

More Akihamu in PQ2 (Spoilers)

2. Hanging out with Akihiko equals working out?

3. Back in Femc’s Timeline

The Persona Q spinoffs really don’tdoAkihiko’struepersonalityany justice. We know damn well Aki is always taking FEMC to eat beef bowls and has other great personality traits such as being caring, humble, and unintentionally charming. But nope, all they had FEMC say is that he turns everything into a training routine when they hang out- great! ). However, it seems we are getting more Akihamu tease than what I was anticipating so, I’ll calm down for now :p


In Persona 5:

In Persona Q2:

Rather you ship them romantically or platonically (or both ways such as myself!) there is no denying Joker and Queen have quite an awesome partnership!

I love them so much ahhhhh<3
