#single dad yoongi



something to hold on to (myg)


❦ word count. 17.7k
 genre. parent fic, fluff, angst, a bit of boob action
❦ warnings. illness, mention of hospitalisation, mention of minor character death, yoongi is kind of a dick sometimes, accidental(?) flashing
 summary. it’s not that you don’t like your job. on the contrary, reading bedtime stories to a certified little princess is something you still can’t believe you get paid to do. it’s just that between all the school runs, snow days and secret second hot chocolates before bed, you may fallen a little too hard for those dimpled cheeks and gummy smiles…. worse still, you’ve fallen for her father too.
 ❦a/n.merry christmas everyone!! this fic is a collaboration with the wonderful @underthejoon@kpopfanfictrash@suga-kookiemonster@junghelioseok@bendthekneetobangtan​ @lamourche​ and @hobidreams​. it’s late, lame and cheesy (and probably under-edited) but I like it that way. I hope you’re all having a fantastic holiday, wherever you may be <3 

Keep reading

something to hold on to (myg)


❦ word count. 17.7k
 genre. parent fic, fluff, angst, a bit of boob action
❦ warnings. illness, mention of hospitalisation, mention of minor character death, yoongi is kind of a dick sometimes, accidental(?) flashing
 summary. it’s not that you don’t like your job. on the contrary, reading bedtime stories to a certified little princess is something you still can’t believe you get paid to do. it’s just that between all the school runs, snow days and secret second hot chocolates before bed, you may fallen a little too hard for those dimpled cheeks and gummy smiles…. worse still, you’ve fallen for her father too.
 ❦a/n.merry christmas everyone!! this fic is a collaboration with the wonderful @underthejoon@kpopfanfictrash@suga-kookiemonster@junghelioseok@bendthekneetobangtan​ @lamourche​ and @hobidreams​. it’s late, lame and cheesy (and probably under-edited) but I like it that way. I hope you’re all having a fantastic holiday, wherever you may be <3 





“…Can we talk?”

For the first time since blustering in through the front door, Yoongi actually stops to spare you a glance.

You’re standing in the entryway in a pair of high waisted jeans and a peach coloured blouse, hands clasped behind your back and a nervous expression on your face. If he notices your outfit is new, he doesn’t pass comment on it. He doesn’t mention the fact that you’re wearing makeup today either, nor that you seem to have taken a little more time with your hair than usual. Not that you’d expected him to. Your employer isn’t well known for giving compliments, much less understanding when a woman is trying to impress him. Yoongi probably wouldn’t recognise flirting if it hit him in the face with a brick. 

His face is impassive as ever when he drops his keys into the bowl with a shrug. “Sure. There’s actually something I wanted to discuss with you too.”

You nod, fiddling anxiously with his hands as he slips off the snow-smattered trench coat to reveal the suit jacket beneath. He looks tired this evening; more so than usual if the dark bags under his eyes are anything to go by. Even on his days off Yoongi works like a tank, often letting himself get so wrapped up in getting everything done he forgets to eat meals. It’s a coping strategy, of course - one that always tends to get a little out of hand when this time of year rolls around. 

Yoongi turns back to you, loosening the knot of his tie with a ringed finger. He raises his eyebrows.


You follow him through into the heart of the penthouse: a masterpiece of white granite and gold strip lights. The room is utterly spotless save for the mug of freshly-brewed tea that sits waiting on the island, steam spiralling upwards towards the vaulted ceiling. 

“Here,” you say, nudging it towards him. It’s a comfortable ritual between you at this point. Yoongineedsa hit of caffeine if he’s going to make it to dinner without taking his work stress out on whoever’s unfortunate enough to be in the room with him, but following a series of chest pains a few months ago, his doctor put a strict ban on drinking coffee past 7pm. Replacing the habit with a cup of white tea in the evening was your compromise. 

Yoongi takes it with a small nod of gratitude, lowering himself onto the bar stool. His eyes flutter closed for a moment when he takes a sip, and your chest feels warm inside when the tension visibly starts to drain from his shoulders. The man is always so tightly wound. It’s really no wonder he suffers from back pain, what with all the stress he carries around with him. You’ve been trying to convince him to see an osteopath, but Yoongi insists there’s only so much ‘voodoo medicine’ he can bring himself to splash out on per month, and the December quota was already filled by the VapoRub you made him buy for his blocked sinuses. 

He places the mug down with a quiet sigh. 

“How was she today?”

You snap out of your reverie, meeting his expectant gaze. 

“She was wonderful,” you say honestly. “Coach said he’s really proud of how hard she’s been practicing. Her toe double toe loop has come on leaps and bounds these past few weeks.”

Yoongi raises his eyebrows questioningly.

“The jumpy spinny thing,” you clarify.

“Ahh. So that’s what it’s called.”

A fond smile tugs at your lips. Though Yoongi never misses an opportunity to support his daughter on the ice, the ins-and-outs of the sport are often lost on him. Surprisingly, he’s far more adept at the hair and costume side of things than he is at giving his little girl feedback on her actual performances. Ever since the day her first ever coach had pulled him aside to tell him Dee had ‘a god given gift’ that needed to be nurtured, he’s much preferred to leave such things to the professionals. 

“So.” Yoongi laces his fingers atop the table. Though you remain standing, you can’t help but feel that you’ve entered in on one of his business meetings. He looks you up and down. “Do you want to go first or shall I?”

“Oh -” All at once the nerves return full-force, fluttering away in your stomach like a flock of migrating birds. You instinctively drop your gaze to the floor when you feel your neck heating up. “Y-you can start.”

Unsurprisingly, Yoongi doesn’t so much as bat an eyelid at your odd behaviour, and you wonder how on earth Mina thought you could do this. You wonder how you -believed- her. Holding a conversation with your employer without taking offense to his social tactlessness was hard enough, especially before you understood Yoongi’s deadpan honesty is something he genuinely doesn’t know how to reign in. But admitting you have feelings for him? 

That was a whole other kettle of fish.

“I got a call from Dee’s grandmother today,” he says, drawing your attention back to him once again.

You raise your eyebrows. “Oh?”

“Her grandpa’s been taken into hospital with a shattered hip.”

Your eyes go wide. “Oh my god, is he alright?!”

Yoongi waves off your concern, cringing slightly at the shrillness of your tone. “He’s totally fine. He underwent surgery last night and he’s stable,” he eyes you across the island. “…It does mean they won’t be able to have Dee for the run-up to Christmas though.”

