


Pre-orders finally open TOMORROW!

Can you believe it? In just over twelve hours, you’ll get to see all that this zine has to offer! We hope you’re all just as excited as we are! Cover reveal, merch, previews… it’s all coming soon!!!



From all of us in the Silver Linings team, we want to wish everyone a very happy new year! With our creation period nearing its end, we’ll be opening pre-orders before you know it. Stay tuned for more soon!


Contributor Spotlight: Vannahfanfics

Time to introduce our very last contributor! The fabulous @vannahfanfics! With an excellent sense for characterization, we can’t wait for you to see how she brings these good boys to life on the page!

With this, our spotlights have officially come to an end. Creation period is also nearing its end, and we’re going to begin work on formatting very soon. Keep an eye on our socials for updates as we transition into production period!!


Contributor Spotlight: Sugarforkfull

Today we introduce to you our FINAL page artist! Please welcome @sugarforkfull! With her bold linework and striking use of colors, we aren’t surprised by the beautifully tragic piece that she has been preparing for this zine.


Contributor Spotlight: Orcatea

Say hello to our next page artist, @ryuucha Their bold art style and expressive characters always draws us in and lends itself very well to their wonderfully bittersweet piece! We can’t wait for you to see it!


Contributor Spotlight: Nightalie

Give a warm welcome to our merch-artist @chaoticnite0! We’re happy to have her on board and be blessed with her beloved chibis. But Nite isn’t only doing merch for us! Stay tuned and find a nice little surprise from her in the zine! ;)


Contributor Spotlight: Myaire

Please welcome our next page artist, @myaire21! We always love to see the vivid colors in their art works and the fun ideas they come up with. We really can’t wait to see the cute, soft, and romantic piece they’re creating for Silver Linings!


Contributor Spotlight: Moonturtle

Hey and hello, @moonturtle6, our next page artist! Her art is so colorful, cute, and soft – absolutely perfect for the sweet side of EraserCloud! Please be looking forward to her cute AU that she is going to bless us with!

