#shutting down


If I don’t start getting more likes and comments and all that, I will be shutting this page down. There are almost 700 of you, yet I average 5 likes a post. I’ve given you all fair warning

Hi, anyone who’s still on here!

To get to the point, I’m closing my account and deleting Tumblr. I’ve had this app for god knows how many years, and honestly I’ve long since grown out of it.

The platform has changed so drastically, as well, it’s hard to find anything to like about it anymore. It was fun while it lasted! I hope y'all and your cats (and/or dogs) have a great day! We love y'all and appreciate all of the interaction over the course of this blog.

Penguin and Kiwi are doing very well, and will continue to be adorable for a long time. Bye from Penguin, Kiwi and their mama!