As your panic ebbs, you think you catch a glimpse of something softer beneath Yoongi’s default unmoved expression. He’s not only tired, you realise, but exhausted, worn thin by the constant pressure he keeps himself under. It takes everything in you not to close the space between you and wrap your arms around him. You know he’ll only burn himself out if he carries on like this, and the thought makes your heart ache. 

“I know it’s a big ask,” he continues with a weary exhale, scrubbing a hand down his face, “but it’s too late to cancel on this work trip. Flights to Berlin are fully booked up until late January, and the company we’re doing business with has made it abundantly clear they plan to proceed with or without our input. I’d pay you overtime of course. Whatever works best for you. I just need someone to sit here for a few days and make sure my daughter doesn’t burn the apartment down while I’m gone.”

“Yoongi,” you say quietly, shushing him with a gentle hand atop his wrist. He stares down at the point of contact, and you hope to god he can’t hear the way your pulse is going crazy. “You know I’d be happy to do it.”

Tentatively, he meets your eyes. “Are you sure? Your family -”

“Can manage a few more days without me. Looking after Dee is never a burden. She’s…” you cut yourself off, unable to hold his gaze. “She’s the best thing in my life.”

It’s not a lie. But perhaps it’s only a half-truth. The other best thing is sitting right opposite you, after all. 

Yoongi has never been the type to smile much. He’s stoic and blunt, and doesn’t know when to loosen up when the time calls for it - but he never says anything he doesn’t mean. That’s why it makes your heart feel so full when he says a soft, “Thank you, Y/N. You’re really helping me out here.”

You extract your fingers from his wrist, suddenly too shy to maintain the proximity between you. 

“Don’t mention it,” you cough.

Completely oblivious, Yoongi picks up his mug again. “You wanted to talk to me about something too?”

“Oh, uh… well. I was just -” You scramble for the right words, your mind drawing a complete blank beneath the weight of his gaze. 

It wasn’t like you’d come unprepared. You’d planned this whole thing out with Mina over the weekend, even going so far as to roleplay the possible outcomes of your confession (a necessity when it comes to Yoongi, because the man has absolutely zero concept of letting someone down gently). You’d practiced exactly what you wanted to say several times over in the car before heading over to pick up Dee, and all the whole way back to the penthouse you were convinced you had it down pat. 

Right up until Yoongi walked through the door, that is.

With the air stolen from your lungs just looking at him, your confidence crumbles, and the fact that he’s clearly had a shit day doesn’t help any. The harder you will yourself to form a coherent sentence, the more your tongue refuses to do so. 

“I-It’s not important,” you manage eventually.

Yoongi quirks a sceptical eyebrow at you. “Are you sure?”

You pause, then jerk your chin in a nod. 

“I’m sure.”

Yoongi doesn’t push it. 

“Okay then.” He finishes off the last dregs of his tea and rises to a stand. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

“Oh, you really don’t have to -”

“I know I don’t.” He crosses over to the clothing hooks and grabs your jacket, holding it out to you. “Put this on. I need to check in on Dee first.”

Dazedly, there’s little else you can do but follow his instructions. It’s not an uncommon occurrence for Yoongi to see you through the parking lot outside his place, especially during the winter months when it’s dark out, but the gesture still never fails to make you giddy.

Next time, you say to yourself firmly when he returns, holding open the front door for you to slip out first. Next time, I’ll tell him.


Last Year

You slide your feet into your heeled boots, wincing at the way your toes pinch together inside. 

It’s a Saturday evening - one you’d normally spend watching curled up on the couch with a takeaway in your lap or running yourself a nice hot bath, had Mina not spent the better half of the week trying to convince you to go on a date with the IT guy from her office - and between running slightly late and the shot of Dutch courage you definitely shouldn’t have taken ten minutes ago, your stomach feels like it’s tying itself up in knots. 

“You need to get out more,” your friend insists. “It’s been literal years since you last had fun.”

You open your mouth to correct her but she fixes you with a warning glare before you can say anything. 

“Fun in the form of Hula Fit and pottery class don’t count, Y/N. And you should probably save the conversation about your weird hobbies until at least the third date. Preferably after sex too, or your chances of getting any will be slim to none.”

You sink down in your chair, scowling at her over the top of your ice cream cup. 

“I still have fun,” you mutter. “I just have a lot on my plate right now. This new job is taking up a lot of my time, and I’m really not interested in getting fired before the trial period is up.”

“Y/N, you pick a rich couple’s kid up from skate club five times a week, make her pasta and watch cartoons until bedtime,” Mina snorts. “What the hell could go wrong?”

“First of all Mr Min is a single father,” you say, pointing your plastic spoon at her accusingly, “and second of all, you haven’t met the guy. If you had, you’d understand why I’m so on edge.”

“Why? What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s freaking terrifying, Mi!” You throw your hands up in the air to emphasise your point. “He barely spoke in my interview, just sat there giving me the dead eyes while his assistant asked all the questions! And he did exactly the same thing the first time I met his daughter. Just stood in the corner of the living room and watched, like he was assessing my ability to play with her or something.” 

“Well he must have liked what he saw, right? You got the job.”

“Barely. Apparently when he called the agency to let them know I was hired, he made a point of saying it was only because the other girl he’d been speaking with came down with pneumonia and he needed someone ASAP.” You pout sullenly, stabbing at your ice cream. “And since then he’s taken every opportunity to point out when I’m doing something wrong.”

“Maybe you’re just taking it too personally? That’s his little girl after all. He probably just wants to make sure she’s in safe hands.”

“I guess… I just wish he wasn’t so blunt about it,” you sigh. “Mostly I just feel sorry for Dee. I don’t get the chance to see them interact often because he usually gets home after her bedtime, but he doesn’t strike me like the type of dad who’s particularly involved, you know? She must only see him a couple of days a week.” You take another spoonful of ice cream, your gaze turning contemplative. “She must have one hell of a mother, wherever she is. I can’t think of any other way she could’ve turned out to be such a good egg, given that her father’s so emotionally constipated.”

“Okay, that’s it.” Mina lifts a hand to stop you from going on. “You think way too much about other people’s problems, you know that? It’s depressing. You need to stop getting stressed about the things you can’t change, and start focussing on the stuff you can.”

“Such as?”

“Such as your non-existent dating life.” She pulls her phone out and starts typing. “I’m sending you Jungkook’s number, and you willtext him this week. Understood?”

Your phone vibrates in your back pocket.

“Mina -”

“Nope.” She holds up a finger. “I’m not backing down this time. Not until you agree to put yourself first for once.”

“…Fine,” you sigh eventually, pulling your phone from your back pocket. “I’ll text him. But I’m not promising anything more, okay?”

