#sky jones


Artist Sky Jonez Talks Life, Music and his Audition with AMD Entertainment


We had a fireside chat with the regal and cunning rapper Sky Jonez post-interview to get the raw story. Here how it went in his own words:

OM: What was your audition like?

Sky Jonez: I performed one of my original songs for my next project that I’m releasing in February, I did it live right there, they seemed to be in to it, they were engaging with me a lil bit and then when I was done, they liked, they seemed like the liked it, idk I just stood there and performed for them I got a good response.


OM: How would you like to utilize this opportunity?

Sky Jonez: I have a new project that i’m working on to be released in february, so i’ll be pushing it. That will help me bring some attention to that and my portfolio. I dropped about 14 videos last year and I’m already on my second or third one for this year so I want to bring some more attention to that as well. I have a lot of projects that have been out for a while and never got enough exposure at all. I’m hoping that’ll get a little more light shined on that through this.


OM: How long have you been making music?

Sky Jonez: Oh wow…I’ve been making it since ‘97…


Sky Jonez: Yeah, but seriously doing music since…I did some time, went away for a while and I got out in December of 2008, so since then. Since then I’ve made about 60 (tracks) and I just signed with an indie label. I signed with an indie label about two years ago and I started touring like real heavy. I got to do a few tours with Strange Music, May Day, stuff like that. Yeah man, it’s been good. I’ve got to see the Midwest, go out to Colorado, went out to see LA, this year looks to be a lot of the same so it’s looking good.

OM: What are you up to these days as we move into 2016? What moves are you making right now?

Sky Jonez: I just released a video featuring one of the guys from Strange Music, but I have (another) new video to be released the first week of January, I’m still in the middle of this project. I have the release date right now, but it might get pushed to February; I want to do it right. I have a show booked in New York on January 31st, I’m opening for Cassidy and then (events with) the label itself they have other stuff going. As I said, I’m with an indie label and I know we’ll be doing some shorter stints in the Midwest, six or seven shows here and there. We’re going to play it by ear but that’s pretty much what I got going on. I got new music lined up to be released and a couple of shows lined up.

OM: What drives you or motivates you? What would you say you’re about?

Sky Jonez: I would say…not to be long-winded, because I can do that too (laughs)…I would just say I’m from a small town and there’s a lot of talent here but not a lot of people have made it from here, whatever that means, so I adapt. It motivates me to be the person to show (them something different). I have two kids and I want to let them know that there’s more outside of the box. Living in a small town, that’s all many people ever think of. They don’t think of anything beyond the Rhode Island state lines you know what I mean? So that’s my motivator, I want to be an example, to show people there’s more than this shit if you reach far enough. 


People are just so close-minded, like they just want to be stuck. A lot of people are stuck in a mindset that they don’t even think of anything outside of the box. So every time I’m around people like that, that drives me even more. Like even going to this audition, that was something that was out of the box. Somebody else would’ve been like “Ah come on, that shit’s just gonna be some bullshit”, but alright, if it’s some bullshit, it didn’t cost me a dollar. I didn’t lose a thing by doing it, so even if it doesn’t pan out (there’s no harm done) and that’s the way my mind works. But there mind is “ah, it’s gonna be some bullshit, fuck it” so why bother. I don’t understand that mindset. So that’s my motivator.


I told you I could be long-winded man (laughs again).

Follow his journey on the gram: @therealSkyJonez
