


Sky needs more green

I finished another spirit for this fan season of mine! Their page isn’t quite as full feeling as the other one, but I think it’s just because I didn’t put the grass under their feet like I did with the other.

Also ended up changing this chicks name! Try and guess what the theme of the seasons story is based of the name of it and the names of the spirits HJOASHJOHQOJ. I think I want to attempt to make a mock season announcement poster of the season when I finish the spirit designs!


Skykids Live Forever.

You know how skykids basically live forever? Even if they die, they are always reborn again and go to re-experience the same story again, collect the same winged lights, see the same places, try and save the same kingdom. Once you think about it, the life of a skykid kind of becomes a living nightmare. The spirits they rescue are forever stuck reliving the same memories. The elders they meet are forever performing the same motions in the lonely cutscenes. Even the land around them is forever resetting itself. Mantas and krill follow the same paths day after day. Dark plants always grow back.

Only the skykids change. They grow and witness the passing of seasons, they learn new emotes and gain new cosmetics, yet none of it is of avail in the face in the endless repetition of the rest of the world.

Don’t you think they would grow numb to it all? Don’t you think they would cease to feel altogether, forever repeating the pattern:

go to Eden, die, repeat.

And yet that’s not what happens.

We persevere, even when it seems like nothing we do makes a difference, we keep going. We keep looking at the world of sky in awe and wonder. We keep exploring.

Even when we’ve seen the same Isle of Dawn, or Daylight Prairie, or any other realm countless times before, we see beauty. We see beauty in the ruins of what was once magnificent, and we make it something else. No longer the foundations of a great empire, it becomes the cradle of a new world, a world that is given life by us. The players.

Even though that wonder from the first life may long be lost, we still find beauty, even in the same scenery. Even when nothing we do seems to make a change, we still continue.

We persevere.

I think that’s one of the best things about this game.