Though it physically pains you to admit it, Mina was right to an extent. You haven’t so much as given a guy your number in the past year, let alone one as hot as in the picture she’d showed you. Zipping up the tiny black skirt you’d borrowed from her closet, you realise with a sense of looming dread that the odds of making a fool of yourself tonight are decidedly not in your favour.

“Jungkook is a gentleman,” you recall her telling you, sipping daintily at her bubble tea. “He definitely doesn’t put out on the first date. Buuut -” she’d lifted a finger before you could chime in. “that does not mean you get the green light to wear your granny panties.”

“I don’t see why not. They’re comfortable and non-restrictive.”

“A girl should always wear her best lingerie when it counts, Y/N.”

“Says who?”

“Oscar de La Renta.”

“Ha, right. And what would he know about women’s underwear?”

She fixes you with a deadpan look. “Are you literally kidding me right now.”

“Mina, if Jungkook’s not going to see it then what’s even the point?” you mumble through a mouthful of ice cream, pointing the spoon at her to emphasise your point. “I’m not just gonna slice myself in half for nothing.”

If it were possible, you’re fairly certain Mina’s eyes roll all the way back into the back of her skull.

“It’s not for him, you loser, it’s foryou. Sexy underwear is a confidence booster!” 

“It’s also expensive and a pain in the ass to move around in. Quite literally.” You tilt your plastic cup in an effort to dig out the last of the chocolate chips, but Mina reaches across to pluck the spoon from your fingers. “Wha-? Hey!”

“If you think I’m letting you pull a Bridget Jones on your first date in twelve months, you are sorely mistaken,” she says resolutely, ignoring your sullen expression. She raises a hand to flag down the server, muttering under her breath, “Clearly we have more work to do than I anticipated.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m taking you to Silky Fit, and we’re not leaving until you’ve picked something out,” she clarifies, pulling her purse out when the waiter came over with the bill. 

After sparing you a second glance, her expression softens somewhat. She tilts her head and sighs fondly at you, the same way someone might sigh at a helpless child, or a puppy covered from head to toe in mud after playing in the garden. 

“You have ice cream on your chin, babe,” she says, tossing a balled up napkin your way.

And thus, here you are a week later, teetering around your apartment in an outfit that’s two sizes smaller than anything you’d usually opt to wear, the string of your new thong pulling uncomfortably tight between your ass cheeks. 

Admittedly, glancing at yourself in the mirror before slipping your blouse on had left you feeling pleasantly flushed. Even despite the minor physical discomfort, Mina hadn’t been lying about the confidence boost. Your body looked good. The colour of the set you’d picked out provided a pretty contrast against your skin, and the bra had just the right amount of upward push to make your breasts look full and perky in their cups. Though ‘sexy’ was never typically a word you’d thought to associate with yourself, turning from side to side in the mirror almost had you reconsidering. 

Makeup done and hair styled into a loose updo, you snap a quick picture of yourself in the bathroom mirror, feeling surprisingly content with the end result.


Y/N:all good ???

Despite being at a formal dinner with her boss and some company associates, it takes less than a minute for your friend to respond. You snort when an image of her disgruntled face comes through, clearly shot from beneath the restaurant table. 

Mina:stop trying to sext me ?? I don’t have time for this right now

Y/N:desperate times. need validation :(

Mina:you look so good I could eat you

Mina:…are you wearing them?

You smile at your phone. Feeling emboldened by her praise, you pull up your camera again, this time shooting a quick video in which you turn slowly so she could see the full effect of your outfit. At the very end you tug your blouse to the side a little, flashing just the top of your lace bra with a comically over-exaggerated wink. 


Y/N: enjoy your night baby x

Your taxi calls shortly afterwards to let you know they’re downstairs. 


Despite how busy the restaurant is tonight, it isn’t hard to spot your date. 

Jungkook isbig. Far bigger than you’d imagined the stereotypical nerdy tech guy to be. He practically dwarfs you when he stands up to shake your hand, and you feel positively giddy when he rounds the table to pull your chair out for you. He even has the presence of mind to catch you when you inevitably stumbled over your heels on the way down, a gentle hand on your elbow stopping you from face planting in front of the entire establishment. 

“Careful there,” he murmurs, the amused smile on his face causing your neck to prickle with welcome heat. “You almost fell for me.”

When you let out a loud snort in response, clapping a hand over your mouth as a second too late to catch the unattractive sound, Jungkook doesn’t even bat an eyelid - just proceeds to tuck your chair in behind you and call the waiter over to take your drinks orders. You can’t help but wonder if Mina warned him about you beforehand. 

All in all, the date gets off to a good start. You’re relieved to learn that Jungkook is smooth enough for the both of you, seamlessly filling any lulls in the conversation before things have a chance to turn awkward. What’s more, he seems genuinely interested in learning more about you, listening attentively when you explain how you’re currently studying part time for your masters in education whilst nannying on the side. You flush with warmth when he praises your ambition. 

“It must be hard, juggling work with your studies,” he remarks. “It’s awesome that you’re so committed.”

“It’s not that impressive really,” you say, though your whole body is practically aglow from all the compliments. “Truth be known, the agency I work with deals primarily with parents from wealthy areas of the city, so most of us get paid a bit more than your average sitter would. It almost feels like cheating, really.”

“Oh?” Jungkook quirks an eyebrow, raising his wine glass to his lips. “Any celebrities on your contact list so far?”

“Sadly not. I’m only two weeks into my first job so far, and my current employer flies a little lower under the radar than most rich people.”

“A businessman then,” Jungkook nods.

“Precisely. He used to run a tech company, which I think is how he made the majority of his wealth. Nowadays he just does marketing stuff though.”

“A tech company, huh?” Jungkook presses. “Would I have heard of him?” 

To your alarm, he almost spits out his wine when the name Min Yoongi comes out your mouth.  

“Min? As in Min Enterprises?!” he sputters. 

You’re quick to fill him a glass of water, which he accepts gratefully. “That’s the one. You know him?”

“Sure I do,” he says between gulps. “We use literally allof his anti-virus software at work. The guy’s a genius.”

You raise your eyebrows curiously. “Really? The woman from my agency told me his tech company closed years ago. I don’t know much about this stuff, but I would have thought any software they produced would be a little outdated by now…”

Jungkook snorts in amusement. “Closed down is one way of putting it.”

“What do you mean?”

“His programme was good. So good that none of the other tech giants compete with it,” Jungkook explains once his eyes have stopped watering. “Come 2010, Microsoft bit the bullet and bought him out for around fifteen million. They’ve been developing and expanding on his work ever since.”

“Fifteenmillion?” Your eyebrows shot up towards your hairline. “Christ! No wonder his apartment looks like the Louvre.” 

