#show rabbits

i love brokens with nip spots :)

i love brokens with nip spots :)

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my co-conspirator bullied me into bringing niña to a show last weekend and in fairness, not many rex were there, but she took second in both shows.  and the doe that beat her out was stunning so i’m not mad about it.

a very high-end mini rex breeder gassed me up about her though, she would not stop talking about how perfect she was and how badly she wanted me to breed her to my friend’s really nice black buck lol

i’m so tired please give me a break and maybe one iota of energy

okay before i complain i’m gonna say, things aren’t bad, farm-wise.  i finally got a very anticipated litter from my harlequin rex doe and a friend’s tri buck, and boy those kits are GORGEOUS.  

LOOK AT THEM.  UgH.  i plan on keeping either one of the harlequins, and possibly the little spotty broken in the back depending on its conformation is decent, since it’s, at least markings-wise, very show quality.  i also have my two broken black girls due to a gorgeous black buck next week, too.  

additionally, the same friend who owns the sire of all these litters brought me a girl (ok, i paid for her, but still,) in the form of yet another himalayan doe, who i am pretty sure i will name Knishes.  so really, the farm is doing well.  the babies are growing good and fat, and i am dreading cull day in a couple of months when i have somewhere in the realm of twenty-five rabbits that need going.

oh well, that's’ for future me to worry about.

(she looks huge but in reality my friend is just very small.  like five foot nothing small.  himis are only max 4lbs :p)

i also have been working on building cage racks for the rabbits, now that my trays have arrived and i can finally get the barn wrangled in.  i also additionally received my replacement parts for my water line system, and after some finagling and substituting (i received no instructions or notes on what anything was made of, so we had to get some pvc couplings to weld it together,) i think i may finally be able to set up the water line of my dreams.  unfortunately, we’ve been having quite a lot of rain lately, and one side of the barn is flooding and there’s not much i can do about it until the rain stops and the ground drains out a bit.  for now, i’m rewatching avatar:  the last airbender and putting together a lotof pvc piping.

now for the bad.

i’m stressed.  good lord i’m stressed.  with my housemate’s help we have reached my working limit on animals i can care for on my own.  the birds are so spread out that it’s exhausting to try and handle them without help, and even with him i find that i tire more easily these days.  rabbits i can do all day, because they and their equipment are all in one barn.  the birds are all over like a good half-acre of land, and my sad little legs just can’t do that anymore, i guess.

anyway, the stress of my daily chores taking ages and being exhausting, trying to build cages, set up a water line, deal with the dogs, entertain my quarantine friends, and trying to start working again is….well, it’s doing a number on me.  my body hurts, i’m exhausted to the point of pain, and i have been very short and unable to focus.  fortunately, my husband is on vacation this week and his entire life goal seems to be quality of life improvements, so here’s to hoping something is able to change and i can relax again.  

one day. maybe.  we aren’t sure.

so far we’ve got stairs on the back patio, a fence around the garden (the geese keep eating my corn and smashing my onions!), and the barn leveled and ready to be racked up whenever i have the energy.  we have plans to make new, easier to use chicken coops to consolidate some birds so it’s not a nightmare for me every day during chore time, and we’re training the dogs to kennel outside so we can reclaim our kitchen storage.  now i just need to get some pelts going so i can pay off my tab with the friend to has provided me with knishes as well as some hides, be able to afford a new pet (stay tuned!), and just generally feel more like i’m contributing again.

well.  i need to go eat dinner and take the babies out to mom and get some more cages put together and hope my hips don’t blow up again.  ciao for now.
