



You’re a novice demon who managed to convice a mother to give up her first born in exchange for eternal youth. You did so, because it seems like the kind of thing all the other demons are doing, but now you are not sure what you are supposed to do with an infant and it’s way too late to ask.

“You could always eat it.”

Envy looked up in confusion.

“Sorry, what?”

Gluttony gestured to the infant nestled in Envy’s arms.

“I’ve had human before,” they said. “It’s not bad. Like pork. I bet a little one would be soft. Like veal.”

Gluttony ran their tongue over a set of rotten teeth. Gray and emaciated, they always had a pinched, hungry look about them.

“I could take it off your hands, if you want.”

Envy shrank back, cradling the infant a bit tighter.

“No,” they hissed. “This is mine, Gluttony.”

Gluttony chuckled.

“Suit yourself,” they said. “You were the one who asked what to do with it.”

Envy stalked off with the child, unsure where to go next. If this was the advice Gluttony had to give, imagine what Wrath would have to say. Or Lust. Envy shuddered.

But something even worse happened to Envy, instead.

They ran into Pride.

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