“I bet it does,” Jungkook laughs. “I’d kill to see what your Christmas bonus looks like.”

It certainly explains a lot, you think to yourself. Particularly Yoongi’s attitude. You’ve seen The Social Network, after all, as painstakingly boring as it may have been. Those matrix-minded, Zuckerberg type kids always grow up to be emotionally stunted. It’s like a trade-off they make with God for getting to be smarter than ninety-nine per cent of the human population. 

When the waiter comes back to whisk away your starter plates, you momentarily excuse yourself to go to the bathroom to check your teeth for wayward broccoli. After giving yourself the all clear, you fix your lipstick and pull your phone out to let Mina know everything’s going well. 

You’re surprised to discover you already have three new messages from her.

Mina: helloooooo ??

Mina: man. she goes on ONE date and already I’ve been dropped

Mina:after all I’ve done for you 

You furrow your brows in confusion, scrolling up in the chat. Your bewilderment only increases when you discover Mina’s previous texts have, indeed, gone unanswered. Your video clip is nowhere to be found, and you wonder absently if the Wi-Fi back at your apartment is screwing you over again.

No sooner have you exited the chat that another text comes through, this time from a different number.

We need to talk.

Your heart abruptly flatlines. 

Several things click at once after that, the first being that clearly, it was not Mina’sname you had clicked on to send that video to. 

With shaking hands you open up the chat with your employer, utterly horrified when all your worst nightmares are confirmed at once. 

There, staring back up at you from beneath a message asking if Dee is allergic to band aids, is your cleavage. 

Enjoy your night baby, is what you’d said to Mr Min afterwards. 

Mr Min, who could slice a grown man’s confidence to ribbons with little more than a look. 

Mr Min, your boss of merely two weeks. 

“Fuck!” you hiss, pressing the call button and bringing the phone to your ear. “Oh fucking, fucking fuck…”

Your employer picks up on the second ring. You suck in a shaky breath before speaking. 

“Sir, I -”

“Miss L/N.” 

His voice is ice cold. So cold that the sound alone sound has your apology catching in your throat. 

Not for the first time since you met him, you’re reminded of exactly why Yoongi is so revered and respected among those in the business world. You can’t imagine what it would be like to have him speak your name like that in a boardroom full of men in suits, but you’re pretty sure any shred of self-confidence you had would be all but crushed beneath the toe of his designer oxfords if he so desired. In all honesty, you’d probably prefer it if he were yelling at you. At least if he raised his voice, you wouldn’t be gripping the faucet right now for fear your knees might buckle beneath you.

Somewhere on the other end of the line, a door slams shut like Yoongi is just getting in after a long day. Or perhaps he’s taking this conversation somewhere more private. Either possibility has your stomach churning with anxiety. 

“What is wrong with you?” he hisses under his breath.

You swear you’ve never wanted the floor to swallow you up so badly as you do in this moment.

Screwing your eyes shut, you force yourself to respond. 

“Sir, I can’t tell you how completely sorry I am… th-the video was meant for someone else. I would never be so bold as to -”

“You do realise I’m entrusting my childto you?”

Immediately, your mouth snaps shut. The sensation that you’ve just been slapped across the face takes you by complete surprise.

It takes a few seconds for your brain to play catch up with what Yoongi just said, but when the words finally compute, you feel -hurt-. The suggestion that your personal life might impact on your ability to take care of Yoongi’s daughter stings like hell, and for all his lacking interpersonal skills, your employer didn’t strike you as the type to draw such conclusions until now. The notion doesn’t sit well with you at all. 

Swallowing tightly, you place a hand over your abdomen to ground yourself.

“I really am sorry, Mr Min,” you repeat quietly. “It was an accident. I never intended to put you in an uncomfortable position, and I promise it won’t happen again.”

On the other end of the line, Yoongi is quiet for a moment. 

You wonder if he could hear the slight tremble in your voice. If he can sense the fact that he just squashed your self-confidence beneath his thumb like it was nothing. 

“Make sure it doesn’t,” he mutters eventually. Then, after another short pause, “I’ll see you on Monday.” 

Before you can so much as thank him for not threatening to report you to the agency, you’re met with the tell-tale click of your employer placing the phone down on you, leaving you with an embarrassed lump in your throat and bottom lip wobbling with the threat of tears. 

As could probably be predicted, your date with Jungkook goes rapidly downhill from there. Apparently unable to enjoy a good thing without utterly humiliating yourself along the way, you feel sick to your stomach with anxiety for the remainder of the evening. You barely even touch your dessert, and when Jungkook walks you to your cab half an hour later, you brush him off with a forced smile and a handshake, already having accepted the fact that he wouldn’t want to see you again.

Only when you’re in the back of the cab and heading home do you allow the first quiet tears to fall.


Showing up to work the following Monday is one of the toughest things you’ve ever done.

Even Dee seems to notice something is off when you pick her up from practice. Shrewd as she is, she eventually settles for humming along to the radio when she realises you’re in no mood to talk. Try as you might, you can’t stop replaying her father’s words to you on the phone, and despite Mina’s insistence that he’s an unforgiving prick, a small part of you still wonders if he’s right… Are you even fit to look after a kid? Are you fit to do -anything- besides making a fool of yourself?

To make things worse, Yoongi arrives home early that evening. 

As nervous as you are to see him again, you can’t help but be momentarily distracted by the way he hoists Dee up onto his hip to greet her. It’s not that he’s smiling or anything - such an expression would probably look wrong on him, anyway - but the way he cradles the back of her head seems strangely affectionate for a man like him.

“You’re getting heavy,” he murmurs, pausing to sniff her damp curls. His eyebrows furrow slightly. “And you smell different.”

“Y/N put lime jelly in my bath,” his daughter responds in a sleepy voice, her voice muffled against his lapel. “The water turned green like a skeptic tank.”

“Septic tank,” Yoongi corrects quietly. Though his face remains as expressionless as ever, you don’t miss the way his aura grows soft around her - a detail he himself probably doesn’t even recognise. “Sounds like you two had fun.”

His eyes lock with yours across the living room and you drop your gaze immediately, your body flushing with heat like you’ve been caught out doing something you shouldn’t. 

“S-sorry,” you blurt reflexively, already moving to grab your satchel. “I didn’t realise you were coming home early. Let me just pack up my stuff -”

“Y/N.” Yoongi’s voice stops you in your tracks. “Can I speak with you for a second?”

