

Day 31: Happy Halloween!

For the last day of the month, I wanted to put all characters together I’ve drawn for the prompts! (some missing because time and sanity) 8 hours of work, 10 characters! Best I could do, considering I started this on 29th. Only did 17/31, let’s hope better for next year!

Day 14: Very willing vore

Just two BFs enjoying each other, maybe a bit of naughty nibbles honk honk


We ride at dawn!

So a while back @snoozzzel asked if we could do an simple art trade and I had some time in my roster so I absolutely took the bait! And thus I got to draw their fun demon baby man Sian with Maddie hitching a ride! Cause she’s gonna be the one to ride anything she can. It was fast and a lot of fun to do and work on! Lot of fun shapes and simple coloring! Thanks for giving me the chance!

(Other half, to be added)
