


Astronomically Better Breast Augmentation: Default Replacement Body Meshes for Male Sims (The Sims 3)

Breast augmentation? Breast augmentation.

I want to preface this post by giving a huge thanks to @justmiha97 for his participation and contribution in this project. Seriously, without his help, this entire process would’ve been somuch more of a pain in the tits!

This is a small set of default replacements for the meshes pertaining to the male YA/A Base Game nude top (and all of its variations) and the full body towel introduced in Late Night.

The meshes have been edited to mainly feature a more detailed chest with different shapes and sizes for each morph, as opposed to EA’s eternally flat chests. In other words, we’ve made moobs! Soft, squishy boobs for fat Sims, and pumped pecs for muscular Sims!

More info, in-game previews and download under the cut!

Keep reading

Hell yes, quality man boobs!

4to3 Demon Makeup & Teeth by Purpura Sims

  • All credits goes to Sewer Sims
  • Includes makeup and accessory. Makeup is in the “lipstick” area and teeth in the “glasses” category
  • For males and females
  • Custom thumbnail
  • Converted by me

dl ♥