Standing stock still like a deer in the headlights, a sense of impending doom floods through you. This is it. Clearly Yoongi’s thought it over and decided to fire you after all. And the worst thing is you couldn’t even blame him! How could he possibly see you as a professional again after witnessing you running your tongue over your top teeth like a hungry carnivore? You haven’t even had the chance to explain it was -ironic.-

“Sure,” you squeak, torn between accepting your fate and grovelling on your knees for forgiveness. Who the hell was going to hire the babysitter who got fired from her first job during the trial period? For sending -provocative images- no less!

Carefully, Yoongi sets Dee down on the floor again, nodding in the direction of her room. 

“Why don’t you go pick out a bedtime story?” he says.

His daughter peers up at him like he’s just sprouted a second head. 

“You’re going to read to me?”

“No, I’m going to hit you over the head with it.” Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Obviously I’m going to read to you.”

Dee doesn’t look convinced. She folds her arms over her chest. 

“Alice in Wonderland?”

“That book is long as hell, Dee. I’ll read two chapters.”



“With the voices?”

“What am I, a performing monkey? Get out of here before I change my mind, kid.”

Dee huffs, clearly dissatisfied. Nonetheless, she trudges off to her room, her ringlets bouncing as she goes.

The living room falls uncomfortably quiet again once it’s just you and Yoongi. 

You fiddle idly with your hands, unsure of where to look. The embarrassment of the situation hits you all over again when you accidentally replay the video in your mind, and despite the fact that you’re wearing two layers already, you can’t help but cross your arms protectively over your chest. 

As if sensing your discomfort, Yoongi clears his throat.

“May I offer you a drink?”

You pause. It’s not quite what you’d expected, but then again, rich people are weird. Maybe it’s customary to send your incompetent employees on their way with a glass of Chateau Petrus. Having skipped out on the whole making-millions-of-dollars-in-your-early-twenties thing, you probably wouldn’t know.

“I’m fine,” you manage weakly, shaking your head. “Thank you, sir.”

Yoongi gestures towards the couches. “Shall we sit then?”

You gnaw at your lip anxiously. “… I think that depends.”


“Whether you’re going to fire me.” You force yourself to look up. “With all due respect, Mr Min, I’d rather just shake hands and go. I’m finding it hard enough to look you in the eye right now as it is.”

Yoongi blinks. Your words hang heavy in the air between you. 

“Miss L/N,” he says slowly, clearly taken aback by your forwardness. “If I wanted to fire you, I would have done so already.”

You open your mouth, then abruptly close it again. Your eyebrows tug together in confusion. 

“So you… aren’t?”

“Of course I’m not.” Yoongi shakes his head as if the notion alone is utterly ridiculous to him. “I only held you back tonight because I wanted to -” 

He cuts himself off suddenly, like there’s a physical barrier stopping the words from coming out. Then with a tired sigh, he leans back against the sideboard, carding his ringed fingers back through his hair. 

“Because I wanted to apologise,” he finishes.

If possible, your eyes grow even wider than before.

“…Huh?” is all you can manage.

“I shouldn’t have been so hard on you,” Yoongi clarifies simply. “I was out of line. I had no business speaking to you how I did.”

“Oh, n-no Mr Min,” you scramble for words, already raising your hands to stop him from going on. “Please don’t say that. What happened on Saturday was totally my fault. That message was -”

“A harmless accident,” he cuts in gently, and you pause at the unfamiliarity in his tone. “Please rest assured thatI was the asshole in that situation, Y/N, not you.”

Lips parted softly, you gape at him from across the dimly lit living room. It’s beyond strange hearing such a formidable man issue such a humble apology, and you had absolutely no idea how to respond. 

Seeming to mistake your silence as a prompt for further explanation, Yoongi exhales heavily through his nose, his gaze momentarily dropping to his feet.

“I tend to get a little… short-fused around this time of year,” he says. “I lost Dee’s mother in early December. Yesterday was the four-year anniversary of her death.”

Your heart stutters in your chest. 

Of course, you knew there was a woman involved at some point. And in more than just an oven-for-the-bun kind of way, if the drawings on the fridge were anything to go by. But up until now, you’d assumed the two of them had simply parted ways - that she lived a few neighbourhoods away, and Dee visited her every other weekend. To learn that her absence is something far more permanent than that - to witness that purple stick-woman transform into a real, vibrant image in your mind’s eye - is something else entirely, and a thousand possibilities flash through your imagination at shutter speed. You see someone who took care of Dee when she was sick. Someone who encouraged her husband to pursue his goals and start up his own company. A mother and a wife, with hobbies and dreams and a presence that probably bled itself into every cranny of the apartment before Yoongi had stripped it bare in her wake. 

Someone who probably would have been utterly furious at you for all the bold assumptions you’ve made about him so far.

You wonder who the man standing before you might have been, had he not had the person he loved most in the world torn from him just as they were starting a life together. All at once, your gut burns with shame.

“Mr Min…” you say, your voice barely loud enough to make the distance between you. “I’m so sorry.”

Yoongi is quick to shake his head. “Don’t be,” he says, his tone kind but firm. “I’m a grown man. My grief is no excuse to treat people poorly. If I could take back what I said that night I would, but when your message came through it -”  He abruptly stops talking. 

If you didn’t know better, you’d think there was a hint of a blush on his cheeks. 

“It caught me off guard,” he finishes eventually, inclining his head in a small bow. “Please accept my apologies.” 

Feeling a little winded by the whole ordeal, there’s little else you can do but return his gesture, stooping low with your hands on your thighs. “Of course,” you manage. “Please, consider it forgotten, sir.”

Yoongi straightens up with a nod. His dark eyes skim over you with an unreadable expression.

“Just for the record,” he adds tentatively, “I never would have fired you for something like that. I’m afraid my daughter is already far too attached to you.”

You flushed at the sentiment, embarrassed for reasons you couldn’t quite place. “I highly doubt that’s true,” you mumble, glancing downward. “I’ve only been here two weeks.”

“On the contrary, there’s a bag of Christmas peppermint creams in the fridge that she made you at after school club,” says Yoongi. “I asked where mine were and she pulled my wallet out of my pocket, handed it back to me and told me to stop sponging off other people’s hard work.”

For the first time during a conversation with your employer, you let out a genuine laugh. 

Yoongi doesn’t laugh along, of course. He doesn’t even smile. You’re starting to figure at this point that his blank expression might actually be his happy one.

“Hey - will Dee be okay?” you ask a few moments later, when the room lapses back into a comfortable quiet. “I wasn’t aware that she might be going through a tough time…”

“I think she’s normalised it now,” Yoongi explains, sliding his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “She was too young back then. Her memories of her mother are abstract at best. The drawings she brings home from school, they’re just copies of photographs really. The stuff she knows from home videos or stories I’ve told her.” He pauses. “I think she can sense it though. How I get a bit funny around Christmastime. I think it upsets her.”

