#skam in english


!Halla! This is my SKAM shrine. I’ve put all SKAM media into one organized (I hope) easy to navigate place. So basically, everything revolves around this very masterpost. The masterpost links to everything SKAM. Not only are there clips, translated texts, and Instagram posts, but also bonus stuff, like speculation on the symbolism of the show, or links to the actors’ social media and information. 

For anyone who doesn’t know what SKAM is, or is a newcomer to this should refer to the links below, which will have a link explaining how the blog is set up and what to know before watching.

Feel free to point out time stamp errors or if something isn’t linked properly. Anything helps! Also you can message me if you have questions about the plot, if you’re confused about something, or just want to rant about the show.

Takk for reading, and have fun watching!

NOTE: I’m away on spring break for the first week of season 4, idk if ill have internet or anything, but I will definitely update the second I get back to my house.

I’m new to SKAM. Help! How do I watch? What do I do? AHHHH?!!?!??!

How these blogs and posts are set up

SKAM Vocabulary

SKAM Season 1

SKAM Season 2 

SKAM Season 3 

SKAM Season 4

I can’t believethat season 4 is the last season I thought it was supposed to go to six seasons, but regardless I’m still happy I got to watch this show, especiallyin real time. I’m emotionally distraught, don’t touch me

Dear awesome Skam-translating people, 

Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to watch this incredible show in a language that I don’t understand (but am now trying to learn!). Skam has brought so much joy into my life this past month that I’ve been watching it (and yes I binged season 1 and 2 as well!!). I’ve been going through some difficult times lately, and knowing that I have Skam to look forward to has just brightened my days. Seeing all the love unfold between Isak and Even has been so beautiful to watch, and the fact that I am able to watch it because of you is such an incredible thing. You may think you’re just translating a show, but you are doing so much more for people than you realize. You are bringing joy, love, and hope to people who really need it. Sure, NRK may be telling the story, but you guys are making it accessible to SO many people who need a story like this. A story full of love, hope, and acceptance; about overcoming the most difficult challenges; about feeling like no matter what happens, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. A story that teaches us to just take life as it comes, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. With all the pain and destruction happening all over the world, with all the bigotry and hate that we witness or see on the news, Skam is truly helping to change and educate people. And by translating this beautiful work of art, you are showing the ultimate act of kindness so that these lessons can reach millions of people. 

I thank you endlessly, and all I ask is that you don’t stop doing it. When season 4 comes around, Isak and Even will no longer be the centre of the storyline. But whoever the main character is, and whatever their story is, it is going to be important. It is going to be a story that people need to hear. So please, keep doing what you’re doing. Keep translating Skam for the world. Keep making the world a better place. 

Dere betyr så mye for meg. Jeg elsker dere alle. 
