#sims 3 building


Mas Juriol (for TS3)

(more pictures here)

Mas Juriol* is a traditional Catalan farmhouse, restored and fancied up.

It features a garage for 2 cars, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a laundry room, spaces for pets, outdoor dining areas, a pool and more!

*“mas” = farmhouse / “juriol” = alternative form of “juliol” (July)



I’ve built the house in Prato di Livori by Latoya Sims, in the lot you can see below (you can also see the price and the size):

I’ve changed the landscaping around the house a little (I’ve added a lot of pine trees), so if you want it to look exactly like it does in my game, I’ve included a save file of Prato di Livori in the .rar file. Place the folder “Prato di Livori.sims3” in your “Saves” folder.

> EPs:

I’ve used content from all EPs except University, and from the following stuff packs: High-End Loft Stuff, Fast Lane Stuff, Outdoor Living Stuff.

> CC:

I’ve used 73 package files. The CC is included in a folder in the .rar for easier installation.

Credits:wondymoon,Around the Sims,Aminovas,alex_stanton1983,Grande Lama,Luna,blackypanther,Maylin,Jennisims,Murano, myself, porkypine,porphyria259,Simalia,sim_man123,Severinka,Technically Swag Pizza,Aya20.

> DOWNLOAD: Click here (SFS)


  • There are a couple plant default replacement files in the CC (lavender -WA- and rhododendron -IP-).
  • -The exterior CC stone walls don’t look the same color depending on how the light hits, and sometimes they don’t match the corner walls. You can edit them to your liking if that bothers you.

I hope you like it and enjoy it!

Thanks everyone for the nice comments on the house I was building! I’ve finished the interiors and since you said you wanted it up for download, I’ll be uploading it very soon :)

I know, I know, I should be working on Uranesia, but sometimes I have the urge to build something in a different style and this time I wanted to create a traditional Catalan farmhouse (a masormasia), modernized and fancied up. I still have to do the interiors and it has quite a lot of CC, but would anyone like me to put it up for download? Let me know!

(I’ve built it in the beautiful Prato di Livori by Latoya Sims)

More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE :)

More pictures of Hotel Adriano, download HERE:)

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Hotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio GhibHotel Adriano (for TS3)(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)I’ve always been a big fan of Studio Ghib

Hotel Adriano (for TS3)

(from Porco Rosso, by Studio Ghibli)

I’ve always been a big fan of Studio Ghibli and I wanted to create something from one of the movies. I remembered there was this beautiful hotel on the water in the movie Porco Rosso, so I decided to create it in the sims. 




Hotel Adriano works as an Island Paradise resort, and it features a hall with a front desk and a bar, a dining room with buffet tables, outdoor terraces and gardens, three luxury suites, two resort rabbit holes, a kitchen, a gym, a spa and a wedding room.

(in the pictures I placed Hotel Adriano in Plavi Raj, which is based on the Adriatic coast, just like Hotel Adriano in the movie!)

> LOT INFO: 64x64 lot,  §486,186

> PLACEMENT: Just place an 64x64 lot on water and place Hotel Adriano there. But that note that when you place it, for some reason, the front desk appears here (see picture below). Just relocate it to the hall, where it should be (you can use moveobjects on).


> EPs:

I’ve used content from all EPs except University, and from the following stuff packs: High-End Loft Stuff, Fast Lane Stuff, Outdoor Living Stuff.

> CC:

I’ve used 61 package files. The CC is included in a folder in the .rar for easier installation.

Credits:@aroundthesims,Frankie/Simply imaginary people,QBUILDERZ,@crowkeeperthesimmer,@grandelama,Cyclonesue,@heavensimsLisen801, Luna, @martassimsbookcc,@morganaplays​, Murano,Mutske,missyzim, myself, alex_stanton1983porkypine,porphyria259,TB Creations,@technicallyswagpizza​,megativity13/Technodrome,TheJim07.

> DOWNLOAD: Click here (SFS)


  • I did all I could to minimize the effect, but, since I made the roof with cfe, some edges can look a bit wonky at different times of the day depending on the angle and the lighting.

Hope you like it!