“You can’t help it,” you insist gently, the guilt of judging Yoongi too harshly causing your stomach to clench up once again. “Dee’s a smart girl. I’m sure she’ll come to understand it one day.”

Yoongi watches you from across the room, his head slightly tilted like he was trying to figure something out. 

“Thank you,” he says eventually. “For taking care of Dee. Things before… they were hard on her. I wish I could be there for her more.” He glances away momentarily. “I think you being here has made things easier.” 

Something warm and fuzzy unfurls in your chest at his words. 

“I’m happy I could help,” you say honestly. “She really is a great kid.”

“She is.” Yoongi nods.

“And she thinks the world of you,” you can’t help but add, because despite your previous assumptions about Yoongi’s parenting, it hadn’t taken long to cotton on to the fact that Dee never shuts up about him. 

“Right,” Yoongi snorts. He pushes away from the sideboard. “Tell me that again when the teenage years roll around.”

You grin, and he hesitates a moment for gesturing towards your raincoat.

“It’s dark out, and the light in the parking lot keeps flickering out,” he says. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

The offer takes you by surprise. You’re not used to seeing the kind side of your employer. Hell, you’re not used to much more than thinly-veiled criticism and blunt remarks.

Nonetheless, after saying a final goodnight to Dee, you let Min Yoongi walk you downstairs that day.

(You let him do it every day after that, too).



You’re sweating buckets by the time you reach the front door, your hair a wild mess from the unexpected bout of snow that had caught you on the way over. Panting like an animal, you raise your elbow to press the doorbell, taking about three tries before you actually manage to accomplish such a feat. 

It’s barely even finished ringing before Yoongi is standing before you, a disgruntled look on his face and cheeks pink from exertion. 

He’s dressed down - or as dressed down as one can be in a Ralph Lauren sweatshirt and comfy slacks, which in reality is about as close to loungewear as he’s likely to get. Up until now you were convinced the man slept in a full suit. 

Standing in the doorway with one hand on the frame, he gives you an unimpressed once over.

“You’re late.”

You roll your eyes. “Hello to you too.”

“What’s with the bags?” 

“Just a few things to get us through the week. Can I come in, or…?”

Begrudgingly, Yoongi moves out the way, though he’s still eyeing you warily.

“Exactly how much sugar are you planning to stuff my kid with while I’m gone?” 

You place your shopping bags down in the entryway with a sigh. “It’s Christmas, for heaven’s sake, what else are we supposed to do if not overeat until we pass out in front of the TV?”

Yoongi hums, his lips pursed. “Right. Just remember no sweet treats after eight. And no milk either for that matter, we’re trying her on -” 

“A lactose free diet to see if it helps with the stomach cramps,” you drone. “I’ve been here every weekday for a whole year, Yoongi. There’s no need to reiterate the rules every time I walk in.” 

“You might know the rules, but I know my daughter. She despises oat milk with a passion, and she’ll try every which way to get you to cave when it comes to hot chocolate.” He pulls out his wallet with a sigh, and your expression morphs into one of confusion. “How much do I owe you?” 

“O-oh! You don’t have to pay me back,” You hold your hands out in front of you, shaking your head. “These are a gift, and they barely cost anything anyway. It’s just gingerbread men and.. and colouring books and stuff.” 

Yoongi quirks an eyebrow. 

“Really,” he drawls. “So you’re telling me I won’t find the new Super Smash Bros game buried underneath all that junk food if I take a look?” 

“Shh!” You clap a hand over his mouth, eyes darting towards the living room. “Don’t spoilit!” 

Yoongi sighs, taking your wrist gently so he can speak again. “Snacks are fine, but that game is at least forty dollars. I can’t have you spending that much money on us.” 

“But I want to,” you insist, giving him the puppy-dog eyes. “Dee’s wanted it for months, and she’s been working so hard recently. I want to show her I’m proud of her.” You stick your bottom lip out. “Please let me.” 

Yoongi narrows his eyes at you. “Don’t look at me like that.” 

“Like what?” 

“You know what.”

You grin wickedly. You already know you’ve won.

With a reluctant grumble, Yoongi slides his wallet back into his pocket. “I’m only letting this slide because I’m running late,” he says, even though you’re both aware he’s not. He nods towards your grocery bags. “You need help getting those to the kitchen?” 

“I’ll be fine,” you wave him off. “You finish packing, boss. I’ll go say hi to the little monster.” 

Unsurprisingly, Dee is still in her pyjamas when you find her. She’s curled up on her side at the foot of the Christmas tree, Home Alone playing on the TV for the umpteenth time. You know it’s her favourite. She and Kevin have a lot in common when left to their own devices.

“Hey, bug,” you say in passing. “You getting into the Christmas spirit?”

Dee barely even lifts her head to look at you. “How can I?” she mumbles into the carpet. “I’m being abandoned. Again.”

You tut, opening the fridge so you can unload the goods into it. “Hey now, it’s not all bad. You have me, remember. AndI have gingerbread men.”

You hold up the box and shake it, but Dee merely blinks at your efforts to raise her spirits. 

She sighs forlornly, her gaze sliding back to the TV.

Your eyes soften as you watch her. She looks so small like this, rolled over on one side with her knees tucked up against her chest. It’s hard to believe this is the same little girl whose performances explode like dynamite when she hits the ice, the energy she exudes reaching every corner of the rink. 

In these smaller, quieter moments, you see more of her father in her than ever.

“Dee,” you say, your voice gentle but firm. “Look at me, bug.” 

Reluctantly, she peels her eyes away from the TV screen to meet yours.

“You know your dad doesn’t want to go any more than you want him to, right?” you say. “If it were up to him, he’d be staying right here.”

“I know…” Dee mumbles, playing with her fingers. “I just don’t like it when he’s gone.”

“I know you don’t, bug.” You smile sadly. “And that’s totally okay. But we need to make sure we don’t make this any harder on him than it needs to be, right? That means no tears this time.”

Dee rolls her eyes, her cheeks flushing. 

Yoongi had been called away on a weekend business trip in Paris a few months ago, and for whatever reason, the kid had had a meltdown like nothing you’d ever seen before when it came time for him to leave. It had taken all your strength to pry her arms from around his leg, and at the time it had been heart-breaking to witness. 

Her separation anxiety always tends to show its face at some point when Yoongi goes overseas, but never before to that extent. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a man look quite so torn as Yoongi had in that moment. If you hadn’t been there, you’re convinced he would have cancelled the trip altogether. 

