#shrignold the butterfly

I hope I will be able to answer your questions in a more orderly fashion now. (Thank you! It’s reallI hope I will be able to answer your questions in a more orderly fashion now. (Thank you! It’s reall

I hope I will be able to answer your questions in a more orderly fashion now. 

(Thank you! It’s really nice to be back drawing Shrignold, I’m glad you’re still enjoying the blog!)

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Its good to be free of such heavy duties! Unfortunately Malcolm is still getting used to being back,

Its good to be free of such heavy duties! Unfortunately Malcolm is still getting used to being back, though…

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[[ And the I remembered Shrig wears boots. Oops. ]]

[[ And the I remembered Shrig wears boots. Oops. ]]

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We’ve been rebuilding Malcolm to former glory! My apologies for my absence. I hope I didn&rsquWe’ve been rebuilding Malcolm to former glory! My apologies for my absence. I hope I didn&rsqu

We’ve been rebuilding Malcolm to former glory! My apologies for my absence. I hope I didn’t worry you too much.

[ Im sorry for the lack of updates! I’ve finally got settled into my room (after moving way too much furniture - literally today the last piece arrived) so I’m getting into the swing of managing my ask blogs again. Most of my askblogs have been dormant since, except Mangle, who was only updated twice on a whim. I’m getting back into the swing of drawing Shrig again in this style, so hold tight! I’ll do some sketches tonight to get used to it again and then onward! Let the asks come! ]

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[[ Thanks for 2,000+ followers, guys! Gosh, thats a lot. Have Shrig wearing something less formal. ;

[[ Thanks for 2,000+ followers, guys! Gosh, thats a lot. Have Shrig wearing something less formal. ;] ]]

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I haven’t been aware at all. In fact, they have never notified me, to my knowledge. [[ PLEASE

I haven’t been aware at all. In fact, they have never notified me, to my knowledge.


This is literally the first thing I get when I came back to work on some Shrig asks. I really appreciate you notifying me of whats been going on, that–jolly–nerd, because otherwise I don’t think myself - or any other artists of the work being posted - would have noticed. 

While I don’t mind my design being used, its a whole other level to cut my art out of the original asks and use it to answer their own questions on instagram. I never gave them permission to do this and to my knowledge neither did the other artists they’ve used. Lemmie, my friend who collaborated with me during the Paige/Tony/Shrignold asks, has also found their art on here too.

What makes this worse is the fact that this has been going on for a while, it seems, and there are so many people following and promoting this person for work that is not theirs and who has not credited anyone for it. 

I don’t have instagram myself to confront them, so I would appreciate it if something could be done about this. Please bear in mind that while I don’t mind my design being used, I do not allow my art to be reposted and uncredited. Because then incidents like this happen and its not okay to the artists who work hard to actually draw them.

If possible, please reblog this so the original artists can be informed as soon as possible. Thank you. ]]

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[[ Thank you! I’ve been drawing for a while now, but my style always changed, so I never reall[[ Thank you! I’ve been drawing for a while now, but my style always changed, so I never reall

[[ Thank you! I’ve been drawing for a while now, but my style always changed, so I never really was good at it. Only now am I settling a little with this style, so it means so much to get comments on my art praising it or giving me improvement tips. Right now I’m working on an animation for a fnaf video, so hopefully that’ll go well too!

Fanart really motivates me, especially. Because if I inspire others with my design alone, it makes me believe that I have made something to be proud of. And already Shrig has a lot of fanart and fans, so being on this blog really makes me feel like I’m doing something worth being proud of. uwu ]]

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(While I’m waiting on Lemmie, thank you all so much for over 1600 followers! i’m plannin

(While I’m waiting on Lemmie, thank you all so much for over 1600 followers! i’m planning to start updating regularly again from now, so when the shared asks are done be prepared!)

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