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PLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version ofPLAÇA CÍVICA - UAB (for TS3)I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version of


I’ve taken another short building break and I’ve built my sim version of the Plaça Cívica at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona), a public university located in Cerdanyola del Vallès, near Barcelona. Plaça Cívica (civic square) is the main square at the UAB campus, a place where I’ve been countless times, especially when I was studying my degree there. Plaça Cívica features different businesses and commodities for students, however I’ve only decorated the exterior. It’s famous for its heavy political atmosphere and the many graffiti and posters supporting different causes, which I’ve tried to replicate in the sims.


> Lot info: 60 x 60 flat lot, 321,479 simoleons.

Note: It doesn’t work as a university in the Sims, it’s just a regular community lot.

> EPs: I’ve used content from all EPs except University Life (funny). No SPs.

> CC: I’ve used 21 package files. The CC is included in a folder in the .rar for easier installation. Credits: AroundTheSimsD3VV,Grandelama,Lisen801, Luna.

> DOWNLOAD: Click here (SFS)

Hope you like it!

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HORRU ASTURIANU (for TS3)This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”,HORRU ASTURIANU (for TS3)This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”,HORRU ASTURIANU (for TS3)This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”,HORRU ASTURIANU (for TS3)This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”,HORRU ASTURIANU (for TS3)This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”,HORRU ASTURIANU (for TS3)This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”,HORRU ASTURIANU (for TS3)This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”,


This week I visited Asturias and one thing I really liked was the “horros”, the typical granaries from the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, built in wood or stone and raised from the ground by pillars to keep rodents out. So I decided to recreate the Asturian one:


I’ve made two versions, one with railing and one without. The building is only deco, the upper part is not accessible and the ceilings on both levels are too low.

> Lot info: I’ve built it on a flat 10x10 lot, so you can place it in a bigger empty lot and build a house next to it. They cost between 4000 and 5000 simoleons.

> EPs: I’ve used content from the following EPs: WA,Ambitions,Pets,Showtime,SupernaturalandIP.

> CC: I’ve used 9 package files. The CC is included in a folder in the .rar for easier installation. Credits: AroundTheSimsJennisimsMorganaplayssim_man123, and @simaddix​ (for the corn crops, placed outside the lot as world deco).

> DOWNLOAD: Click here (SFS)

Hope you like it!

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Paris Opera House Grand Foyer

No, not the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, this is the Grand Foyer of the Paris Opera House - a continuation of my Palais Garnier build.

The gilded ceiling from @the-regal-sim really helps make this build resemble its real life inspiration.


This is a world that I’ve been working on for years now. I’ve posted this project on other forums before and have been asked recently whether it’s still being worked on. Well here it is, slowly coming to life.

I love this floating city on the Adriatic so much, I try to replicate it as faithfully as possible in the Sims 3.

Palais Garnier

Also known as the Paris Opera House, was one of the most magnificent and costly buildings of its time.

Actual interior:

My attempt at this build started several years ago. I worked on it on and off. So far it is my second most ambitious build (only behind Notre Dame Cathedral).

The whimsical ceiling painted by Marc Chagall is substituted by an equally amazing stained glass dome from @pitheinfinite.

All that’s left to build is the grand foyer.

P.S. I tried to export this building but it failed everytime. I have so many buildings to share but to this day, I’ve not been successful with even one. Any tips on how to export buildings with CC would be appreciated.

Avenue de Camoens

A short walk from Trocadero, where hordes of tourists struggle for that perfect Instagram shot of the Eiffel Tower, lies a much better alternative: Avenue de Camoens.

Deco buildings converted by@hydrangeachainsaw

These pictures are of the real place:

Rue Foyatier

Rue Foyatier is one of the most famous streets in Paris. Located in Montmartre district near the iconic Sacre Coeur Basilica. It features a flight of stairs leading to the top of the hill.

A few of the Paris shell buildings that @hydrangeachainsaw converted for me. They're gorgeous.ALT

A few of Paris shell buildings @hydrangeachainsaw converted for me.

A glimpse of Sacre Coeur Basilica

The actual placeALT

Fontaine Medicis

The actual fountainALT

This is one of my newest builds. It’s based on the Medici Fountain in the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris.
