#sim challenge rules


“If Disney was” Challenge


  1. Ask for/Choose/Let fate choose a number for each category
  2. Make a sim inspired by the Disney character
  3. Dress up your sim using the category as inspration
  4. You can add another characters that aren’t in the list
  5. Use the #if disney was and tag me so we don’t miss any creation

I hope you can have fun making this!

*If you want you can send me a couple of numbersso I can start this challenge*

“If my OC was” Challenge

Hello beautiful people is time for a new challenge, I was thinking of what to bring this time and this idea came to my mind. What if my OC is putted in differents shows/movies/games? How will they look like? With that in mind I peak 10 differents shows/movies/games and made a list so you can make your OC visit and blend on those places.

Now for the RULES

  • Choose one or more OC
  • Choose one or more shows in the list
  • Dress your OC as if they were part of that show
  • Use the #if my oc was challenge
  • Share and have Fun!

You can tag me so I can look your creations and tag other people so they can do the challenge too. If you want you can add other shows/games/movies, you can get as creative as you want.

This time I’m going to tag: @ladykendalsims@madeofcc@gunthermunch@teael@zombietrait@robertpancakes@its-adrienpastel@simsfvr@aniraklova@alelelesimz@carpakoi@cas-fulleditmode@kashisun@softpine@kingfakey@void-imp@okruee@warmsol Sorry I get carried aways, it just that so many people have such awesome OC that I want to see them all hahaha Feel free to ignore this if you want
