
日光東照宮、日光、日本 – Nikkō Tōshōgū Shrine, Nikkō, Japan

日光東照宮、日光、日本 – Nikkō Tōshōgū Shrine, Nikkō, Japan by Tiphaine Rolland
Via Flickr:

#nikon d3000    #日本    #日光    #nikkō    #printemps    #spring    #nikko toshogu shrine    #nikkō tōshōgū shrine    #shrine    #sanctuaire    #shintō    #shinto    #tōshōgū    #toshogu    #tokugawa ieyasu    #tokugawa    #ieyasu    #日光東照宮    #東照宮    #徳川    #家康    #徳川家康    #神道    
日光東照宮、日光、日本 – Nikkō Tōshōgū Shrine, Nikkō, Japan

日光東照宮、日光、日本 – Nikkō Tōshōgū Shrine, Nikkō, Japan by Tiphaine Rolland
Via Flickr:

#nikon d3000    #日本    #日光    #nikkō    #printemps    #spring    #nikko toshogu shrine    #nikkō tōshōgū shrine    #shrine    #sanctuaire    #shintō    #shinto    #tōshōgū    #toshogu    #tokugawa ieyasu    #tokugawa    #ieyasu    #日光東照宮    #東照宮    #徳川    #家康    #徳川家康    #神道    
Kitsune (with their traditional red bibs) at Namiyoke Inari Shrine, Tsukiji, Tokyo. photos by KobaltKitsune (with their traditional red bibs) at Namiyoke Inari Shrine, Tsukiji, Tokyo. photos by KobaltKitsune (with their traditional red bibs) at Namiyoke Inari Shrine, Tsukiji, Tokyo. photos by Kobalt

Kitsune (with their traditional red bibs) at Namiyoke Inari Shrine, Tsukiji, Tokyo.

photos by Kobalt

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Hill of Foxes - Inari Betsuin Temple Akasaka (豊川稲荷東京別院) Toyokawa by kobaltHill of Foxes - Inari Betsuin Temple Akasaka (豊川稲荷東京別院) Toyokawa by kobaltHill of Foxes - Inari Betsuin Temple Akasaka (豊川稲荷東京別院) Toyokawa by kobaltHill of Foxes - Inari Betsuin Temple Akasaka (豊川稲荷東京別院) Toyokawa by kobaltHill of Foxes - Inari Betsuin Temple Akasaka (豊川稲荷東京別院) Toyokawa by kobaltHill of Foxes - Inari Betsuin Temple Akasaka (豊川稲荷東京別院) Toyokawa by kobalt

Hill of Foxes - Inari Betsuin Temple Akasaka (豊川稲荷東京別院) Toyokawa

by kobalt

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thekimonogallery: A small shrine that must be by-passed, at Jijintou in the middle of the three-way


A small shrine that must be by-passed, at Jijintou in the middle of the three-way junction in Seya Ward, Yokohama City

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religions-of-the-world: Ame no UzumeShinto goddess of the Dawn


Ame no Uzume
Shinto goddess of the Dawn

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Jak and DaxterArt by Shinto || IG

Jak and Daxter

Art by Shinto||IG

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Frog statues at Fushimi Inari. They are considered good luck for finances and other things.

Frog statues at Fushimi Inari. They are considered good luck for finances and other things.

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Ema tablet at Kinkakuji

Ema tablet at Kinkakuji

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Fushimi Inari part 2Fushimi Inari part 2Fushimi Inari part 2Fushimi Inari part 2Fushimi Inari part 2Fushimi Inari part 2

Fushimi Inari part 2

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Fushimi Inari part 1Fushimi Inari part 1Fushimi Inari part 1Fushimi Inari part 1Fushimi Inari part 1Fushimi Inari part 1

Fushimi Inari part 1

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artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和 artoffreddieniem-blog: 【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】SHIBA 和


【Our Wedding Film at Japanese Shrine 熊野本宮大社 神前結婚式(视频截图)】【视频:暂时不能上传】

SHIBA 和  KOJI 在2018秋,记录了两人在一起十年之时,从求婚到举办传统日式婚礼的全过程。在同年12月去夏威夷办理和领取到结婚证书。本视频在他们自己编辑了半年时间后,于今年四月发布在油管 |

图九:罗针盘文字:感谢@眠君 翻译:“说起来,我俩在一起已经10年了。生活悲欢、饮食起居都在一起。今后十年还要随着心的方向一起走下去。” |

Hezans:择良辰,定吉日。今天我们在熊野本宫大社举行结婚仪式。从今以后无论苦乐,互爱互敬,相守夫道。图7的誓词 我哭了   

   CP的IG分别是:koji_slk 和 nexadventure


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 梅花祭    @dazaifutenmangu
 貴船神社 天長祭    @kifunejinja

貴船神社 天長祭    @kifunejinja

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Le Torii marin de l'Isukushima, 1926-1927

Roger Dumas :: Le Torii marin de l’ Isukushima-jinja au crépuscule, Itsukushima [Sanctuaire], Japon, 1926-1927 [src]
Roger Dumas :: Le Torii marin de l’ Isukushima-jinja, Itsukushima [Sanctuaire], Japon, 1926-1927 [src]
5 Plaques de verre Autochrome. Archives de la Planète. | src Musée Albert Kahn

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CURSO LIVRE ON-LINE - A Viagem de Chihiro (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi) é uma das animações mais p

CURSO LIVRE ON-LINE - A Viagem de Chihiro (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi) é uma das animações mais proeminentes e bem conhecidas de Miyazaki Hayao. Nela, Chihiro Ogina parte junto aos pais em busca da nova casa, quando, no meio do caminho, se depara com um parque temático misterioso. Numa aventura que desafia o mundo invisível do xintoísmo, a personagem Chihiro contesta outros modelos narrativos tão populares no Ocidente. Este minicurso se debruça sobre A Viagem de Chihiro e seus cruzamentos com o Xintoísmo, trazendo novas perspectivas para repensarmos a Jornada do Herói de Joseph Campbell.

Quando: 11 e 18 de março, sextas, das 20h às 22h, on-line (as aulas ficam gravadas).

Saiba mais no link da Bio.

#japan #japaneseculture #hayaomiyazaki #spiritedaway #aviagemdechihiro #shinto #xintoismo #japao #culturajaponesa

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Mira en tu interior, es origen de lo que percibes en tu exterior. Toma siempre un momento de calma y

Mira en tu interior, es origen de lo que percibes en tu exterior.
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