#six card spread


Back for yet another cartomancy spread! This one is focused on change (expected or otherwise) and how to deal with it. This six card spread looks as follows:

  1. How can I best adapt to this change?
  2. What can I do to help myself on this journey?
  3. What is a likely positive that may come from this change?
  4. What is a likely negative that may come from this change?
  5. Overall, what is the most likely outcome…

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Time for a cartomancy spread! This is a six card spread looking at the week ahead.

I find at least two of my tarot decks able to predict the future, though I believe it is more of “most likely outcome given current circumstances” as opposed to “this will definitely happen”. If that doesn’t fit with how you view cards, you are welcome to not use this spread. To each their own!

The cards are as…

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