#sitcoms in general just need to die already




In case y’all were wondering whether or not The Big Bang Theory is still shitty or not…

They just impregnated a character who was previously established to not like kids at all, so


It’s still bad

I should also probably mention the context of the episode where you find out this character (Bernadette) doesn’t like kids

The whole thing’s introduced to create conflict with her husband Howard - who does really want kids

He goes through a whole episode of seeing her failures in interacting with kids (okay she’s not trying at all but that’s because she doesn’t like them), we as the audience thus getting firsthand knowledge that she would not be a good mother. She also mentions that she’d rather focus on her career and doesn’t want to go through childbirth

And then - I’m just remembering this icing on the cake - that episode ended with them coming to a “compromise”: Howard takes care of the kids while Bernadette focuses on her career

Okay, so Howard gets his wish, but Bernadette still has to go through a process she wants no part of (because remember - adoption doesn’t exist in TV land!) and thanks to her personality the kids are still going to end up with a neglectful mother.

It’s less a “compromise” and more TV land enforcing the ideal that all important couples must have children no matter what the woman wants
