#sims 4 bruise

Split Knuckles Overlay for YAU (Fresh & Healing Options)!!UPDATE!! - I have now added a sock lay

Split Knuckles Overlay for YAU (Fresh & Healing Options)

!!UPDATE!!- I have now added a sock layer option to make this compatible with my bruising set. Simply download the new package file below and replace the original one in your mods folder. The new file includes both glove and sock options.-

to A simple overlay that adds cuts and bruising to your rebel sim’s knuckles.

Comes with 2 versions and should work with any EA or CC skintones.

- Found under the GlovesorSocks category for both genders.

- Custom CAS image.

- Requires base game only.

- Please ask for permission before editing, modifying or re-distributing.

If you guys use my stuff in any of your photoshoots or videos be sure to tag me so I can like/re-blog. 

Happy Simming!


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