


ShiraUrie headcanons nobody asked for but I wrote anyway:

  • Shirazu often to comes along to the art store with Kuki when he’s running low on supplies, not only to just be that asshole that has to touch EVERYTHING but also because he has a genuine interest in this side of Kuki.
  • They can never train together because everything just turns into a constant 1-up competition. Who can do the most pushups in 1 minute, who can sprint across the room faster, who can lift the most weights, etc. It can get out of control alarmingly fast.
  • Kuki hating the way Shirazu smells after he smokes, but strangely becoming fond of the way he tastes after a fresh cigarette.
  • Shirazu catching himself staring at Kuki’s arms and shoulders while he lifts weights. His shoulders are so broad, and his biceps so defined, Shirazu literally has to tear his gaze away. (Kuki notices every time but he doesn’t say anything)
  • Kuki uses Shirazu as a drawing/painting model when he doesn’t have the inspiration to create anything from his head. Sometimes he even uses him as a canvas and paints directly onto his skin. Shirazu is horrible at holding still for long periods of time but Kuki just tells him to suck it up and quit moving. Kuki has a whole sketchbook filled with drawings of just Shirazu, it’s hidden somewhere in his room and he never shows it to anyone.
  • Kuki has lots of moles all over his body, sometimes Shirazu likes to play ‘connect the dots’ with them.
  • Shirazu constantly pesters Kuki about what kind of music he listens to. The day Kuki finally passes him one of his headphones they spend the night in bed staring at the ceiling, quietly listening together before they fall asleep.
  • Neither of them are particularly experienced with kissing, and sometimes when things end up getting too hot too fast and Shirazu isn’t careful his sharp teeth slip and end up biting into one of Kuki’s lips. Occasionally this even draws blood. Depending on Kuki’s mood he either immediately shoves Shirazu away and leaves the room, or he starts kissing harder and forces his blood into Shirazu’s mouth with his tongue.
  • Shirazu and Kuki are pretty good at hiding their relationship from everyone else. Saiko is the only one who knows that they’re dating (mostly because her room is right next to Shirazu’s and she can hear everything) and uses it as constant blackmail. They keep her quiet with snacks and by paying for her mobile games. Mutsuki is mildly suspicious that something is going on but is convinced he’s just imagining it, however it completely slips under Haise’s radar.
  • After Shirazu’s death, Kuki keeps his jacket in his room. When he misses him unbearably he puts in on and takes comfort in Shirazu’s lingering scent. It’s the last thing he has that still smells like him.
ghoul-idol:i’m too soft for girlfriends shiraurie i cried drawing this


i’m too soft for girlfriends shiraurie i cried drawing this

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ghoul-idol:practicing backgrounds with girlfriends! shirazu and urie walking to the valley of homoss


practicing backgrounds with girlfriends! shirazu and urie walking to the valley of homossexuals

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tbh this fandom demotivates me to draw but i love him SO MUCH i cant stop

tbh this fandom demotivates me to draw but i love him SO MUCH i cant stop

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Happy birthday, Shiragin

Happy birthday, Shiragin

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