
7-dreamers: [SBS PD NOTE] 220417 Inkigayo
7-dreamers:[220423] Soundwave Fansign© 싱나는시연 | Do not edit


[220423] Soundwave Fansign
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Prompt: How about Dreamcatcher’s reaction to their male s/o or GN s/o who’s a gamer and seeing him crying cause of cod zombies story ending?

A/N: As usual, the reader is gender neutral. ALSO DREAMCATCHER FIRST WIN!! Finally, our girls got the win they’ve deserved for so long! I’m so, so excited and happy for them so I just had to take some time out of my day to make a post for them. Everyone go support Maison! - Admin Kiwi

JiU: “So what happened? Tell me.” She would be surprised when she walked in to find you quietly crying while the ending credits played on the screen. At first, she would freeze in surprise before carefully walking over to check on you, making sure you were okay. Her eyes would be soft as she sat beside you and asked what was wrong, wrapping her arms around you and assuring you that she wanted to know what happened in the game. Even though you might be a bit embarrassed to be caught crying over your video game, she would make you feel better by listening to you with rapt attention, even though she wouldn’t understand much of what you were saying, just wanting to be there for you to rant.


SuA: “Awe, don’t cry! Come on, I’ll make you laugh.” When she first saw you crying, she would be scared that you were hurt or in pain, or that something bad had happened. Once she realized that you were crying over the game, she would be relieved that it wasn’t anything serious and would immediately jump into silly girlfriend mode, pretending to fight the game and huffing about how terrible the writers were for making her baby cry. She would succeed in making you laugh, distracting you from the sad ending with her antics and her bright smile as she hugged you and wiped your tears away.


Siyeon: “I hate it when games end sadly! It’s such a bummer!” Siyeon likes to play video games sometimes too, so she would really be able to empathize with you when she found you crying with the game credits rolling on screen. Even if you were a bit embarrassed at first, her eagerness to hear what happened would remind you that she would never judge you and you would end up ranting about the game to her as she listened closely, nodding along and agreeing with you. At the end, she would be tearing up too, shaking her head and declaring that these game developers were sadistic, making you finally laugh, feeling much better after talking about it.


Handong: “Ah, it was because of the game? I’m glad you’re not hurt.” Handong would be a bit confused at first, looking from you to the game and then back again, making you let out a watery laugh as you explained what was happening. Once she realized you weren’t hurt and nothing bad was happening, she would try to make you feel better even if she’s not the type to cry over a game, making you laugh again as she squinted at the screen and tried to understand exactly why you were crying, her puzzled face letting you know that she didn’t really get it but was trying her best for you.


Yoohyeon: “Don’t cry!” Yoohyeon also plays video games and she’s very emotional, so just seeing you crying would make her tear up. She would totally understand crying over the ending of the game and would actually end up crying with you as you talked about it, totally into the story. You would end up hugging her to cheer her up instead, laughing and asking why she was crying. “I’m crying because you’re crying and it’s sad!” Both of you would end up laughing and calling yourselves crybabies afterwards, wondering how both of you ended up crying over something only you were playing.


Dami: “Ah, that’s… sad?” Dami isn’t exactly the most… emotional person. She doesn’t cry very often and doesn’t get sad or emotional over things very easily, so every time you cry she would be very concerned and this time would be no exception. When you explained that you were crying over the end of a game, however, she wouldn’t be sure how to react. She wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings, but at the same time, she wouldn’t be able to relate, so she would just awkwardly pat you on the back to try and console you, which would end up making you laugh, amused to see her trying so hard even as confused as she was about the game.


Gahyeon: “The game made you cry? What happened in it?” Gahyeon would immediately rush over to you when she saw you crying, only realizing afterwards that the game credits were still playing on the screen in front of you. When you explained the situation to her, her shoulders would sag in relief and she would sit beside you, a small smile on her face, affectionately asking what she was going to do with you as she wiped away your tears and told you to tell her what happened in the game. You should expect some affectionate teasing afterwards, but she would tell you that it’s what you get for scaring her like that, and you would know she doesn’t mean anything by it.


For small clips of the concert, check out my insta! It’s DCsMinji as well :)

[220515] 00ld_ami Instagram Story Update: Our ramen preference Transl: 7-Dreamers JimmU | Please do

[220515] 00ld_amiInstagram Story Update:

Our ramen preference

Transl: 7-Dreamers JimmU | Please do not take without credit

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7-dreamers: [220516]  ______s2ing Instagram Update (2/2):‍☠️7-dreamers: [220516]  ______s2ing Instagram Update (2/2):‍☠️7-dreamers: [220516]  ______s2ing Instagram Update (2/2):‍☠️7-dreamers: [220516]  ______s2ing Instagram Update (2/2):‍☠️


[220516]  ______s2ing Instagram Update (2/2):


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