Thankfully, the farewell goes a lot smoother this time. When Yoongi returns from his bedroom with suitcase in tow, Dee stands up and hugs him with little fanfare, burying her face in his stomach. He lifts a hand to smooth over her hair. 

“Be good, okay?” he says. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

“Love you,” Dee mumbles when she pulls back, and you send her an encouraging nod Yoongi’s shoulder. 

“Love you too, kid.” Yoongi bends to kiss the crown of her head, and you observe the exchange with the familiar ache of longing in your bones.

You see him to the door afterwards, the two of you loitering in the threshold as you go through the usual routine of checking he has everything.

“Boarding pass?” you say.

“In my bag.”

“Phone? Wallet?”

He pulls both out to show you. You smile fondly, leaning up against the doorframe with your arms crossed. 

“Text us when you land, okay?” you say softly.

“Yeah.” Yoongi nods. “If you have an emergency while I’m gone -”

“Call Namjoon, his number’s on the fridge under the banana magnet.” You roll your eyes, absentmindedly reaching out to fix his collar. “Again, been here a whole year, Yoongi. I know the drill.”

Your brain catches up a few seconds too late, and by the time you’ve realised your error Yoongi is already blinking down at your fingers, frozen in the process of smoothing down the hem of his sweater. 

Your eyes go wide in panic.

“Um-!” You retract your hands as if you’ve been burned. “H-have a safe flight, okay? I’ll see you soon!”

Yoongi merely hums, staring at you from beneath hooded lids with an unreadable expression.

You all but slam the door in his face, leaning your back up against it and pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration.

“...fuck!” Yoongi hears you curse on the other side.


Last year

The first time you realised you’re in love with your employer, it’s the evening of Dee’s first regional skate competition.

At the request of the little princess herself, you wander into the changing rooms fifteen minutes before the show to give her a good luck hug, finding her perched on a bench in a sparkly blue costume. Her skates are already done up, feet swinging back and forth and her entire body seeming to buzz with energy. Smiling, you begin to make your way over. 

Then you spot him.

Perched on one knee, his hair swept back off his forehead and the sleeves of his work shirt rolled up to his elbows, Yoongi wields a makeup palette in his left hand and a brush in his right. When he murmurs something soft under his breath, Dee responds by closing her eyes. You watch on in quiet awe as Yoongi leans up to brush the glittery powder over her right lid with feather-light strokes. 

When he’s satisfied with the blending, he swaps out the eyeshadow palette for a pack of rhinestones, even going so far as to use a pair of tweezers to apply them seamlessly to her lash line one by one. You can’t help but wonder how many times he’s done this before. He must be the only father in the room right now, and something about the way he owns that fact makes your chest swell with something warm and unidentifiable. You wonder if the braids on her head are his handiwork too. If it was his idea that she wear her mother’s necklace over her costume tonight.

In this moment, you know with certainty there was no one in the world Min Yoongi cared about more than his little girl. 

When he just so happens to glance your way a moment later, Yoongi’s expression barely shifts from his default glower.

“Oh, good,” he remarks drily, tossing you a can of hairspray. You barely managed to catch it without fumbling. “She’s got some flyaways round the back. There’s a comb in the front pocket of her gym bag.”

He goes straight back to work without sparing you a second glance after that, firmly instructing Dee to stop wriggling lest he poke her eye out by accident. 

You swore your heart has never felt so full. 

Biting back a smile, you wordlessly locate the comb and start smoothing out her hair. 



“Hold it… hooold it…”

“Dee, babe. I really don’t think -”

Hold it, Y/N!”

You exhale heavily through your nose, arms trembling as you struggle to maintain the downward dog position you’ve been forced into. Dee isn’t having nearly so much trouble, her forehead lightly touching her yoga mat when she arches her spine. She wiggles her bottom playfully in the air.

“That’s, guys. You look great!” chirps the annoyingly perky young woman on your iPad screen. “Now we take our right leg and extend upwards, pushing down hard into our heel so we can really feel that stretch in our hamstrings.”

“Trust me, I’m feeling it,” you grunt, barely managing to raise your right leg thirty centimetres off the ground. 

Dee giggles, her leg already extended to its full height as if her body were made of elastic. 

Your core contracts with the effort of keeping you upright, knees threatening to buckle beneath you.

“How is this fair? You’ve been skating since before you could walk and I haven’t moved this much since high school.”

“Tina says each new day is an opportunity to improve yourself.”

You roll your eyes. “Tina sounds like a hoot.” 

“That’s the spirit, ladies! Other leg, let’s go!”

You groan, switching sides. It’s the third day in a row that Dee’s had you do stretches with her, and you’re starting to feel more like you’ve signed up for a week of boot camp than a week of babysitting. 

Dee squints at you from beneath her armpit. 

“Y/N,” she sighs.


“You’re dropping your hips.”

“My apologies, Drill Sergeant Min. Won’t happen again.”

She returns to her position, shaking her head like a disappointed school teacher. “You’re worse than dad, you know.”

You do a double take. “I’m sorry -Yoongidoes this with you?”

“Sometimes.” Dee moves gracefully into a side plank, facing away from you. “When he doesn’t have work.”

“And you’re telling me I’m worse?”


“It’s considera-bly,” you correct her with a huff, more out of indignation than anything else. 

“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to,” Dee shrugs.

You let out an amused snort, though your mind is still reeling at the thought of Yoongi willingly assuming the lotus position and breathing out for eight counts. Scratch that, your mind is reeling at the thought of Yoongi wearing anything other than slacks. What kind of power does this kid wield that she can get the human robot himself to break a sweat? 

You continue on with the routine until you can’t any longer, at which point you collapse onto your back with little ceremony. 

“That’s it,” you pant, waving the metaphorical white flag in the air. “I’m done. No more.”

“But we haven’t even got to the headstand part yet!”

“Go on without me, bug. I’ll only hold you back at this point.” You manage to sit up despite the dull ache in your abs, glancing over at the wall clock. “Man, it’s getting late. I should get started on dinner.”

No sooner have you spoken it that Tina’s bouncing breasts disappear from your screen, replaced by Yoongi’s caller ID. 

“Dad!” Dee gasps, already lunging forward to press accept before you can think to stop her.

When Yoongi’s expressionless face appears, he is confronted with the image of you kneeling on your yoga mat in a ratty pink sports bra and leggings, frozen like a deer in the headlights with your brow glistening with sweat and an eight-year-old’s halloween headband holding your hair back from your face. 

You freeze. Yoongi blinks at the velvet cat ears sticking up from atop your head.

“Good morning,” he says in a low rumble.

