



As the bard got closer to him, the ‘human’ sinner nearly tensed up at what was whispered to him, turning to face the bard… So if he wasn’t ‘human’ like he was… Then what was he, exactly?


Of course… Do you have a place in particular? I would need to inform Mr Albedo of my whereabouts so he won’t be concerned that I disappeared somewhere without his awareness.


“I’m sure the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius would understand as we’re simply going out towards the giant tree of Windrise which stands as the symbol of Mondstadt’s hero, no harm shall come to you as I’m sure that the Chief Alchemist has mentioned my name earlier to you.”

Venti replied as his aqua blue eyes glow as well as the tips of his braids, he smiled softly to them.

I think I remember that tree on my way to Mondstadt… And what name, exactly?” Don paused to maintain eye contact with the bard, trying to guess what name he was mentioning.

Please, just tell me, otherwise, I might think you’re leading me into a trap.
