#sighs with heart eyes



Could I pls request a lil story in which Kyo is jealous of reader for the first time ever? You can decide if they’re together or friends crushing on each other, he just is very unfamiliar with feelings like jealousy so I’m interested to see how you would interpret it

a/n: since i’ve been a lil slow at writing lately between my work shifts and dentist appointments (which i’ve had many of), i'mma do this one in a bulletpoint format for ease! in any case, enjoy!

also i was a little unsure if you wanted him to be jealous of (like maybe y/n excelled in something that he didn’t or smth), or like jealous of someone else (since you know, feelings). so, i went ahead and wrote this from the perspective of him being jealous of someone else lol


  • truthfully, kyojuro had no idea what it meant to feel jealous
  • if someone held talent he would not feel jealousy or envy, but awe and would shower them with praise and encouragement so they could continue to hone their skills to the best of their ability
  • and he most certainly hadn’t felt jealous romantically, since he had sectioned romance off of his list of things he should care about
  • it wasn’t that he didn’t care for people, he did- but he felt like being a warrior, more so a leader, in a line of work that threatened lives day after day left no room for love
  • he never really thought about it, no reason to- but then for some reason it just started happening
  • thinking love was something not within his reach- he was shaken when he started feeling… somethingtowards a fellow demon slayer

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Love this…I had to draw a lil something
