#shinyuu trio



Late shinyuu trio update by Sayaka!

Happy Birthday Sae-chan!


Shinyuu trio update!!

I wonder when will they go diving again!

A day late but happy birthday to Sae!! She really looks so cool in that hair style!!


Yuko got married!! I’m so happy for her!! Best wishes to her married life!!

Mariko even made a short video to celebrate Yuko’s marriage!!

Shinyuu trio update!!

It’s been months since the last time they post in sys_diving instagram. But I’m so glad to see them together again!!

Hope when everything’s okay, they can go diving again.

Shinyuu trio instagram posts!!

I wish i could understand what they wrote.

Shinyuu trio at Miichan’s graduation concert!! So glad to see them performed again with their kouhais!!

Shinyuu trio and Shimada Haruka, video of them rafting and wrestling!!

I’m laughing so hard when they where wrestling each other!! And there’s Sae

Looking forward for more adventure videos of them! ✨

Shinyuu trio update with Shimada Haruka!

A video of them rafting and wrestling!

Shinyuu trio update with Shimada Haruka!!

Sayaka’s top 5 photos and a video of them stacking rocks!!

Happy Birthday to Oshima Yuko!!


Shinyuu trio update with Shimada Haruka!

This time, it’s Sae’s best 5 photos!! ✨

Shinyuu trio update with Shimada Haruka!!

Yuko’s best 5 photos .

Rafting seems so exciting!! ✨


Yay! After a long time, the SyS diving club did an activity. It wasn’t diving, but they went rafting (something Sayaka wanted to do) in Okutama for the first time. And what’s even more neat is that they had fellow AKB graduate and former Team K member Shimada Haruka joining them.

(Gosh it’s great to see Haruu after a long time since she’s retired from entertainment. I had a feeling the trio will invite Haruu to join in on their club’s activities eventually since she’s close with the Team K senpais and is into sports like them.)

The first two photos was when they did a mini sumo wrestling tournament on their raft flipped upside down. Round 1 was Sayaka (blue helmet) vs Sae (red helmet) and Round 2 was Yuko (white helmet) vs Haruu (black helmet). You can obviously tell who won and who lost. Those are some pretty funny shots. XD

Sure looks fun. Nice to see them finally do something together during this dreadful pandemic. I wonder if there’s any more pics of that day?


So after a long period of no updates, the sys diving club finally did some posts this past two weeks. Although the pandemic continues to halt their diving activities, the Shinyuu Trio announced that they will try to do an instalive every Wednesday. Yay! For now it seems that they’ll have two of them doing an instalive, unless otherwise.


Last week started with Yuko and Sayaka. First I can tell that the two were obviously discussing about recent stuff that happened such as Sayaka’s marriage and her recent work like Aikatsu Planet. And of course they shared their thoughts and wishes about future diving activities.

Then the two played a little game where one of them will say a name of a sea creature while the other draws it–or attempt to draw it.

This one interesting moment is when Yuko tells Sayaka to draw a thecacera pacifica, a sea slug. As expected, this is a fish Sayaka has no idea what it is. So this is Sayaka’s guess on what it looks like…

Obviously it’s wrong. So Yuko provides her own drawing of the correct answer…

Look like something familiar to you? Should be. Sayaka’s first response is “Pikachu”, which is exactly right. 

Here’s the thecacera pacifica in real life…

Amazing ain’t it?


The talk ended with of course a special moment to celebrate Sae’s 30th birthday (who unfortunately wasn’t there).

For that, Sayaka and Yuko both did drawings of a birthday cake for Sae. How sweet.


Just watched this week’s sys diving club’s instalive. This time, for the first time on instagram and a long time in general, it’s Twin Tower talk today! And what’s this? They’re both wearing Yuko’s official club t-shirts. How nice. ^_^

Unfortunately Sayaka had connection problems a few times during the live so her end gets a bit frozen and laggy for a few bits. But other than that, it was good to hear the Twin Tower talk.

There was a part when Sae and Sayaka looked through Sae and Yuko’s past posts and photos of their last diving trip (the one that Sayaka was absent from). Sayaka was like bringing up all the photos that had her name tagged/labeled by Yuko and Sae on various things like fishes and a fried egg. There was even a photo of a bento meal Sae took and labeled the takuan (pickled radish) Sayaka. According to Sae, that takuan was the most delicious item in the bento. XD

Soon there was a moment where Sayaka brought up Sae’s love of sharks. As Yuko said she’d definitely don’t want to go (she’s still pretty scared of sharks), Sae asks if Sayaka would go see a shark with her. Surprisingly Sayaka says she’ll do it, as long as they don’t get hurt of course. And then Sae’s like “next time I want to go see a shark together with Sayaka~”

Aside from sharks, the two say that they also would like to see sea turtles, mantas and dolphins. Then Sayaka suggested one future diving location she would like to go to is one of Tokyo’s big islands.

And for the finish, this is cute. They’re making a cherry together. I think it’s gonna be a regular thing now on the sys diving instalives that at the very end they’ll play with the effects and filters. XD

Who’ll be next week’s pair? 

And more importantly, when the heck will this stupid pandemic be over so they could go do diving again? *sighs*

Happy Birthday to Miyazawa Sae!!

It’s like their tradition, if they don’t meet up, they will do an IG live just to greet one’s birthday!! It’s heartwarming!!

お誕生日おめでとう!! ❤️

Source: Sae, Sayaka, and Yuko’s instagram

Happy Birthday to Akimoto Sayaka!! I’m so happy Sayaka got to meet up with Sae and Yuko to celebrate her birthday!!

お誕生日おめでとう さやかちゃん!!
