm shoots throughout the full length of his body.

“Gahh… Urahara san, what did you…”

“I’m sorry, Hisagi san.”

Yet, without even the slight degree of regret, Urahara flashed his usual smile as he responded to Hisagi’s misgivings.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures, Hisagi san’s Gentei Reiin, I had it forcibly removed just now.”

“What? Argh…”

“The pain will soon subside, so please endure it just a little longer.”

Upon hearing the words of Urahara, Hisagi  realises that the spot where he had been pricked by the needle, is the exact location where the Gentei Reiin was implanted in his arm for the purpose of restricting his Reiatsu.

In an instant, a force gushed forth from Hisagi’s body and his Reiatsu was made to infiltrate the surrounding atmosphere.

Gentei Reiin limits a Shinigami’s power by adjusting it to the Human World.

That very Gentei Reiin which suppresses Reiatsu down to the allowable 20%, is not something that can be removed at one’s own bidding alone under normal circumstances.

His Reiin which took the form of a white poppy, the squad insignia of the 9th division, operates in conjunction with the jurisdiction of the Seireitei via a special method, it has developed into a system where the seal cannot be removed unless permission for a Gentei Kaijo has been transmitted through a Denreishinki.

Nevertheless, with the question of 'what kind of method had been used just now?’ left hanging in the air, Urahara demonstrated that he could remove that seal with only a single needle.

“…Well, though I was wondering whether or not you were capable of such a thing, it’s still reckless…”

“The facility that manufactured this Gentei Kaijo system, is the Department of Research and Development don’t you know? It’s not like it would be impossible for me to release the seal right? …Ah, in order to avoid the possibility of Hisagi san getting punished because the seal was unfastened without permission, Kyōraku san will receive an explanation from me afterwards.”

Standing before Hisagi, Urahara pinned his hat down with the flat of his hand as he began to inquire.

“Let’s the two of us tackle this one together. After all, it seems she hasn’t even gotten serious yet.”


Having sensed an air of compulsion despite the relaxed mood, Hisagi nodded his head in assent at Urahara’s words.

That Urahara would make a proposal in such a way, it represents one fact.

—— Me with my limiter released and Urahara san, does this mean this woman is so strong, that it requires the both of us to pool our efforts to deal with her…?

“Oh… come to think of it, about that woman’s power…”

Pondering whether or not Urahara had made a rare miscalculation, Hisagi awkwardly questioned him, however, far from paying any mind to it at all, Urahara instead spoke with a tone of voice brimming with confidence.

“That’s right, Hisagi san. Thanks to you, I have confidence that it’s just as I expected.”


“She is unable to use an innate ability from Fullbring. She is only able to 'manipulate souls’ which is the common foundation shared by all Fullbringers.”

“…What does that mean?”

In response to Hisagi who knit his eyebrows together at being unable to follow the conversation, Urahara began to narrate his speculations regarding the powers of Michibane Aura in a placid manner.

“By controlling Reishi which dwells in matter, a Fullbringer is able to distort and manipulate the matter itself, and at times, even the laws of physics. Moreover, they can invoke their very own abilities through the transfiguration of an object in their possession which they hold a particular attachment to. However, that isn’t the case for this individual.”

“Eh? Uh, but, she’s been pulling off these crazy stunts for a while now…”

“Those were all the basic abilities of a Fullbringer.… But, it’s just that the level is abnormally high. As if shifting water or earth, I think she is capable of influencing and manipulating things like the cells of her own body or the atmosphere itself. By holding sway over her own body through its blood and skeletal structure…no, rather in units of brain or blood cells, whilst still living and breathing she is able to cause a metamorphosis of her own body into a smoke-like state for instance, that goes beyond the conventional norms of a Fullbringer however.”

When Urahara pauses here for a moment, he observed Hisagi’s facial expression which appeared to say “I don’t quite get it”, he then decided to rephrase his words in a manner that would be easy to understand.

“…Using Shinigami as an example, if I told you, 'to make up for her inability to use a Zanpakutō, her aptitude for Kidō and Hakuda are Aizen Sōsuke level'… would you understand?”


It was at this point that Hisagi comprehends just how much of a dangerous presence the Fullbringer standing before them truly was.

However, Urahara appears to set his sights on something one step ahead, whilst pointing “Benihime” towards her - his Zanpakutō which took the form of a sword cane - he spoke of certain misgivings.

“But, the problem does not sit there. Rather, if she has more than seven hundred thousand followers and she is present here… that huge quantity of followers, where are they now and what are they doing?”

Rather than addressing Hisagi, Urahara spoke as if posing the question directly to Aura herself who was stood in a spot separated by a fair distance.

Instead of answering the question, Aura flashed a smile loaded with the maximum degree of vigilance towards her opponent who had seen through her own true essence.

“Urahara Kisuke…. Truly… truly a frightening man you are”

The smile was as dark, heavy and cold as the depths of winter’s lake, a chill ran down the length of Hisagi’s body who until a short while ago, believed they were battling on equal footing.

“That is precisely why, I want your strength.”

“We will forge a new 'Hōgyoku'… in order to sublimate our offering that is Ubuginu Hikone, to the status of a true god.”

Observing the situation from within a room he had created himself, Yukio heaved a small sigh and muttered to himself.

“My hands are tied, so I hope you do your best. Both of you.”

With that, he also moves into action.

- In order to fulfil the 'role’ that was entrusted to him.

Even if that also meant betraying what he ought to protect as a result.
