

I want to take a minute to talk about equipment. This piece of equipment, hands down, has increased the quality of my work more than other equipment I have. It allows me to get exact temperatures in my heat treating and run programmed normalizing and thermocycling. I never have to wonder if my blades “got hard” or worry about warpage. In roughly 3 years I have only had 2 minor warps (I believe primarily due to an inbalance of wrought iron on the sides).
These kilns heat up quickly (I run 220) and can also ramp down to hold an accurate temper cycle.
When it comes down to it, if you don’t nail the heat treat than your primary function will be off, no matter how nicely you finish that blade. This kiln gets you to pro resulrs without the stress.
I am not sponsored by @jenkenkilns but I trust this product. I use this product regularly and I love this product. If you want to up your game consider one of these Vertical Air Baths.
#joshaweston #thepxsmith #forgedinfire #knifeordeath #jenkenkilns #verticalairbath #kilnenvy #getvertical #heattreat #quench #knifemaking #knifecommunitiy #shoptalk #equipment #prograde #upgrade #upgradeyourkiln (at Pixel Smith - Josh A. Weston)

#joshaweston    #thepxsmith    #forgedinfire    #knifeordeath    #jenkenkilns    #verticalairbath    #kilnenvy    #getvertical    #heattreat    #quench    #knifemaking    #knifecommunitiy    #shoptalk    #equipment    #prograde    #upgrade    #upgradeyourkiln    

I’m workin on a little update that I’m excited to share…

I’m considering switching from Etsy to Ko-Fi so i can have a shop, commissions, and patronage/membership stuff all in one place… I’m hoping to start offering some monthly Bird Mail with new merch and stuff as it comes out. Lmk if there’s anything specific y’all would want to see in a membership thing! So far I’m working on downloadable printable stuff, discord/art streams, shop discounts, and monthly prints and stickers. More info to come as I get closer to launching whatever this ends up being :-)

Etsy store is back up! :-) i’ve got some cool new prints in so check it out if u havent stopped by recently!

my etsy is back up! thank you for your patience! i have a restock coming in soon but nothing new yet - send me a message if you’d like to see any new works as prints!