In the next second you’re diving off-screen with a muttered curse, grappling for your T-shirt where it sits bundled up on the floor. 

None the wiser to your panic, Dee scrunches her nose up. 

“Morning?” she says, settling on her stomach with her chin in her hands. “It’s like five p.m.”

“Different time zones, kid. It’s almost lunchtime here.” Yoongi reclines in his fancy armchair, which is presumably in his hotel suite. “You two have been working hard I see.”

“No pain, no gain,” Dee tells him matter-of-factly, even going so far as to flex her bicep for the camera.

Yoongi hums. “Just don’t go pushing yourself too hard, hm? One of these days you’re going to twist yourself up into a pretzel position you can’t get yourself out of, and when that happens -I’m- the one who’s going to end up carrying you around.”

“Tell that to Y/N,” Dee snorts. “She looked like a drowning octopus when we got to the backbends.”

“I was not that bad,” you hiss, your face heating up with embarrassment despite being off-camera. Then, as an afterthought, “And how the hell does an octopus drown?

Nobody is listening to you. It might just be a trick of the light, but you’re convinced you spot the corner of Yoongi’s mouth give a slight twitch of amusement.

“Be nice, Dee,” he says, though he doesn’t sound particularly worried for you. “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen, right?”

You pause, giving Dee the side-eye. “…Did he just quote Tina?”

She fixes you with a serious gaze. “Careful. Dad is abigTina fan.”

“Ugh, I bet he is,” you mutter under your breath, pulling a face as you recall the way Tina’s cute little glute muscles had contracted during the standing pigeon. 

“Feel free to let me know when you’re done talking about me like I’m not here,” Yoongi drawls dispassionately, taking a sip of his coffee. “I need to speak with Y/N.”

You can’t help the way your stomach flutters at that. Hesitantly (and having disposed of Dee’s cat ears), you lean back into frame. 

“What’s up?” you say with an awkward wave, already cringing at yourself internally.

Yoongi blinks languidly, passing no comment on your previous state of undress. 

“I’m expecting a delivery to arrive at some point this week,” he says. “I need you to sign for me and put it somewhere safe. Preferably out of reach for anyone below four-foot-two, if you catch my drift.”

“Ohh,” you nod slowly, giving him the thumbs up. Clearly this delivery was Christmas-oriented. “Gotcha. Don’t worry, boss, I’ll make sure no prying eyes see anything they shouldn’t.” 

You shoot him an exaggerated wink behind Dee’s head.

The smallest of smiles works its way onto Yoongi’s lips, and the sight is nothing short of stunning. Just like clockwork, the sight has your chest aching for him to be home. You open your mouth to speak again - perhaps to ask how Berlin is treating him, or some equally lame attempt to keep him on call for a little longer - but before the words can form there’s a sharp knock on the door of Yoongi’s hotel suite.

“Come in,” he calls gruffly.

Fortunately (or perhaps not so fortunately) the angle of the camera is just right that you can see the reflection of the door in the mirror behind, swinging open to reveal his guest. 

“Aha! There he is,” a sultry female voice sounds through the screen. “I’ve been looking all over for you, mister.”

Your heart sinks right to the pit of your stomach. Lower, if it were possible. 

There’s no doubt in your mind that the woman standing in Yoongi’s doorway is anything short of a goddess in a pinstriped skirt. You’d have to be blind not to see how gorgeous she is, all long limbs and softly curled red hair that falls in waves about her shoulders. She leans up against the doorframe with her hip cocked, a playful smirk on her face as she looks at your employer.

“Sofie,” Yoongi acknowledges with a polite nod. True to form, his expression betrays precisely nothing of what’s going on in his head. “Did you need something?”

“I just wanted to ask if you’re coming to lunch. We’ve made reservations at the restaurant downstairs if you’d like to join us.”

Your eyes skirt away, seeking out something better to look at. Anything really, so long as it’s not the obscenely beautiful woman who’s hitting on the man you love in a swanky hotel eight thousand kilometres away.

“That’s very kind of you,” says Yoongi, and you wish for oncethat his voice was anything other than a monotone drawl. There’s absolutely no way of deciphering whether he’s into this woman when he talks to her the same way he talks to you, and Dee, and noodles on the damn stove when he wants them to hurry up and boil. “I just need to finish up this call. I’ll be down in a minute.”

“Perfect.” Sofie pushes away from the door with a coy smile. “I’ll see you there.”

She turns on her heel, hips swaying like a pendulum as she slinks out of the room. When the door closes behind her, Yoongi returns his focus to the camera, totally nonchalant. 

“Looks like I’m out of time,” he says.

Dee props her chin on her hand, pouting sullenly. “Are you gonna be home soon?”

“Four days, kid, then I’m all yours.” His gaze flickers over to you. “You two take care, okay?”

“You too,” you nod quickly, determined not to let the internal battle you’re having right now show up on your face.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, Dad.” Dee waves.

“Enjoy your-”

The call ends abruptly, cutting you off.

“… Night,” you finish lamely.

The lovely Miss Tina returns to your screen, and Dee blows a gust of hair from between her lips. The sound startles you somewhat.

“Man,” she says, flopping down onto her stomach. “I hate that B-word.”

“Dee!” you shriek, your eyes almost bugging right out of your head.

She blinks up you innocently. “What? I didn’t curse.”

“I - God, who eventaughtyou that?”

“Family Guy,” she shrugs.

“Right, that’s it. I’m revoking your TV privileges for the rest of the week.” You stand up, waving your finger at her so she knows you’re serious. “Just because it’s a cartoon doesnot mean it’s suitable for kids.”

“Fine. I’m sorry,” she mutters. “But Sofie really -is- annoying. She’s a froo-trarian, so we had to eat this really weird meal with papaya and stuff when she came over. And she said figure skating is basically just a style of dance!”

You freeze halfway to the kitchen.


“A froo-trarian,” Dee repeated, with extra emphasis on the ‘froo’. “It’s this religion where you don’t eat anything with a face, or anything that came out of something with a face, or anything green unless it’s a kiwi.” 

“No,” you shake your head jerkily. “No, I mean - Sofie camehere? To the apartment?”

“Yuh-huh.” Dee’s already distracted, rewinding the workout video to where you left off. “She was doing some work thing with Dad. They were in his office for hours.”

Immediately, your stomach tightens with anxiety. Something about that doesn’t sit right with you at all. Yoongi hardly ever has people from work around, much less for a meal. The man can barely even feed himself when the recipe calls for more than a microwave.

A selfish part of you wants to press the matter with Dee. To ask her more questions about Sofie, and what was said over this illusive dinner they had together. How Yoongi had acted with her. But you know it’s not your place to
