#sissy adventures


I’ve been doing sissy training online with a Goddess and thought it might be fun to share my tasks and adventures here. If you would like to read about future tasks then please like, share, or reblog the post so I know there is interest! :)

My current task was to paint my nails and spend at least one hour out in public wearing nail polish.  So last night, I applied two coats of purple nail polish on my nails before going to bed.  I was excited and a little nervous about the idea of sharing this side of myself in public with strangers.

This morning, I chose to go to a local Starbucks and get a little work done while drinking a coffee.  I arrived and waited in line to get my beverage.  The cashier was a mid 20′s female with a fairly bubbly personality as demonstrated by the interactions I witnessed between her and other customers.  This helped put me at ease a little bit.

When it was my turn in line, I ordered a coffee.  It wasn’t until the moment when she handed me my coffee that I think first she saw my nails.  She didn’t say anything but she just looked at me with a warm smile, like the kind of smile someone makes that just saw a cute puppy or kitten, which made me feel great inside.  I said “thank you” and then she replied, “you’re welcome and have a great day!” 

After that, I hung out in the Starbucks for about two hours drinking my coffee and working.  I can’t really be sure how many people may or may not have noticed during this time, though I assume a handful did as I was holding my coffee or typing on my keyboard.  At one point, I looked up while drinking my coffee and made eye contact with another young woman waiting for her drink. We exchanged smiles for a moment before I went back to what I was working on. I’ll never know if that was a subtle acknowledgment and acceptance of me wearing nail polish or just a typical exchange of smiles between a boy and a girl. Either way, it felt good!

Overall, being feminine out and about was a very positive experience. Sure, it was a little scary, but it also felt good being able to show that part of myself and have it be positively received. 


Again, let me know by liking, commenting, sharing, or re-blogging if this is something you are interested in hearing more about! Also, I’d love to hear about your own adventures out doing feminine things! :)
