#sister-like reader


Word Count: 326

“anon–Request: Kaz brekker x platonic!fem!reader x crows Hi ily orphans of shadows series!!! I wanted to ask if you could do a fic where kaz finds a younger girl’s body (teen) in the harbour and he tells jesper her to the crow club so Nina can help her. When she wakes up she’s really scared of everything (because her brother threw her in the harbour) but after some time she gets used to the crows and becomes their little sister. Like they take her to school and Kaz and Matthias and Jesper protect her from the bad men of ketterdam. Change anything you like! Have a great day :)”

Note: This one was highkey giving me fits, so it’s gonna be on the shorter side. And I’m gonna have to nix the school and protection

Kaz Brekker had a policy: only keep people around if they were useful. Still he found himself wondering ‘why, oh why did I have Jes cart this girl back to the Crow Club?’ 

Inej took it as a sign that he had a heart buried in his chest after all.

Matthias thought he might have been rubbing off on the crime boss at long last. 

Nina didn’t care why she’d been brought in; her only concern was getting the girl conscious.

Jesper just enjoyed the opportunity to gently rib his boss for being nice.

All amusement and apprehension was swiftly thrown  out the window, however, when the girl started screaming as soon as she woke up.

“Who are you people?” you demanded. “I-I’m a grisha. I’ll get you!” As you said it, little sparks shot from your fingertips in what you hoped was a threatening display.

“We’re not going to hurt you,” said the woman that was crouched next to you. “I’m grisha too.”

Your eyes darted around uncertainly. “Who are you people? Why should I believe you?” You weren’t sure you’d believe anyone ever again after your brother …

“We found you in the harbor,” the young man with the cane “Care to explain why?”

You felt your breath catch in your throat. “I–”

“You don’t have to tell us right now,” that was the Suli woman, the one who looked to be carrying more than one knife that you could see. “What’s your name?”

You answered quietly, trying to fold in on yourself.

“Do you have anyone that’ll be looking for you?” Cane Man spoke again.

Your answer must have been obvious on your face because there was quickly a warm hand on your shoulder. The grisha woman. “You’re welcome to stay with us. I’m Nina.”

You didn’t miss the sharp looks that were exchanged before Cane Man offered, “If you work for us, we can arrange something.”

Not seeing much choice, you agreed, “Okay.”
